Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The REAL Meaning of the HRC's National Coming Out Day

Before I get the lecture from all of the mentors that I have in the LGBTQ community and all of the PFLAG people that I love so much, I do realize that the blog header above isn't exactly in the spirit of the HRC's National Coming Out Day Campaign.  This is a day to be comfortable and to feel the love of our community and friends that will support you beyond words and beyond fear.  I am probably the first person to accept you and probably the first person to tell you that things only get better from here!

If you are coming out today, congratulations!  You have just taken the first step in your life to true happiness.  You can now understand what love is.  Unconditional love beyond what you have known within even your own family in a world where people accept not only you, but the person that you love and whom you are!  It's an amazing experience that is so much more than sexual acceptance.  It's the complete package of happiness.  It is that is that life changing.

Coming out...that phrase always seems so awkward for people.  I like to call it being honest with yourself or being honest with your family and friends.  It's not like you are sitting in some closet somewhere hiding right?  It's more like you are living two lives inside of one body.   I still do that with this crime.  I try all the time to stop feeling that way, by being honest about what I am going through on this blog and on the television news stories that you see on the right.

The reason that you are reading what I am saying above is because it is PART OF THE CRIME...what Laurie and Brian know about the sexuality of other people juxtaposed to their own crimes and perverse way of expressing their own sexual advances towards these victims IS PART OF THIS CRIME.  IT IS ABUSIVE AND IT IS AN ASSAULT.  What needs to be expressed above is difficult with Laurie constantly crying wolf about her sexuality being an issue.  It isn't.  Her sexuality has nothing to do with the investigation of this crime.  This crime has to do with rape, intentional infection of disease, stalking and organized crime against the victims.  None of that is sexual, it is violent.