You know the old saying right? Too many chefs in the kitchen, spoil the broth. What was essential in this investigation was the pursuit of a prosecutor. Someone who accepts the case and acts according to the law.
It was the exact same thing that happened when I reported my rape. I should have been entitled to a prosecutor, but instead, my case was hand selected to Detective Browning who probably couldn't find his butthole with his finger. He didn't do anything that he was supposed to off the top. He didn't turn in my bloody clothing for eight full months. He didn't call the district attorney's office for Riverside County so that I could speak to anyone. He told me that unless the clothing came back with DNA to prove the rape, no prosecutor would be contacted even though I never mentioned anything like that to him. That call came from out of the blue. When the clothing did come back with two different samples of DNA besides my own, he still balked at contacting a district attorney. So he lied.
When he got a picture postcard of my face being punched out as an advertisement for an art show called "Perspectives", he said it wasn't my face. I think I know my own face. I'm pretty sure he doesn't.
When the MRIs from the hospital came out instead of the X-rays that the hospital showed me, it was clear that whatever was going on, needed a prosecutor. So I began to work even harder on my investigation into the San Diego shooting.
It's hard to imagine so many people doing so little or so much. There is so little to stop this crime and so much to keep it going. It's hard for a person like me to understand that law and order isn't something that is practiced out here in the desert. They have a different way of seeing the law. Apparently, it is okay to break the law just as long as it benefits the police and Lori LaFond. That doesn't seem to work very well for our community or the public. They just simply sweep everything under the carpet not realizing that Lori takes it as permission to continue to rape and steal. I've seen it for so long now that I think it is obvious. So have others.
In the absence of a police officer willing to work towards a solution to this crime because of their involvement with it, I did what was necessary to bring this case to the people of the State of California and the Citizens of the United States. I would still like to see an honest cop from Palm Springs, CA, but I'm pretty sure that there isn't one. They had a rat infestation in their department and I came to exterminate them. The outsourcing of private law enforcement materials to a local drug dealer had taken its toll. Lori LaFond became the department's snitch and blackmailer. She got copies of the Riverside Crime Lab report in my case long before I did, and so did her network of spies. Apparently, Lori was looking for a way out of the crime lab report that pointed directly at her and her brother. There is also a film, pictures (see the postcard), and an audio recording of my rape that nobody seems to think is important, but I do.
You see there were far too many chefs in the kitchen to make broth. Broth, is the easiest thing in the universe for a chef to make, but with all the experts, parents, and victims, not one single person thought to go to a prosecutor to get the case into the right hands. For me, what is second nature, is a myth to others. It just makes them all squirm with doubt. I don't know why? Maybe it is due to all the problems that the Riverside County District Attorney's Office has with the LGBTQ+ community of Palm Springs, CA? Maybe the victims have just been so victimized that they don't trust district attorneys. I am not of that mindset. I worked with the very best United States Attorney's Office in the country in San Diego. I know that good prosecutors would look at this evidence and be thrilled with what my team tried to do. It was handled completely professionally unit one father decided it wasn't. Too many chefs, remember...
Lori's stalking of my friends and me to Arizona just showed exactly who the rapist was and who was behind all of the covering up of evidence. Missy Erickson was there too. Now Missy Erickson lives with the same person that she bailed out of the courtroom. This is an illegal relationship by the law. Missy is a convicted felon, she should never have stepped into a courtroom to vouch for Lori LaFond, no matter what fake ID she used. It was a poor decision by a desperate scam artist. If you want me to think something like that is brilliant, you are talking to the exact wrong guy. It isn't a mistake, it is a felony. Those don't really happen when you are of the right mind and under the correct supervision. I can't imagine that she got away with it twice. It isn't funny nor is it respectful of the victims.
So I have left the kitchen to deal with my own investigation. I don't really need other chefs telling me how to do everything that I am already trained to do. I also do not need any more chefs trying to derail my own investigation because they too will be the people that are charged in the end. I don't believe in what has transpired but I also did not have any choice in the matter. If I did, I would have said so.
This crime needs an ending and it will be worse than what it should have been simply because nobody listened to the person with the most experience in these matters, me.
I've really lost all interest in this crime and if it wasn't for the commitments that I've made to other people, then I would have ended my participation a long time ago. It cost me everything and everyone but me benefitted. It's really a shame to learn about the bad in people the way I've had to, but I'm learning more about myself every single day.
A few minutes ago Lori said on the microphone, "I just want to strangle everyone's families!" A not very pleasant thought when you consider that my family is the only one that the father left completely uninformed. Bryan Anderson should have known better. Thanks a lot guys.