Morally Conscious

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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Nasty Little Liar: Lori's Hopes Of A Fresh New Start In Arizona Didn't Last Long Did They Margie? Tracy? Robbin? She Needs To Be Taken Back To Arizona!


What Lori Jean LaFond knows about the law could fit into one of her syringes, and she can shoot it up her left arm for all I care. I didn't spend the better part of my life studying the law to allow some high school dropout with a fake ID (like a teenager) to run my life. I'm not down for the problems she has planned for everyone while she sits around waiting for the law to catch up with her.

I have an opinion that I'd like to ask my friends who took Lori LaFond to Sedona, Arizona, to see if I am right.  First, she was a last-second addition to your plans, correct?   She couldn't stop talking about me, my sister, and my family, correct?  Showed you my stolen yearbook?  Talked about being "a whole new person" as soon as she crossed into Arizona, didn't she?  Did she seem like she was following me to Sedona, or did she act like it was some kind of coincidence?  It wasn't btw, by the way Lori was planning to confront me there anyway.   My sister and mom planned that trip to our timeshare at the Sedona Summit.  Did she talk about it?

I know my friends, who gave her a ride, would never have initially taken her if they knew I was there, so this must have been in the car.  She got arrested with you guys for stealing and drugs, right?  She told you her brother, Brian, was on his way too, right?  Well, that is a good idea for local law enforcement to know.  Lori skipped out of Arizona with three or more cases against her, and the charges are very serious.  She needs to be found by the U.S. Marshals' service, but if I do it, she will know.  Can one of you do us a favor and contact the US Marshal with what you can provide?  I'll take any of the cases that she skipped out on at this time.  It's time to return her to her cases that she skipped out on.

I especially think it is odd that the "job" Lori was there to do is still the exact same job she is doing right now.  Stalking is a problem.  Stalking someone you raped is a PROBLEM.  Stalking MULTIPLE PEOPLE YOU RAPED is a serious enough crime to pick you up and dump you right back in Arizona.   Yes, folks, this girl is so laser beam-focused on my family and the problems that she can cause, she has literally forgotten about all the problems that she caused while stalking me in Arizona.    This is the case of Lori Jean LaFond, the child-woman who doesn't think the law applies to her.  But it does.  How is she still free to roam about threatening people who know the truth?

Lori LaFond is no hide-and-seek champion.  She isn't invisible.  She isn't able to go without sleep without drugs.  She isn't a cop.  She isn't a lawyer.  She is a criminal.  She is the highest order of criminal, and she is at the top!  She should have been put on the U.S. Marshalls' Top 10 list a long time ago.  Why she isn't there now is a mystery.  How long can powerful and rich families keep my family in danger?  What did I do to deserve this much hatred from all of you?  I worked harder and longer than anyone on this case for YOU ALL.  Now it's like everyone is happy, so they deserted me.

I have no other choice but to pursue other avenues of relief.  I can't live like this any longer.  I have already given up more of my life than I wanted to for this crime.  I devoted every single minute to her arrest, long before I knew it was Lori Jean LaFond.  People had to be eliminated.  Now I am so sure that I will contact my high school friends to help me put her in jail for good.  I'm done messing around with people who think my life isn't worth saving.    If my life isn't worth saving, what is yours worth?

When I decided to come forward and tell the truth about this crime, it was out of fear for my own life and the lives of my friends.  Slowly but surely, they all left me here alone with Lori and all the people that effected her escape from an Arizona prison.  I've had more problems to deal with than anyone has, but I still believed that it would come to an end if everyone stopped helping Lori get away with it.   The people that I know went to Arizona with her, and their husbands remain a great source of information.  I could find the home she destroyed there and the owner who desperately wants her found.  I am sure that there are the boys and their father that also want Lori stopped.  There was a time when I believed my friends would help these boys.  They didn't, so I will.

This "leave Kevin's family to die" approach is tired and ineffective.  I've been stalked and harassed for so long now that I have to do what I can to find the people involved and have them in an Arizona court.  It is the only thing that I have left.  Nobody wanted me, and I sure didn't want Lori.

This "approach" is no different than it was in Sedona for me.  Evil all around, and nobody doing what they should to stop the threat of a homicidal maniac.  The only difference now is I have no friends to help me do anything.  They all fell away and moved into a comfortable life meant for them only.  It was so comfortable that they forgot everything Lori did to them and everyone else.  That must be a luxurious feeling.   Like a life sentence being removed from your sentence.  What I've had to deal with was the complete use of my family against me.  Nobody did anything to help, and they wonder why they still hear Lori barking at them all day and night.  It won't ever stop on its own.  Didn't you all know that?  

I've had to move over four times since I've been here.  I've had to deal with Lori trained rogue employees, some of whom were very dangerous.  I've had my entire bank account stolen.  I've had my mother's Alzheimer's.  I've had my father's surgeries.  All kinds of shit from Missy Erickson and her way to destroy lives...and yet, I didn't abandon anyone.  You abandoned me.  Let's keep that straight.  I waited and waited, but nothing happened.  Not one damn thing.  So now I have to protect myself.  It's time for the end of this system and the end of Lori's reign of terror over my family.

When I go after a fugitive, it is without prejudice to the friends, family, or anyone that helped her.  I have no obligation greater than the public's safety.  I've been patient, and I've been understanding when I should have been far more aggressive in finding the answers that so many people are hiding from the police.  I want to remove the cancer in my family, not let it grow until it kills again.  She threatened our kids again today....and I don't like waiting for her attitude to change.