False accusations and lies, these are two of the cornerstones of Lori LaFond and Missy Erickson's domestic terrorism. Using their access to the victims of electronic harassment that were raped, the girls have used their sick imaginations to continue to harass the very people that they stalk.
Practically every single member of my family has had the experience of Lori LaFond contacting someone that they are married to, are dating, or are friendly with, to say that my father molested a student back in the 1970's. The truth that Lori Jean LaFond is NOT telling you is that SHE MADE THE WHOLE THING UP...according to the studen, his family, Lori's family, and a jury of his peers. The not guilty verdict was not a surprise to anyone but Lori LaFond. Since then whenever we are in any kind of relationship you can almost count on the other person hearing from Lori to try to sell that story again. Stalking me, a child witness in the case, testifying for the defense, was a huge mistake for the LaFonds. We even have a video tape of Lori LaFond lying to Christopher Monti about this crime while she masterbates herself with no less than four hot dogs inside my friend Martin's home!!! In light of that, we have more burning questions for Lori LaFond and her friend, Missy Erickson.
So, I don't know what it is about these girls and why they get off on stalking families of their rape victims, but I do know that I've seen this since I was about 11 years old from Lori Jean LaFond. Since I don't know Missy Erickson, I can only guess that her drug addiction and personal past must have collided with Lori's need to falsely accuse people of crimes. It is no secret that Missy Erickson likes girls, ie a lesbian. Lori Jean LaFond has claimed not to be a lesbian, but we have pictures and tons of content to the contrary. Of course we know that Lori sexually assaults men, but that isn't about sex, it is about violence. Personally, I know she is a lesbian but is closeted. Her family knows it too.
So whatever it is that these girls, now 57 and 60+ get off on, all I can say is "liar liar, panties on fire!"
Questions for the Lesbian Mafia of Palm Springs, CA. :
1. How long have Lori Jean LaFond and Missy Erickson known each other?
2. We know that Lori LaFond frequented the Gentlemen's Club where Missy Ericson worked...was Lori a lesbian then?
3. Lori did you rape Missy Erickson? Implant her? Infect her with HIV?
4. There are witnesses to Lori LaFond's relationship with Missy Erickson, do you know who they all are? Have you contacted them all Lori?
5. Did Lori LaFond rape Missy Erickson's roommates? Females? Infections?
6. Your Tax ID's don't show income for many years? Why? How do you make a living girls?
7. Lori, when you raped Benjamin Katzenberg you said, "Now you are going to do what my sisters tell you to do from now on!" Is Missy one of these sisters? Who else? Bessie Smith? Leah Fauntleroy?
8. This "sisters" thing Lori LaFond says is puzzling, what is a "sister" to Lori?
9. Missy, what was your role in the job I did for the two lesbians in Palm Desert across from the Living Desert? Was this your sister's (Jessica Erickson) doctor friend? The physical therapist that Lori LaFond stalked?
10. Missy, where have you and Lori been living near each other for the last 30 plus years?
11. Lori LaFond tells everyone that Missy Erickson was in Playboy? Awesome, what month and year? I want to express my full support for the men and women working in adult entertainment, including dancers, strippers, and performers. I have many friends in this field, and they are truly wonderful people. Lori's actions affected some of them, while others were targeted because of my friendships with them. I would never turn my back on these individuals.
12. I've heard that you girls targeted Jeffrey Katzenberg's family and stalked them. We have proof. When did this start? Did my friend who worked for Jeffrey play a non-inclusive role? Danny Ortiz, Lori. Remember him? Lori once tried to have my father accused of molesting him while he was a minor too. Lori was an adult then. Did Lori spy on my friend Danny to get intel on Jeffrey?
13. Did you girls attend a Palm Springs High School graduation that included David and Laura Katzenberg? We know that Lori stole Laura Katzenberg's graduation project and we have pictures so don't lie girls.
14. Did Lori LaFond use neighbor David's thinking to target the Hilton family members when they were in Palm Springs? Did you girls target Barron Hilton? Did you set him up?
15. My idea for finding out who the intentional infector of HIV was forensic epidemiology and the AIDS virus' direction of infection. Were you tested for this Missy Erickson? Bessie Smith? Leah Fauntleroy? If you were infected by Lori Jean LaFond, would you press charges against her?
16. Missy, if you could take back one of your many lies to your parents, what would it be? Are there more? Why now?
17. Missy, you know some girls are disappointed in the lies you have told your sister...what do you have to say to them? Have you claimed that my girls are lying? These are girls who don't lie. I am disappointed in you. Please set a better example.
18. Lori, how many underage minors have you molested? On film?
19. Lori LaFond, when was the last time you texted Melissa's father? Mother? Sister? G.S.?
20. Lori, do you work for the police anywhere? What is your real relationship with Bryan Anderson? Remember Lori I remember a lot of things.
21. When was the last time Lori LaFond logged into the City of Palm Springs, CA email system? Who do you pretend to be when you do that? Do you download private files? Videos from the PSPD system? Who do you pretend to be when you send emails from that system? Do you know how illegal that is?
22. When did Lori LaFond get the crime lab report from my rape? How did you obtain that? Why would you want it? Who did you send it to? Did your mother really find it?
23. When you text the Erickson Family, does Lori pretend to be Missy Erickson? Here's a hint for them. Whenever Lori sends a text she likes to include the name of the sender she is pretending to be. For example, when she would send me a text from Steve Frey, she would sign it Steve F. after she wrote the most incriminating things. This is so Lori knows what she has said on behalf of other people on the multiple phones she uses portable phone numbers with.
24. What is the worst message you have sent to Mr. Erickson? Mrs. Erickson? Jessica Christine Erickson? Are you aware that texts of this nature are considered elderly abuse? The texts to Jessica are harassment and terrorist threats are handled by the Central Violations Bureau of their closest federal court. Go see one of their sessions and speak to an AUSA!!!
25. Lori, have you contacted the Southern District of California employees? Did you take pictures of them? Did you tell them you worked for Jeffrey Katzenberg? Have you called them on their private work numbers? Did you talk to my judge's chambers when I worked there? Did you tell anyone to "bomb the front entrance of the Charles A. Schwartz Federal Courthouse"; that's where I worked Lori.
26. Did Lori LaFond or Missy Erickson contact my attorney Lisa Damiani during my employment at the USDC? Afterwards? Have you contacted my friend Jamie Ferrara, her husband, or her father? Did you photograph them? Send people to stalk their homes? Did you photograph Jamie Ferrara's family members, Mike Petrik, Asst. United States Attorney? This is a huge violation of federal law. Don't do it again.
27. Lori and Missy, are you in receipt of federal employees' phone lists that you stole from my belongings that were sent to me by the court?
28. Lori, have you or Missy Erickson talked to Tina Bancroft or my friend John Morrill, Clerk of Court about me or Jeffrey Katzenberg?
29. Lori or Missy did you have my friend Jamie Ponzio followed? Her family members? Is anybody from the U.S. Marshals Office in San Diego? Did you call them? This is a very bad idea for a federal fugitive from Arizona or California. The US Marshalls have a very high rate of arrests for fugitives.
30. Did you call Sam Hammrick while he was the Clerk of Court for the Southern District of California? While I was employed there? After I was employed there? What did you tell him Lori? How did you know that?
31. Lori, have I ever spoken to you in person other than to respond to you ambushing me with gay slurs back in the 1980's? Did we ever have a friendship? Did I ever work for your organization or family? Have you told people otherwise? Why? We are not friends, I have never worked anywhere near Lori LaFond. We did not date. We have not had sex...eww. We have never done drugs together. I do not like Lori LaFond. I would not speak to her in person unless my life was in danger. So if Lori tells you differently, she is lying.
32. Has Lori ever pretended to be Jessica Erickson, Missy Erickson's sister? Have you ever pretended to be Jackie Palmer/LaFond? When? Why? In writing? On the phone? In person? Under arrest?
33. Has Lori or Missy ever plead guilty to a felony? Under other people's names or your own? What was the sentence? Did you serve it?
34. Has Lori LaFond ever contacted Commissioner Best or Cribbs chambers? On the phone? Who did you pretend to be? Did you call the Indio booking desk for the jail? Did Lori ever contact any prisoner in protective custody over the payphone? Did you ever forward that payphone so that someone couldn't get phone calls? Why? What was the prisoner's name that you contacted? Who did you contact at the booking desk? What did you tell them? Why?
This should keep you girls busy for a while. I know the answers to these questions are the subject of many of your lies. If you lie, you should be aware that we will have already run down the truth.
We will not provide you with attorneys, that only happens once you are charged. My job is that of informant, not judge. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to plead the 5th, but be aware these questions will be asked. Just remember girls, this is an investigation into your crimes...and what you do when you are not out making money legitimately. Be smarter than you are on meth. Have fun!!!
The search for the truth is not always comfortable, but we know the answers to lots of these questions...we won't tell you which ones.
Also, if anyone out there has any answers to these questions like ear witness, eye witness, text messages, photos/videos, or anything about these questions, these are for you too!!! We can keep you anonymous and your information will be safe!!! Jeffrey will not be transferring any information to Missy Erickson or Lori LaFond. Remember we are looking for credible evidence and answers to this crime to help you!!! If you have information you can contact Benjamin or Christopher and we can put you in contact with someone who is NOT IMPLANTED for the retrieval. Oh yeah, if you have evidence of a sensitive nature like child molestation or child pornography, you can contact the police or us, but sending this information to us can be considered distribution and we don't want you getting in trouble or us. We have attorneys that can handle this transfer as well! Lets all do our best to protect the kids!!!