Morally Conscious

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Shadowing My Every Move To Try To Be Happy and Causing Problems Whenever It Would Happen!


You can corner him on just about anything when it comes to his undying devotion to chaos and terror.  When it comes to stalking members of my family, Jeffrey doesn't have a foot to stand on.  He refused to tell the truth to anyone and blamed it all on his lawyer.  Now we are all looking at what he did and wondering, "What's it to you old man?"  You don't care about this crime and you obviously have ignored all the crimes committed in your name.  What we don't understand is your endgame?  Why are you trying to take away every opportunity and all of my money?  Why are you stealing when you are a billionaire?  What could you possibly gain by killing an informant?

Either Jeffrey Katzenberg can't control his girlfriend that he coveted and moved in with his son or he has a death wish for me and my family.  Either way, why has this monster come after me when HIS SON asked for MY HELP?  I want him to know that when he starts treating my life and career like it is shit under his golden feet, he will lose.  He is trying to use me as some kind of bait for Lori LaFond's crimes.  I want to be sure to let all of you know that when I apply for a job, Jeffrey gets himself involved so that I won't get it; even when I am the most qualified of all!

This kind of hatred comes from a lifetime of homophobic hatred of his own father's best friend.  We all know it.  We all know that Jeffrey thinks that every gay man is interested in him.  I have news for him, they aren't wanting you or your fucking money!  It was your bad decision-making that cost you any money in this investigation and it was YOU at the helm.

You, Jeffrey, at the helm of a problem that you can't solve any longer because of your poor decision-making and your funding of a terrorist organization.  You funded their release and your children funded their drugs.  Whether you knew it or not, which we all know now, you know, your family funded terrorism, and when it wasn't funding terrorists, you were watching while they stole money from my family.  The Katzenbergs are a farce of a family.  They don't like you, they don't like your kids, and most of all, they hate anyone who would question their authority.  If you do, you will be crushed financially and opportunity-wise.   Isn't this the message that you sent to the Clerk of Court???  You are at the helm of an investigation into my own sexual assault and you are helping the girls that raped me.  There is not one single other explanation that will suffice!!!

Jeffrey was jealous that anyone could find an opportunity like that and still be able to inform the federal government that Lori LaFond was behind my shooting as a federal agent.  This is something else that Jeffrey threatened people not to tell the San Diego Police Department or the United States Government.  My friend Kenny Davenport should be arrested for his obstruction of justice and for stalking members of my family.  He took money from my sister touting protection from Lori LaFond.  It has been anything but that.  He has given her carte blanche to rob, steal, set fire to, and anything else she can think of when it comes to my life.  This man supported her release.  He should have at least been questioned by authorities but he provided the most minimal of information to law enforcement.  He deserves to be jailed for as long as the law requires.  Don't blame me, it was his choice to sleep with the enemy!!!

Just in case you aren't counting...that means that so far, Jeffrey, Marilyn, and Benjamin Katzenberg have taken every opportunity and shoved it in the trash can for the victims of this crime.  First there was the hostile takedown of my investigation into the crime of electronic harassment, then there was Arizona in 2010 when Lori was arrested more than Donald Trump.  Then there is the bailing out of my rapist that stalked me on vacation.  Then there was the theft of my mother's bank account.  Then there were the multiple trips to my parent's home to rob them.  Then there was my niece's automobile.  Then there was the job that he wouldn't let me have.  Then there was the attorney he wouldn't let me hire.  Then there was the boyfriend that he terminated.  Time after time Jeffrey and his family have failed the U.S. when it comes to protecting victims of this crime.  He alone stands with the concept that he can solve everything.  He can't.  So now that I've already been damaged to the point of fear, he wants to push me to do more?  I don't think so.  He ruined my friendships, tried to ruin my relationship with my sister, and used his own position to steal and take away every single opportunity that came my way.   For what?  For the freedom of his whore!  That's who this was for.

I want you all to know one thing.  I have never and never did want to get rid of Benjamin Katzenberg, Jeffrey did.  He wanted his son to do whatever it was he told him to do.  His son complied, now it is time for them to answer to all the lies they've told.  Apparently, they include Lori raping Benjamin and Martin.  They lied about working for the police with me.  They lied about helping the victims of this crime.  They lied about the theft of their business money.  They lied about the drugs found in their home.  They lied about the theft of their car.  They lied about stalking me to Arizona.  They lied about providing Lori LaFond with staff in Arizona there to make drugs and child porn.  They, in fact, lied about everything.  They even lied about Lori living with Jeffrey's father-in-law during the pendency of Lori's case in Arizona.  They knew Lori pretended to be the Katzenberg's daughter and they let her get away with it anyway.  This is a conspiracy that goes all the way back to Jeffrey trying to take over this case.  He is a liar and a thief.  Lie again Jeffrey, it's only going to take one more!!!

Jeffrey hates gay men so this is how it has manifested itself.  In his family, in his life, in his mind, he thinks that I am somehow the bad guy.  I have only one thing to say to him.  Go see a therapist.  You are clearly delusional and a threat to society.  Good riddance.

Without my consent and with Bryan Anderson allegedly warning them, I paid for my protection with my mother's bank account.  Jeffrey then proceeded to show everyone what he could do to hurt them if they didn't believe in his godliness.  I don't.  My religion doesn't allow it.  I believe he is a monster out of control with lies and stories about how to rob little old women and the court system.  He bailed her out.   Need we say more?

Failing to act, it a sign that this man is working for the terrorists.

Failing to prosecute shows that he is working with the criminals.

Failing to serve a warrant is a sign of weakness.

Taking away another man's/victim's opportunities is a sign of cowardice.

What exactly are you afraid of Jeffrey Katzenberg?  Are you afraid that without me you won't have someone to constantly harass?  Are you afraid that when the truth is told you won't look like a father of a victim?  Are you afraid of the choices that YOU MADE?  I tried to help you and your son.  It wasn't worth it.  It was the opposite of any kind of expected response.  What you did do instead was stalk my sister, her family, and me.  What you failed to do was tell anyone of significance that your son is a victim of this crime and that you and your wife have a long past with Lori LaFond stealing from you.  Fuck the rest of us.  You can't even stand up for your own family.  If ruining my life is your biggest goal, then you are a smaller man than I could ever put into words.

If you are of the mindset of Missy Erickson, then what I've just said sparks her need to rub up against Jeffrey like a cat in heat.  It's been well over 14 years since the Katzenbergs funded terrorism...that is long enough to sit silent.  Not one god damn thing has gotten accomplished for the victims since Jeffrey took over.  Not one!!!!  Think about what 15 years of extra freedom has given to the criminals.  That's the kind of man he is.  He gives opportunities to killers.  He ruins the lives of victims that won't let him.

I am in the middle of Christian and Lori screaming day and night trying to yell their way to freedom.  This is torture that doesn't even affect me any longer.  I've heard this girl scream and yell constantly for over 20 years and I know what to do with her now.  I just wanted you all to know that I went through my hospital stuff yesterday and the day before and everything is fine.  I am fine.  I have completed the next phase of my health concerns.  Going forward expect there to be lots of Jeffrey pushing back against the victims of this crime.  He will never admit that he was wrong to anyone.  This is narcissist versus narcissist.  We can only hope that one will destroy the other.