Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hoo Are You? Not My Best Friend Any More...

I'm exhausted with this friendship owned by his parents.  He's the nicest person I've ever had to stop being friends with.  I've never met a kinder more creative and intelligent person with less individuality in my life.  The chains that bind this kid to his father are so thick that you can't make an impression that his father can't destroy.  If any of my friends wanted to be friendly with him I would advise against it.  It isn't because he isn't the most terrific and wonderful human being on this horrible planet, it's because his parents are two of the most controlling and manipulative animals that I have ever known.  There is no excuse for two people to have ruined our friendship based on honesty and a love for helping other people.  The only reason this was done was out of pure jealousy and hatred by an overbearing father whose need to be right is far stronger than his need to be a loving and caring parent.

The problem with this friendship was maturity.  I am a 48 year old man and he is a 30 something adult that isn't mature enough to make his own decisions and stick to them.  His mother is completely controlled by her husband whom has a death grip on his son.  His own dreams and aspiration of becoming his own terrific person are destroyed by his own father's greed, misguided hatred for my family, need to be right especially when he is wrong and to play games with poor people to teach them lessons that could be taught with conversations instead of heartbreak.   There are some relationships in life that are worth fighting for and I've fought for nine full years, but the fight is one sided.  When only one friend is fighting for a friendship the friendship isn't worth it.

This "father" is nobody that can be reasoned with.  His mother doesn't care about anything but making her husband happy.   My friend has become nothing more than a showpiece and excuse maker for his less than desirable father.  His father wanted to see me use drugs again so that he could have an excuse to keep us from being friends.  He tested me to see if I was worthy of his friendship and I complied.   After nine full years of testing and complying I've decided that his father isn't worthy of my friendship for his son.  No father has the right to continue to spend x amount of money trying to kill a family to make a point.  Murder is where I draw the line on friendship.  There is no amount of money or fame or movie or book that will ever replace what his father took from my family.  Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief is a game rich assholes play because they want to show other rich people what someone is made of.  What it really is, is a game rich people play because they don't have any kind of moral fiber in their own lives.  They have no heart, no soul, no spirit, no humanity left.  They are cold heartless careless machines that think that money bought them a privilege that only God has.  Giving Jeffrey access to my thinking was to show him the purity of my intentions, he completely used that against me and now thinks of it as "Oh he'll forgive me for anything I do to him."  That wasn't the point.

I'm a good person.  Good people have good thoughts in their heads about people as often as they can and I won't let Jeffrey or Marilyn Katzenberg change that no matter how hard they try to make me look like the criminals they've become.  I'm not going to let their hate make me the bad guy here.  I'm the person that their son sought out for help and I did my best to help him.  I shook his hand and said, "I will help you", it was Jeffrey that said, "No you won't."  Make no mistake, I did not go back on my promise, Jeffrey destroyed that friendship opportunity after thousands of attempts.  He is an evil man with evil intentions.

So in keeping with my promise to help his son, I will stop being his friend.  It is the only way I can think of that Jeffrey will finally see his son as a victim of rape and a victim of this crime instead of the bastard who is a friend of his enemy, "that motherfucker Kevin Bond!"  I can't help him by being his friend.  I can only help him by not being his friend.  His father and mother require that.  So we're no longer friends.  As you wish King Jeffrey.