Morally Conscious

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Another Ambush Could Be Prevented, Why Isn't That Happening?


If you think that all terrorists are from the Middle East wearing hijabs and carrying machine guns, you need to update your understanding of what terrorism is and who is behind it?

We should all be better prepared to deal with terrorists since 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombings, and Oklahoma City, but the truth is that most people aren't.  We were told that if you see something, say something.  I worked for the U.S. District Court in San Diego during the 9/11 attacks and Oklahoma City bombings.  I was trained how to identify terrorists and I am telling you that what we have here in the Morongo and Coachella Valley is a real live terrorist cell.  Lori LaFond's female mafia is something that the LGBTQ community has known about for years and years.  They aren't any less deadly and they are just as apt to create terror to influence victims and non-victims alike.  I should know, that I've been infected, shot at, beaten nearly to death, and stalked across state lines.  People know that it is true.  I know it is true.

They use a stolen military communications system to stalk their victims and their families.  They've stolen millions and millions of dollars from innocent hard-working professionals.  They have no conscience and don't care about the families that they destroy with their terror.  I don't understand how this can continue when two of the main principals have already pleaded guilty to other crimes and didn't serve any time for their sentences?  How can this be?  I am supposed to have a team of people working with me that can do this job. Still, if you have heard Lori LaFond tonight, after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, you would think that Lori LaFond was energized by this shooting, not discouraged.

She has already said that she hoped that this assassination attempt would be something she could use to try to terrorize me some more.  That is was terrorism is.  She knows that she has already called for my death.  She knows that there is evidence that can implicate her.  She wants people to rally around her own evil plan to kill.  This is Lori LaFond at her worst.  She's tried to kill her imagined enemies for years and years by ambush shooting at them.  I have plenty of friends who have already lived through two shootings before they turned 18 years old.  What does it take to get this mentally ill person arrested and out of the public domain.   She's a fugitive.  She's a convict.  She's violent.  She's killed.  Still, nobody seems to know how to deal with the problem of Lori LaFond.  I am not amused nor am I encouraged by the efforts of Jeffrey Katzenberg and his family.  It's a disgrace.

In the meantime there have been so many examples of how this threat on my life and others could easily have been avoided, if the police had taken my rape seriously, they could have stopped a domestic terrorist from harming innocent Americans, gay or not.

I've literally begged Jeffrey Katzenberg and Christopher Monti to stop this girl from stalking me, but there has been no action.  I'm embarrassed. Isn't anyone willing to stop a homicide before it happens?  I was.  I did.  Guess, I'm unique in this.