Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Lori Just Loves Writing The Story Of YOUR Life Through Her Malevolent Behavior...The Ends DO NOT Justify The Means!!!


...not if Lori LaFond has anything to say about it.

I've seen, first hand, the kinds of malevolent behavior that Lori LaFond has shown her whole life.  From her outrageous behavior in high school (and earlier) to faking a crime lab report and more!  What Lori is depends on who you are asking.  If you are asking her, you will get a hugely different response than you will from say, the people that she tried to kill, her family, and even her friends if they are in enough trouble.

Most people will tell you she is a gossip who spreads outrageous rumors that are both hurtful and illegal.  When she files false police reports or burns down your home, you will probably not think of Lori as the "concerned citizen" that she tells everyone that she is.  To hear her tell it, she's the world's biggest victim of just about everyone.  Isn't that the way a criminal would do things?  Seems to me that what has never happened was a true and full look into her life. 

Her military dependency was rocky, to say the least.  Her education was marred by many problems that she caused.  Her criminal activity was wiped away by cops who illegally used her system to gain illegal advantages over innocent men and women.  She will tell you all that she graduated from college and high school, and even though I saw her at her high school graduation, I still get this really uneasy feeling that someone who tried to kill people weeks earlier was able to produce a diploma that isn't faked or a background check that shows the life of a normal citizen with earnings under her own social security number.  The fact is that on paper, that she hasn't created, Lori doesn't exist.  I assure you she does.

Rarely does Lori appear in person anywhere as herself.  She's deathly afraid that the crimes she committed at 17 will come back to haunt her, and they should.  It was the crime she committed against my father when she was 12 that should have put her away for a long time.  When it didn't, Lori began looking for all the people who truthfully testified against her lies resulting in a full acquittal of my dad.  She wanted revenge for the fantasy that we would all go along with her lies...but nobody did.  Nobody could confirm a single thing that Lori lied about, including the alleged victim.  This put a strain on her relationship with her father who didn't believe her either.  It didn't stop Lori from telling others that she was the person who made up the lies too.  Lori is a criminal who can't shut her mouth.  Typical.

Rather than deal with the fact that she lied, Lori decided to stalk the people who told the truth.  My sister, her friend (Bessie), and I were all part of Lori's lies, but not one of us could testify that there was one shred of truth to them.  She, being the malevolent narcissist that she is, just kept making up more and more lies to cover the lies she already told.  It still happens today with Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond.  Lori has finally found someone that lies as much as she does.  Two very sick mental patients who can't seem to get to the hospital to save their own lives are more interested in killing people who know what they did.  In other words, these girls committed crimes, and rather than accept responsibility for them, they blamed the victims/witnesses and anyone else who wouldn't lie for them to cover over the last set of lies.

Lori has had this problem with her brain for as long as she has been alive.  She can't believe that a habitual liar isn't believed.  She can't seem to figure out that a woman with one name isn't believed because she pretends to be anyone but herself.  She screwed up when she used her own name and someone else's job (with the same name) to try to make herself look professional.  Unfortunately, Lori isn't capable of being the same person who worked for the City of La Quinta but she is capable of pretending to be her.  She may be related to her.  She may have copies of her W2 forms.  She may even have a picture of herself standing in front of the CIty of La Quinta's offices, but it is all just a ruse.  A photo op.  A lie.

The fact is that after she filed for that bogus restraining order, she stalked me to the State of Arizona, ON MY VACATION, where she and her brother Brian were arrested, several times!!!  She met up with my travel companions IN ARIZONA ON THAT VACATION!!!  She was arrested by the State of Arizona for child endangerment with two boys that she already molested in Palm Springs, CA.  You see, it isn't just me saying that she does these things, it's the State of Arizona saying it!!!  They are saying "drugs", "fake IDs", "Missy Erickson", and all the other things...I'm just relaying the message.

My belief is that Lori filed that restraining order for one main reason.  She was told never to contact me when she was 17, allegedly part of her plea agreement.  When she did it anyway, she knew I'd found out about her.  Lori LaFond was the urban legend that gives gay men AIDS in Palm Springs and she lies to the police about us.  She didn't want her father, mother, or sister to find out that I knew she was doing this, so she filed a restraining order.  Remember, a malignant narcissist is willing to do things that nobody else would do.  Her father then passed away.  I've been told it was Lori behind his death, but I can't confirm that.  Wouldn't he have known about Lori's theft of this technology???  It would appear that he would and so would her mother and sister.  They obviously could not be talked to.

The fact that she would pretend to be a different Lori LaFond is another one of those outrageous things that a mal. narc. would do.  Stalking me to Arizona is another.  Stealing my bank account with Missy Erickson is another.  So was ordering her brother to "kill him before my birthday".  So was photographing the rape and putting my face on a postcard and sending it to my home.  These are all the behaviors of a sick malignant narcissist.  The fact that the police did nothing to investigate my crime, shows their involvement.

Lori even had the nerve to say that the ONLY police officer she knows is Bryan Anderson.  I wonder what Dep. Fiebig has to say about that?  Rae Fernandez-Dallas?  Chief Bryan Reyes?  Bryan Anderson himself?

You see, Lori has a fantasy about killing me and nobody seems to care.

I do care.  I want it to be very well known that Lori has tried to kill me on more than four occasions.  I want it to be clear that she constantly talks about my father, sister, and me to others. I want it to be well known that Lori went around telling people that my family was "practically her family" before my brother-in-law's death.   This would show motive and it is something that I heard before his death...which I think is the most outrageous thing I've ever heard.  She is most definitely the last person on this Earth who would be in my family with all of Lori's past lies.  Lies we knew about and told others.  Lori, herself, told people she committed the crime against my father.  There is no truth in anything she says.