Lori LaFond is fuming at Missy Erickson once more, or at least that’s the image she wants to project to everyone around her. It seems that part of their strategy to evade charges involves a tactic of portraying themselves as a "good scam artist vs. bad scam artist."This is how they first earned the favor of the Katzenberg family. Like my sister and me, Missy Erickson met Jeffrey by pretending to be angry at Lori LaFond, making him believe she was on our side. Three days later, the mantra became: "Don't ever help Kevin. That's a pretty quick turnaround for these two professional emotional terrorists, but it only works until the truth is told to everyone.
My guard was up immediately. I put my money into an account that could not be accessed by ATM. This was a big blow to Lori's plans to steal the money I had saved for an attorney. Instead, she sent Missy Erickson over, knowing that Lori LaFond had stolen insurance money from her husband's death and used that to cajole the money out of my account. This is Good Missy vs Bad Lori. Both are on the scam, but Lori doesn't like when her past is used against her. Unfortunately, that is going to continue. Lori is a fugitive from a shooting where my best friends were inside the home. She was looking for me. She even said so. When her friend was run over that night, she blamed me and said I was there. I wasn't. I was safely at my friend's home, far away from Lori's diabolical plan.
So I foiled her fantasy with my father. I foiled her plan to commit a violent act against me. It's of no surprise that almost two years later, she would stalk me to Palm Springs, then infect me with HER AIDS virus. She still says she doesn't have AIDS. Why won't she test?
She did manage to force her brother to shoot at me in San Diego, then tried to kill me again just down the street from Police Headquarters in Palm Springs (Lori lived just around the corner).
So when I say that Lori LaFond is hanging on by a thread, I want you to know the exact position we have her in. First, she is a fugitive from that 1985 shooting and possibly others. She pleaded guilty to those charges. She didn't serve her sentence, and a warrant was issued. She ran to Palm Springs as a fugitive. That's an easy arrest and incarceration. Then, Lori managed to pretend to work for the City of La Quinta so she could file a restraining order against me that was so homophobic I could tell it was the same girl from high school. She then went to Arizona, during her own restraining order, to follow me and kill me, Anthony, and Jonathan Mendenhall. Don't believe me? Then why is there an obituary for Jonathan Mendenhall and his father when they are key witnesses for the arrests that Lori was involved in while there?
So then, Lori committed bail fraud, for which there are more warrants for her arrest. So she is a fugitive from two states with arrest warrants, and in one case, she's already plead guilty. This is an arrest and incarceration...without a trial. Lori is in the worst position a female could find herself in. She is one thoughtful arrest away from handing over the system that ruined so many lives all over the world. This is exciting for my team, Lori is being a bitch about it.
We need someone to arrest her who is very well aware of who she is and what she has done, but first things first. Lori has a sentence to finish...a 13-year sentence which may go up since she violated her plea agreement. I've been told that some participants in the shooting did time. Why isn't Lori, the instigator of that whole situation, being held to the same standard? Lori actually pushed a kid under a moving vehicle and broke his femur and hip. Lori's parents paid for the injuries because of Lori's underaged involvement however, she was treated as an adult for the shooting. Lori ran away because she got caught and sentenced. This is why she told everyone that they couldn't be my friends in Palm Springs and why I'm the person that MOST people like and know. I was the school vice president, and she was the school drug dealer. I went to college, and Lori went to Palm Springs to hide. I worked for the U.S. Department of Justice, and Lori pretended to work for the Palm Springs Police Department. There is a big difference between the two of us.
Lori is just mad. I caught her in her lies and mistakes because I do the job that nobody else wanted to do. I had no choice in the matter; I love life and didn't want to die at her hands. So I fought back against the well-oiled crimes against gays in Palm Springs, CA. I know her. I should be the one to tell the story the way it really is, not Lori's methed-out version of "Jeffrey's personal assistant."; Jeffrey is the father of my friend, a victim of this crime, not Lori's employer.
Lori is hanging on to a string that is freying and just about to break. Wonder what this is going to look like? If I know Lori, she'll kick and scream and be a general pain in the ass to the judge that does her identity and removal hearings, but the Arizona people already know about her immaturity and lack of intelligence. Afterall, she escaped them with a lie.