Morally Conscious

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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Working On A Federal Order of Protection Against The LaFond's Based On The Lies and Warrant That Stemmed From Lori's Illegal Restraining Order Granted During A Federal Stay!


I just wanted to let everyone know that I am planning to apply for a federal order of protection against the LaFond Family, M. Katherine Jensen, Esq., the City of La Quinta, Commissioner Best, and the Katzenberg Family.  I just spent an entire day listening to Lori bitch...Bitch...and BITCH SOME MORE, when they all did nothing to stop her again.  This whole situation is really quite simple and can have indictments attached to it.  You see, I'm done with Lori and her friends playing like I am some kind of stupid person.  I know that restraining order was highly illegal and the warrant that came from it is also illegal.   Lori's insistence that it be issued is against the law.  The statutes that were broken and the lies told by Lori's sister and Lori's attorney are simply not legal.  Bryan Anderson, Chief Reyes and others are also being considered.  I feel that this case has gone on way too long and benefits only Missy Erickson and David, Jeffrey's favorite criminal thugs.

I have to keep Jeffrey from lying to my sister any more.  She isn't in the right frame of mind for what her friend Bessie Smith has done to me and to our family.  It's time that bitch gets her ass in trouble.  Her Little Miss Innocent routine isn't going anywhere with me.

I want to let you all know that there are many other ways to deal with the LaFond's in this situation.  I will remind Mrs. LaFond that her daughter said she doesn't know anything about this technology.  Are you willing to lie in federal court for her?  I wouldn't suggest it.

I also wanted to remind Mrs. LaFond that I want this god damned microchip out of my fucking body and she has the means to get that done.  I want everyone to know that I mean business.  I will not listen to another plea for help for Missy Erickson and her family.  This last day was excruciating to have to listen to.  Lori is constantly threatening my family with her friend Christian who lives with her whether Lori says he does or not.  Christian's own father knows that this is true.  If he wants to avoid these problems that information needs to be given to Christopher.  I will not bend in the face of being threatened by a paper tiger with broken teeth.

You are failing as a mother.  What I know you could do and haven't done makes me sick to my stomach.  You had this little bitch for 18 years, I've had her for 40 plus years and I'm not Eugene.  I don't patty cake around with this technology, it's illegal and I have the means to stop her permanently since you and your daughter don't have any care in the world.  I'm done with the LaFond Family for good.  There isn't a single member of that clan of misfits that I want to be near.  You have ruined my life Mrs. LaFond....I hope you are satisfied with what you've done to my sister, father, mother and myself.

We are going to end the Missy Erickson era once and for all.  Lori doesn't seem to understand that Missy and she are fire and gasoline for this community.  I have enough information about Lori to be able to prove that she needs to be restrained and that federal laws were broken in a case involving a police informant.  I have enough evidence collected to prove that Mrs. LaFond knows about this technology....I know the kids your daughter did this to in high school...and refuses to do anything to stop her.  I'm sorry Mrs. LaFond is old...but so are my parents and when it has come down to the truth or my family being sacrificed, Mrs. LaFond always seems to pick us.  No more.

I have never contacted any of the LaFond's my entire life.  I can prove that sister Jackie lied her ass off just like her sister about where she was employed during the last restraining order that was illegally issued.  It would appear that both LaFond sisters think they work where they don't.  They also both appear to be liars.  I know that there were incidents before my brother in law's death that involved Jackie Palmer and now there are incidents involving her again in this restraining order vs. me.  I've had enough of these two sisters and their raggedy assed brother.

This is going to stop and I'm going to stop her.

I will not have this monster threatening me, my father or my sister ever again.  This family of misfit Marine kids needs to stop using the military communication system known as brain linking for domestic terror.  It's a shame that nobody cared enough to do this without having to use me again.  I'm finished with fucking around.  No threats needed.  This time is for keeps.

We are going to get to the bottom of what really happened in Sedona, Arizona, once and for all.  The timing of the restraining order matches the dates of that trip.  It also coincides with Lori's trip to Arizona where she caused a myriad of problems.  It's time that someone do the job that Bryan Anderson failed to do because of his relationship with Lori Jean LaFond and her parents.  This whole disaster could have been easily avoided if Jeffrey hadn't told Jonathan, Anthony, and Christopher to stay away from me when they all possessed information that would have landed Lori in jail forever and ever.  Because of this, two kids are allegedly involved in interstate child pornography and Missy Erickson is right smack dab in the middle of it.  Rumors are that she signed Lori's million dollar bond and is one of the sureties, and furthermore Missy lied under oath to effect that release.  I wanted to let all of you know that this is all a result of Lori's last 24 hours.

She has become belligerent and out of control before, and usually that is followed by a period of ultra violent behavior.  I know that Lori and Jeffrey don't like each other but I can tell that he's been up to no good again.  His effort, his son's, his wife's are all without any consideration of the problems they are causing with my family.  There has been an accusation of extortion involving Jeffrey, Bessie Smith, and Missy Erickson.  I'm done with Jeffrey's continued efforts to torture me and my sister for no apparent reason.

My father is being texted messages from Lori LaFond pretending to be someone else.  I will not ever allow this to continue.  Bryan Anderson should have stopped this, but his apparent loyalties are with the officers that commit this crime and the family responsible for bringing it to the public domain.  He's done nothing to help the victims that he helped put in jail illegally.  I don't have to be patient any longer, I have this thing in the bag.  I promise I would save my nieces from this family that has taken everything from them and I will.

It's way past the time for niceness.  I've tried to appeal to all of these people and instead of turning this group of drug dealers in, I'm getting notes at my work.  I'm seeing my father angry for things that Lori talks about before I even see him.  I have seen returned stolen items at my home.   I have seen my sister and father lie to me about this kind of behavior in favor of Jeffrey's ideas.  This long slow homicide is about to get an injection of real life.

Perhaps Bryan should learn the rules of informant work.  He does not have the right to put my family in danger.  He does not have the right to impose someone like Jeffrey Katzenberg into this work without my knowledge.  He does not have the right to ignore that crime lab report.  He does not have the right to take DNA from suspects in the case, then terminate the case when the suspect is his four year girlfriend.  I have had enough of this bullshit to last ten lifetimes.  I am not interested in sex with Lori, a friendship with Lori, an acquaintance with Lori for obvious reasons.  I am a sober person, she is a drug dealer.  I am a gay man with a boyfriend, I have no interest in seeing her, meeting her, being ambushed by her or her family ever again.  This is the language of a lifetime stalking victim.  I want the LaFond's to own up to their responsibility for letting this HIV infected monster loose on society.

I will have the option to bring in Julie Anderson, Robin Schnelling, Margie Hoy, and Tracy Hatcher as witnesses to Lori's presence in Arizona on my vacation.  From what I understand, Lori admitted her brother was coming to help her and Lori caused massive problems for the owner of that vacation rental.  She also has a son or daughter that is a district attorney.  This is a situation that required professional law enforcement and instead I got a Hollywood producer that appears to want more blood and pain in this situation.

Missy Erickson is finished.  As far as I can tell, she is doing nothing more than using drugs and plotting killings with her longtime friend Lori LaFond.

In other words, I'm done with the hide and seek game that Jeffrey has been playing with me and my family.  They need closure and so do I.  His need to continue to hurt me is going to have to be stopped in a court of law.  I don't understand what Jeffrey's need to hurt Christopher and me is?  I've never understood why he would do something so horrendous and emotionally stressful to an already damaged family.  My family is important to me Jeffrey.

I tried to be patient and he robbed me.  I tried to be patient and he kept the money to keep me from hiring an attorney with Christopher to stop Lori.  This man thinks of her wrongly.  She is a hard core killer of gay men.  His own son should know that by now.

I've heard enough boo-hoo-hooing from Jeffrey's heartbreaking story of being used by a stripper and her friends.  He can't seem to get over it.  The fact that his money and his father's money was allegedly used in freeing a obviously dangerous person is sickening and a slap in the fact to the justice system of our country.  He should not have allowed Lori LaFond or her aliases to post a bail with his money given the severity of the charges in Arizona.  He's an asshole.  The State of Arizona should file charges against him and put him in jail.  He knows where this fugitive is and that she is with the bond sureties.  He obviously does not want his money back or want to put Missy Erickson in jail for using it.

The last thing I wanted to do was cause problems for the parents of the victims of this crime but when they involve themselves in the crime and make it worse for my team and my friends, then they have crossed the line.  I am not threatening anyone.  I want everyone to know that this is my right as an informant whose life is in danger.  If Lori's mother wanted to prove that Lori took her own father's life, she is going about it in the exact wrong way with me.

I apologize to people if they are hurt by this filing but the truth is that lies in a courtroom and ineffective lawyering caused a tremendous amount of emotional stress to me and my family.  This has gone on for way too long.  Jeffrey threatening to talk to my parents about this a complete farce.  He also threatens to talk to my sister about this crime, and I am the god damned informant.  All this threatening is doing is putting a target on the backs of my family members.  If there is anyone out there that doesn't realize from my own MRI's that this girl is a danger to my family, then they aren't using their brains.

Knowing that Lori beat me senseless in Palm Springs then embarked on a campaign of stalking and violence against me is what Jeffrey refuses to acknowledge to anyone of any authority.  What his concubine Missy Erickson and Bessie Smith have failed to do is put forth the information that is true....and Jeffrey sat around, allegedly, and watched while Lori manufactured evidence that the police relied upon to dismiss my rape case.  This man is a danger to society.  His rights as a parent are as far away from what he is doing to me and his own son as they can be.  I've tried to use this system to reason with him, he isn't going to help me or anyone else.  He can't.  His entire time here was spent trying to have me jailed with his ex-girlfriend Missy Erickson and David.  This shit is a constant intention infliction of emotional distress and he knows it.

Tonight it was intimated that Jeffrey wanted me to be mad at Christopher, Anthony, Jonathan, and their families.  I'm not.  I refuse to put the victims of this crime and their families through more pain and suffering.  In the case of Jeffrey and his victims, there isn't any kind of comradery between my friends and his family.  The problems that Jeffrey has stem from his undying need to help Missy Erickson, David, and Bessie.  These three are the same three that robbed my mother and committed elderly abuse against her.  I find no reason to help him any longer.  it has been a long hard life for me and he just wants to keep me in pain.

Now I am also aware that Jeffrey is trying to punish me and my friends because they allegedly made contact with attorneys and told them the truth.  This made him mad and now he is taking it out on me.  Turning Lori and Missy loose on me and claiming he can do nothing to stop it now that my friends protected themselves and me from his death grip on my life.  I find that to be a really resentful and hateful way of dealing with rape victims.  He's mad because his friends put them in jail and now they want him to own up to his plan to hurt all of us?  What the fuck kind of father is that?

Look, I made the mistake of trusting him for over 13 years.  All I've seen are more attempts to hurt me and my family.  His advice to Jonathan to "play dead" was an obstruction and a warning.  That was 11 years ago.  This is what he told Jonathan to do after Lori assaulted him in Sedona, Arizona by putting a gun to his head.  This problem only continues to exists because Jeffrey refuses to allow me to hire an attorney with my own money that he stole.  He's like Jamie Spears...he thinks he can control my money and life until such time that he ruins my relationship with my family.  He's acting like a cunt.

I was only trying to help the victims of this crime.  What Jeffrey has done is the exact opposite.  He's hurt more victims and revictimized more people than I could ever imagine.  It's Lori LaFond on steroids with him and it sickens me to think of all the good he could have done that he traded for all the evil he got himself involved with.  Still lives with Bessie Smith, the girl that robbed my mother and me.  What a hurtful man he's become...his mother would be ashamed of him.

Also, I will tell the LaFond Family, if your sick daughter does one more "restraining order" against me or my friends, we will be subpoenaing your family into the courtroom with implantation records to show that she and you are involved in this crime.  I hope that makes it clear that we are done fucking around.  This whole game of the LaFond Family torture is over.

The fact still remains, if Jeffrey and his friends hadn't duped my sister out of my savings account, I would have a lawyer and this crime would be solved.  Period.  He simply will not let that happen and that is a huge disappointment to every gay man that Lori ever infected.  All because of his undying devotion to Missy Ericson and her awful family.

It just came to my attention that the not so sober Missy Erickson has a new batch of meth and she is lying to her parents again.  She said, allegedly, that the reason that Jeffrey is so difficult is because I won't go along with him.  She's absolutely right.  I won't go along with the man that is keeping me from having an attorney, but the problem isn't with's with Mrs. Erickson's lousy drug addicted daughter.  More meth is keeping Missy around and now she's on the hunt again for Jeffrey.  I have nothing more to say than this is an attempt at extortion.  Either I do what Jeffrey says or he will keep having his two friends harass and stalk me and my family.

Melissa and that entire group of homosexual hating homosexuals are using my victimization by the police and Jeffrey as a reason to use crystal meth.  Melissa is in big trouble now and her answer is always the same...kill him or put him in jail.  Mrs. Erickson, if your god damn piece of shit daughter comes near my family or me, you can bet you'll be getting a call....from the police or someone else. I won't tolerate another minute of her constant need to hurt my family.  I hope you understand that I wanted a peaceful and non violent solution to this crime, Jeffrey wants something else entirely.

Do not use me for an excuse to stalk people or use drugs....this is an outrageous claim that I have somehow asked for Jeffrey to steal my money and keep it from me.  Believe me, I've tried to be nice to this monster from Hollywood.  He's impenetrable in terms of lawyers and courtrooms.  He honestly thinks this can be solved without a criminal prosecution of his girlfriend?  He's nuts.

Lori just said that harassing and threatening me, "Is her only way of stopping this."  To me, someone with a dead relative and who has had a gun shoot at him and a coke bottle smashing my head, that is the kind of threat that I take seriously.  This investigation is lacking police support.  Jeffrey's security man is lacking in good judgment.  If this piece of shit producer continues to use these girls to threaten me on his behalf, he's got a lot more problems than Sedona.

I will remind all of you that there was my father's case, my brother in law's killing, the infection of innumerous friends with HIV, the stalking of my relationship partners, the shooting in San Diego, then the bludgeoning where Lori states, "That how I take care of things," all of my arrests, then I wrote the blog on behalf of Christopher's mother and Christopher.  So who started all of these problems?  I never even mention that bitch's name.  I didn't talk about Lori Jean LaFond because I had nothing good to say.  This all came about because of her violent need to have me killed.  I am tired of being stalked by a monster that everyone helps.

I tried to be nice to all of you.  You decided to leave me here with a monster and all of her monster friends.  You think you have had a bad experience with Lori LaFond?  You don't know the half of what she has done to me and my family! If any of you think I don't have the right to be furious with Jeffrey, think again.  He's hurt me more than Lori LaFond ever did.