Morally Conscious

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Sunday, January 19, 2025

How Can She Say, "I Want People To Fear Me," and Not Be A Terrorist? When Will This Nightmare End???


There is a world of hypocrisy surrounding Lori Jean LaFond's torture, revealing the extent of her psychological issues. The days of Lori claiming to the police or anyone who would listen that everyone who hears her voice is some kind of drug-addicted schizophrenic are over.  Knowing what she tells our families, we could never have listened to the same thing initially.  People can't have a group hallucination.  When that hallucination is limited to gay men, you get the impression that something has happened that is closely related to a crime.

I had the experience of being followed by many people on the California freeways.  I didn't hear voices during the initial part of this crime. I started keeping diaries about the experience so that I could discuss it without sounding crazy. I was aware it was happening. Lori began contacting my friends and family, telling lies about me.  She began by contacting my sister and brother-in-law; the main targets of her harassment or at least the people she wanted to involve in her life.  I certainly would never have spoken to Lori and didn't tell anyone about the kinds of things Lori had to say.  She consistently meets people I know and always manages to spread negativity about me. She is the epitome of an obsessed stalker. She spends all day and night searching for a way to enter my world.  It's been this way since I was 19 and she raped me.  The rape coincided with the implantation of a stolen military microchip and the intentional infection of HIV.  She really had a death wish for me much earlier than people knew.

I would discover just how genuine that death wish was after she attempted to harm some girls at a slumber party that I obviously did not attend. I've heard stories claiming she thought I was present, and I've always known deep down that she was a violent person who wanted me dead.  Officer John Pecorrella would probably have been the best source of Lori's obsession with my family.  His daughter was inside the home targeted by Lori LaFond, which was shot twice in three days.  The home belonged to my best friend, Becky, and Lori likely assumed I would be there, so she showed up with a gun. I have heard that Lori falsely claimed I was driving a car that ran over one of her friends she brought to Becky's home.

Once again, another fantasy of Lori LaFond ended in violence, resulting in the destruction of a lifelong friendship that I truly valued.  Since Lori LaFond backed out of her guilty plea sentence after being granted a self-surrender date for prison, I am still unable to reconnect with the friends who were inside that home. It would be too dangerous for both them and me.  Lori attended our 20-year high school reunion to see Becky.  This was definitely not permitted by Lori's plea agreement, and I can tell you that Lori tried everything possible to pressure me into attending the event. Lori has previously done this by calling my sister or persuading people I know to call me to attend.  What did Lori intend to do if Becky and I were in the same room?  Lori felt ignored when I didn't give her the attention she sought, which ultimately led her to organize a shooting in San Diego.  We also know that when I was back in Palm Springs, CA after the shooting that she drugged and raped me a second time resulting in a smashed skull.

 The second rape in Palm Springs occurred almost 20 years after she infected and implanted me. The second rape in Palm Springs occurred almost 20 years after she infected and implanted me.  By this time, Lori had decided to sit on the microphone and scream Steven and me.  The attacks throughout the night, occasionally extending for days at a time.  I was asked by Bryan Anderson, with both of my parents present, if I was interested in doing some informant work for him; the rape was two or three days later.  Apparently, Lori LaFond was jealous about being asked to do this kind of work.  I didn't accept at the time and wanted to think about it.

When I was raped and my skull was smashed to pieces, I went to the emergency room at the local hospital and was told that there was nothing wrong with me.  I, of course, knew that wasn't the case.  I went back two or so days later because my brain had swollen so much that it was splitting my skull apart. Again, I was told nothing was wrong and no cop came to the hospital to take my bloody clothing or my report.  I was told by Bryan Anderson to call the police department and report the rape from home.  That was a disaster too.  The cop was clearly not interested in my condition or mental health.  He was back the very next day to arrest me at my neighbor's home.  Then I was arrested again the next morning trying to retrieve the mail for Steven Frey who was in the hospital dying.  So once I reported the rape, I became a target for the police who summarily arrested me three more times for "drugs" and I was tested each and every time with no drugs in my system.  In other words, I was being punished for reporting my rape even though my skull was smashed and my clothes were bloody.

I never saw the MRIs from the hospital and was shown someone else's X-rays both times.  The MRIs clearly show a very bad skull injury consistent with being bludgeoned.  Then came the crime lab report that showed two assailants; a brother and a sister.  That is when the rape investigation went from a rape to a "Lori LaFond thing".  There is apparently a big difference between the two.  A rape would get a prosecutor involved immediately, but a "Lori LaFond Thing" gets covered up.  That's how it worked in Palm Springs, Ca.

Following the hospital's mistakes, there was a postcard sent to my home with my face being punched.  The picture was clearly my face and was from the rape.  I was also seen at my clinic where I was told that I was exposed to but not infected with Hep C and tuberculosis.   This isn't something that happens so it was clear that there was a rape and whoever committed it beat me and tried to infect me with Hep C, HIV, tuberculosis, and I got syphilis.  I was treated for syphilis.  I didn't have that the month before the rape either.  So the rapists were clearly people that were sick and were not taking care of their health.  This is consistent with Lori and Brian LaFond; both needle users.

Then came the informant work because I was tired of being arrested for no reason at all.  I have never been convicted of a drug crime because I was never on drugs when Lori would call her Gestapo police officers who apparently believe that every gay man is on drugs.  That isn't true.  I ask you this, why would Lori know so much about people on drugs if she wasn't involved in drugs herself?  She was already a fugitive the entire time she was implanting police at the PSPD.  They were literally implanted by a fugitive in a case that involved shooting at students in high school.  This department needs an education as to who they got involved with.

Of course, then I did the work like a professional informant would do.  I figured out how to put the information where she couldn't change it or delete it.  Believe me, if she doesn't want you talking to your police contact you won't.  She reads the City of Palm Springs emails and logs into the officers' emails to delete anything she doesn't like.  She sends emails from her phone to officers' accounts.  She steals crime lab reports from officer's emails.  She literally is committing crime after crime against the police who are oblivious.  I can only imagine the lies she told them about me.  I really don't even care at this point.  I am by far more experienced in the federal court system than any of them are.

This girl stalked me to Arizona while she had a bogus restraining order against me.  She ordered my friends to meet with her while she was there.  This is all stalking.  This is all illegal.  She is the person who did this.

Lori wants to create fear in her victims and the fear is real because of all the mistakes that the police and others have made.  There has never been a mistake in my favor this whole time.  I can tell you that this is a targeted and intentional infliction of emotional distress because I know her and I know her past.

When will this nightmare end?  When someone decides that Lori LaFond isn't worth the cost to the People of the State of California and the Citizens of the United States.  Do we really need a drug dealer fugitive with absolute authority?  NO!  That's not what I pay taxes for and you shouldn't either.  This is going on all over the country and parts of the world because of her system of mind reading.  It was supposed to keep military families safe and all it did was put them in danger along with the unknowing public that Lori hates openly.