Morally Conscious

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Oh Yes, She's Still Talking and Threatening Everyone She Raped and Their Families!


Yeah, she's still opening that mouth of hers hoping to cause another problem.  Can you believe that Lori Jean LaFond is still able to talk when she is a fugitive, a bail jumper, a rapist, and a killer?  How about the fact that she is a notorious pedophile who likes to point fingers at innocent people for the crimes that she commits?  Not surprised?  I'm not either.  She was allowed to continue to rape, harass, and kill because she presented a false id in Arizona a couple of times and nobody pointed it out!  They just let her.  There isn't any hope for the victims of this crime under the current includes too many adults who think Lori isn't presenting an immediate threat to them so who cares?

Never mind that she has committed crimes against them.  So many crimes it is darn near impossible to count them all.  So she is allowed to sit in her drug den spewing endless amounts of lies to everyone who can hear her while she hopes that Jeffrey will hire a soldier of fortune to help her out.  What difference does it make?  Well, the money to hire a hitman would come from the tons of money that was shown to the court to exist to allow Lori and Brian to walk free.  Only ten percent of that actual money was used to secure Lori LaFond's release or should I say Laura Katzenberg?  Who knows?  All I can tell you is that a crazy person is loose on society and nobody cares again.  Thanks to the huge efforts of Jeffrey Katzenberg, fewer people know than should.  He did everything to keep Lori's mouth on a microphone to help him.  Now it is going to backfire.

He wanted her free which is evidenced by the multiple times Missy Erickson stepped up to the microphone in Arizona.  He wanted her free as evidenced by the stolen money from my mother's account.  That money would have found an attorney to stop her for good.  He wanted her free to terrorize as many people as she could.  If he didn't then why didn't he show up when she got arrested again for a crime she committed in Arizona with Margie Miller?  She didn't seem to have a problem reporting Lori LaFond as Lori LaFond.  Why does he?  In fact, she was right down the street from Jeffrey in a courtroom lying again about who she was.  He blew it on purpose so that the rest of us still have to hear her day and night.

If Margie won't tell you the truth, there are plenty of others that went with Lori to Sedona so that she could stalk me.  These girls and their husbands know exactly who Lori said was coming to Arizona.  Lori told them her brother would be there!  This is a direct violation of Lori's own restraining order and it proves that she is stalking me.  I had no clue that Lori would be in Arizona for the first time and from what I heard, she acted like she was just let go from prison when she crossed state lines.  I've heard that she acted like someone running from the law.  If that is true, then we know that there were tons of lies that she spread about me and my sister the entire time she was in that vehicle.  These are my friends and they won't lie under oath or otherwise.  So Lori has a lot of problems coming her way.

I've heard rumors that Lori had drugs in that vehicle.  Lucky for my friends, they would report Lori LaFond for those kinds of actions.  I know my friends aren't criminals.  I know them.  When I saw that Lori was with them, my first thought was that she must have lied to get them to take her.  They would never have brought her there to stalk me.  Never in a million years.

There are many witnesses to Lori's trip to Arizona.  Since she doesn't drive, then she had to find someone going that way so that she could, "Take care of some unfinished business."  Jeffrey knew that.  He heard her.  He told my friends not to mention that Lori LaFond was there.  Setting up an ambush?  Call it what you want.  It was dirty and deceitful and just about cost me my life, again.

I've heard her constant crying about how she can talk anyone into just about anything.  I am not one of those people.  Her mouth is her biggest enemy.  Her life is her biggest problem.  Her friends are the next big problem to tackle.  They need a defense for their actions and coming after me isn't going to provide that for any of them.  One more death isn't going to help them either.  One more scam isn't the answer.  One more toot of crystal meth could be their last.  I'm done dealing with this problem without law enforcement on my side.  This is a dangerous person.  She is a danger to herself and others.  I won't stand for another problem that she causes that I don't go to a courtroom for.  I will defeat her in the courts of law wherever she goes.  From now on, it's Lori vs. herself.

As far as I'm concerned many people can put Lori LaFond in a prison cell.  There is the homeowner whose house was destroyed by Lori and her drug-making friends.  There are the home owner's police reports of a huge pile of shit left behind (just like your house Marilyn but with concerned homeowners), the police officers that arrested Lori and Brian LaFond in both Phoenix and Sedona.  There are still all the players in the courtroom that saw all of these buffoons inside the court lying about where Lori was and who she was.  There are the jails that know who Lori and Brian are.  There are a ton of people that can be used to secure Lori and Brian's arrests, not just Jeffrey.  Anthony and Jonathan can tell you where Lori was and what she was saying.  Then there are all of the operators who are on this system that know Lori was there, including Rae Fernandez/Dallas who was told where Lori was.  This whole mess has to do with a lack of caring and a dulling of the senses.  This is a criminal killer on the loose, are you going to be responsible for the next Shawn Parrish?  I won't.

Lori gave him a killer pneumonia right after we got back from Sedona, Arizona, when she shouldn't have been out of jail in the first place.  She was already on pretrial release and violating her bail conditions when she decided to sell her Arizona-made drugs to my friend Shawn.  A lawyer.  Nearly all four of the people that resided with Shawn Parrish ended up in the hospital with pneumonia.  One died.  Shawn, my friend, was that one.  I will never let his name go in vain.  He was a terrific person whom I cared for very much.  Lori killed him. It's that simple.

This female should never have left the State of Arizona.  From what I understand she was supposed to be living with Jeffrey's father-in-law in Seligman, Arizona.  That's where Lori agreed to be.  This is also what Missy Erickson presented to the court.  David, Jeffrey's neighbor, is allegedly the person who told the court where Lori would be living only the name he gave was someone else's.  David pretended, allegedly, to be David Katzenberg, Lori's twin.  This person knows Mrs. Katzenberg's father and gave him up as a residence for his own granddaughter's crime.  This was a lie to the court and Jeffrey let it slide.  My friend is dead because of it.  My friend is dead but David's friend is still alive and full of disease.  Jeffrey, it is alleged, even had his own home full of Arizona-made drugs, he refused to report where they came from.

I can not sit by and let someone go around killing my friends with disease.  I can't.  If you could, then I would question whether or not you are a friend in the first place.  This isn't a question for me.  She should have been sitting in an Arizona jail when she committed that crime.  Now she sits screaming and yelling at just about everyone hoping that it will somehow make her less guilty.  Sorry, that's not the way it works.  Shawn was a good person.  A talented lawyer that Lori couldn't stop, so she killed him.  If his mother and family want to file a class action law suit or wrongful death suit, I am 100% here for them.  I know what Lori LaFond does and she shouldn't have been able to on that date at that time.  She was already a fugitive from justice!