Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Missy Pissy Strikes Again: The Wet Blanket Returns!!!

The bitch is back!!!  The income is gone.  The insurance is gone.  The plan is complete.  The boyfriend is gone.  The world as Jeffrey planned it is perfect for him.  You all let it happen and now Laurie is gloating.  Just what I told you all not to let happen, you did.  Now it's time to see what else he's going to do with his wife Marilyn.

I told you all that Jeffrey was going to make every single thing that has happened to me in my life meaningless and now he has.  The rape that left me without the ability to go through a minute of the day without a headache, looks like it never even happened.  He's convinced the Palm Springs Police and the San Diego Police not to get involved.  He's convinced Christopher not to be a boyfriend.  He's convinced my friends to forget me.  He's paid off every single friend I have and now Missy Pissy is pissing all over my family.  Squatting on every single thing she and Laurie can find.

This situation happened because greedy selfish families, like yours, think of only themselves once families like mine think of you.  You never understand how selfish people can be until a billionaire, two gold digging whores, a childish millionaire brat, an executive producer marshmallow wife and a do gooder son get together and decide that your life can mean nothing if that's what they want to do.  I've never seen a more unsophisticated group of socialite garbage collectors in my life.  Only in the desert, where nonsense and law enforcement mean nothing could this happen.

I'm so unimpressed with the level of professionalism here that it underwhelms me.  There hasn't been a single ounce of professional investigation in the entire time that I have lived here.  Not one cop.  Not one investigator.  Not one informant.  Not one citizen.  Not one parent.  Nobody.  There isn't a single judge.  Nobody.  I haven't encountered a lawyer or anyone out here that knows what the justice system is supposed to be like.  Justice isn't anything like this in the real world.  Apparently this place is a vacuum of people that think that as long as you pay for it, you can do whatever you want.  I'm not the kind of person that wants to live or be near any group of people that is like this.  I've not experienced this level of corruption in my entire life.  I've never seen people that work so hard at being so evil.

The world outside of the high desert in California is nothing like what it is here.  This is corruption at it's lowest point.  The reason this place has the lowest income level of people is because there is no justice system here.  The cops are dirty.  The people are dirty.  The system is dirty.  People like Jeffrey are dirty.  The scum of the Earth are dictating to the police how to investigate.  The criminals are literally telling the police how and when they are going to be arrested.   That's not the way you go about anything.  When in the world would a suspect get a new car?  Where in the world would someone like Missy dictate the pace of an investigation and call all the shots?

I can't imagine a world where a Hollywood producer would let his son get raped and he would side with the girlfriend of the rapist?  Where in the world would that happen.  He knows whom his rapist is and he has literally decided that he would rather help the rapists girlfriend than his in the world has this come to this?

Missy Pissy.  Giggles.  Wiggles.  Jiggles.  Squeezes into something tight.  She's old.  She's cheesy.  She's too dumb to hold down a job.  She's literally getting paid to torture me.  She's literally getting paid to be a mistress.  She's literally paid three times more to do nothing at all.  All she does is tell people not to bother Jeffrey...that's it.  She spies on the police.  She spies on me.  She steals bank account numbers and gives them to Laurie.  She steals information.  She keeps Jeffrey from talking to my parents when the police told him to...and what is her purpose?  She's a fucking crook.  She won't leave.  She won't go away.  The police don't want her there and it's their that professional?  That's not professional.   How can this be a police investigation and the police not be able to get her out of there?  That's not professional!  Period.  It's just not!  She does not belong there.  She's a suspect.  A suspect does not belong there.  Where is the cop's professionalism?

Jiggles and wiggles needs to leave and stop bothering the police.

Missy came here for one hurt me.  She wants another killing.  She wants to kill another person in my family with Laurie.  That's always been the plan.  She's got Jeffrey all horny for it and he won't stop until it happens.  He's got a great big Jew hard on for it and now he won't stop until Missy gets what she wants.

That's the whole plan.  Isn't he the greatest man on Earth.  

All this because I wanted to help his son.  Wish I never had.