Morally Conscious

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Sunday, December 29, 2024

Lori LaFond Is Sending Me Texts From My Niece's Phone...Remember The Video From The Video Below??? Killer Texts Kill


Well folks, Lori LaFond is at it again.

I wanted to ask Missy Erickson's family, "Do you guys still get these weird texts from your daughter, Missy, that look like they are from outer space?" I just got one tonight and am certain it was from Lori Jean LaFond.  She is determined to have me thrown out of my home with my niece so she sends these fucking weird text messages about me smoking in our home and getting fired because of it.  That isn't even funny. I am concerned about the misuse of cell phone portability that is going on.  In the past, this was the beginning of financial debt for many who got these texts.  Lori would use other people's phone numbers to send these texts, like the ones that got my brother-in-law killed.

This is a false impersonation of another person and is illegal.  Coming from Lori's home on her internet connection is important to note.  We've been dealing, as a family, with her faked texts for decades.  It is time that the military cut her connection off.  For Lori to send me this at my job she has to switch the number from my niece's phone to one in her home, then switch it back before she uses it in the morning.  I got this around 3am.  My niece and I will never fight over the stuff that Lori wants so...Lori gets mad.

Personally, I am aware of Lori reading texts from our phones too.  Wherever this computer is that she is using, needs to be raided and the drugs taken away.  A fugitive texting me in the middle of the night is not funny.  Threatening my niece's job is not funny.  Trying to cause some rift that my sister would get involved with is typical.  The last major problem that Lori caused doing this was my sister's divorce which ended up with Brian LaFond robbing their home out in Lucerne Valley.  Brian and Lori's friends robbed them of very expensive sports memorabilia that Brian wears around his home.  Pittsburgh Steeler's memorabilia from Terry Bradshaw and lots of other stuff.  Mrs. LaFond is your son a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers?  I'll just bet he is!!!

I knew Lori was doing this again when I would text my sister and my second brother-in-law and would text back saying, "Kevin, this is my phone, not your sister's."  They weren't even living in the same place.  Nobody was using their phone near the other.  I've seen this going on for so long now that I don't even let it bother me.

I love my family and I won't fight with any of them the way Lori wants me to.  Talking about my niece's place of employment shows that Lori is trying to cause her problems there too.  This could cause a problem for someone else who was using Lori as a drug dealer and used her advice for a legal matter.  This is going to get Lori in trouble, and the person that keeps buying drugs from Lori.  That home is a drug den that Lori and her friends live in.  There is so much more going on inside that squat house that I am going to the D.E.A.!

"All you have to do is clean your bedroom and bathroom," does that sound like Missy Erickson to Lori LaFond?  Lori apparently doesn't like when I help out around our home so now she wants to paint me like someone that doesn't help.  That will be quickly fixed.  I am not going to play Lori's games...she's going to play mine.  That's the job of the informant for the police by the way...I'm supposed to drag her illegal activity out into the open; not hide her away in a drug den that my family owns.  Might want to "get at it" with people who own her complex, she's going to get everyone thrown out including herself.  I don't like fugitives living across the street from my friend Margie and her husband.  Lori is dangerous and they own a business right across the highway from her...would you?