Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Blog Header From Earlier Today: Threats Left At My Work


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Yesterday I posted one of three notes left at my work by some stranger that came here on my day off and put it inside the building where I am.  This kind of threat from Lori and her friends is something that we have all seen before.  She's losing her mind again and recently has been coming around my work with her friend David.

This is a threat.  It is nothing less than another way to hurt people.  What David is doing is another attempt to hurt people that I work with.  It's wrong!  The whole household where Lori lives knows her fascination with Satanic worship.  Whether or not Lori has anything to do with that kind of belief, I sincerely doubt it.  She once burned pentagrams and swastikas on the golf course on the military base while she was still allowed to be there.  Oops, I think it was spray paint that she used.  At any rate Lori's need to appear Satanic, isn't impressing me at all.  I don't believe in that shit and I refuse to give it any more attention than what I am showing you here.

Lori isn't far from Landers and the information contained in the note is a direct link to the technology that her family was once responsible for on the MGACC in 29 Palms.  It's no coincidence that Lori showed up here again, with her brother Brian, and started using this system of torture and lies.  She's been texting my father again too.  He's not well and she wants to cause him some kind of physical damage.  We're going to take his phone away from him and have him use something else.  I won't allow Lori to continue to hurt my family simply because her mother and sister aren't capable of handling their own mental patient.

I want everyone to know that I am not impressed with anything that has been going on.  Jeffrey is worthless as a father and as someone protecting me.  The money he took to protect me was nothing more than a way to handicap me so that Missy and David could do what they are doing right now.  Lori is trying to kill someone, and I know it's me.  I want her mother to know just how sick I think this all is.  A lifetime of your sick mental daughter is way too much.  Hasn't your family taken enough from mine?  I'm sorry your husband died, it makes me very sad for you, but killing my parents isn't going to bring him back.

Weak and lonely.  I understand that's what happened when her father died, but my family isn't a substitute for the problems that Lori has caused.  We are the victims of her mental issues, not the cause.  I don't know why?  What I can tell you is that she's on another world class needle bender and she isn't doing well.  I've not heard Christian and Lori act this way for quite some's not impressive!  Christian's own father is looking at obstruction charges so he shouldn't be so helpful to Lori but his drug addiction is perfect for the LaFond Drug Den on the highway.  That whole complex reminds me of LaPalme in Palm Springs, California.  A place where Lori drugged and raped little kids and filmed them.  This is a very dysfunctional family that Lori comes from...they all hate each other.  It's sad.

I find it very unsettling that someone like the Katzenbergs would threaten and refuse help from my friends that didn't want this to happen all because Jeffrey HAD TO DO SOMETHING...but he didn't!  That is another kind of obstruction.  His lack of support isn't bolstered by anything more than the lies that Missy Erickson told him.  Frankly, I don't want his help and I don't want him sitting around threatening people that offer.  They don't need to ask him.  It's not a requirement.  He isn't a friend of mine.  He's not my keeper.  He's the man that robbed me and my mom.  Stop asking him what to do for me and do it yourself.  Stop asking any of these idiots for advice.

As for the LaFond's I want to remind all of them that your little mental patient is looking good for the fraud about my father,  the frauds against the Collins' and Duke families, the fraud against Steve Fabian, the death of my brother in law, my shooting in San Diego, the brutal gay bashing and rape in Palm Springs, my own HIV infection and you are hiding her away!  That isn't something that a normal family would do.  You have an obligation to your dead father to do something before little sister and big sister start looking like they have some kind of vendetta against me and my sister.  You have got to do better than this!!!  I can't imagine this horrible family allowing this monster back into this community without doing something about it.  Her father would be furious.

I would like to remind Jeffrey that he has done absolutely nothing like he apparently told my sister he would do.  This, I feel, was a stall to allow Lori and Missy to torture me while she remained in the dark.  His sick desire to hurt me more isn't working for him.  I will, of course, not forget what he's failed to do this entire time.  Worthless means no worth.  He's less than that.