It is straightforward for me to make sense to the victims of this crime and to the people who have heard Lori Jean LaFond screaming and yelling at everyone on the microphone from her living room. She is always "UPSET" which is another way of telling everyone she is "ANGRY". She has described herself as someone who wants to scare or make people afraid of her. When you are a person like me, who has been shot at, beaten, and raped by Lori and her brother, these are not empty threats.
Lori has spent years threatening me and members of my family directly and indirectly through her friends and other people. She has consistently followed me and my friends from California to Arizona making attempts to take our lives. She likes to plant drugs on people. She likes to use fake IDs with our names on them to effect false warrants for us. She likes to take her tiny hand gun and shoot through windows; something she did in high school too. Everything she does is to effect a terrorist attack.
I believe that she is mentally on the edge of a huge attack on families in our area. She and her friends are self-proclaimed "family attackers" who like nothing more than to steal identities, steal bank accounts, threaten, and in some cases kill people. Lori is a very dangerous person with a very long history of mental illness and violence. She is a fugitive who has gotten away with lying to everyone for decades. It is time that someone put a stop to her intentional spreading of diseases, her mental and emotional abuse of families, and put her in jail for the crimes that she is already convicted of and for the others she committed while out as a fugitive. She has no right to be around my family as I am a police informant. It has been too long of a battle to stay alive with the deadly diseases she has given me and others to allow her to continue to take our livelihood, our opportunities, and our families away from us. She is nothing more than a serial killer that nobody has done anything about for years.
She needs the courts, the hospital, and her real family to take care of her mental and legal problems once and for all. Let the law enforcement of the United States put her in custody for mental health examination and hospitalization so that her victims no longer have to fear her infecting them with her diseases so she can steal their medications. It is a nightmare living with Lori LaFond in my life. I want everyone to be safer and not live in fear of her ever again.
In the meantime, she is still on the loose. Still trying to make sure she isn't charged for the murder of my brother-in-law, my shooting and rape. She is as bad as a criminal can get, but she is still able to trade drugs for violence and that is a problem!!!