Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Perpetrating A Fraud: Anthony Dabiere Went From Respectable Researcher To Barbara's Bitch

God only knows what the fuck happened to this person.  He was once someone that I respected, now he's living with Christopher (someone he despised and said so) and hiding his "long time companion" Jonathan Mendenhall from law enforcement.  It's probably drugs again.  What could it be that made a decent person into someone that would willingly break the law and lead me into Sedona, where he would meet with Lori LaFond and conspire to create a fraudulent death? Or two?

This whole situation came about because of one woman, Alice Mendenhall, a person, very similar to Marilyn Katzenberg, that lies for their family when they find out what kind of person they've become.  Alice then proceeded to move Christopher and his family into the cone of silence in San Diego, California with one condition....don't tell the truth.  Don't contact the authorities.  Don't contact Kevin.  Let Lori and her friends kill him out in the desert so that my son can get away with his charges.  This woman has less brains than Lori LaFond but more money than she should have.

Jonathan, who witnessed my rape, was given a copy of my crime lab report, saw the evidence of the rape, decided that the best way for him to deal with his legal problems was to lead me into Sedona, where Lori and her brother, the same one that tried to kill me in San Diego, were waiting.  His behavior in Arizona was abhorrent.  He was obviously trying to put me in a place where Lori could rape or kill me.  Both Jonathan and Anthony are criminals that deserve to be put behind bars for life.

There is only one way, that I know of, that precursors for the manufacturing of GHB or crystal meth were available to Lori LaFond in Sedona, Arizona was if Jonathan Mendenhall brought them there.  He refused to come over with me after he'd already stolen my HIV meds and antidepressants the night before from my car with a key that Lori stole from my parent's home.  Jeffrey allowed her to steal this stuff without any police action at all.  He, in fact, told Missy Erickson that he would not call the police if Lori and Brian LaFond chose to rob my parents.  The only other car available was Jonathan's.  Lori came over with friends of mine from 29 Palms and Maine.  Jonathan is the likely suspect since he was already going through court proceedings for crystal meth found in his truck earlier that year. 

Anthony has photographs from this period that he flatly refused to give to authorities.  These photographs, allegedly, show all of the people that Lori had with her in that home she rented as a hideout while trying to isolate me into a position where I could be killed.  The photographs depict the rape of two young boys.  This is the same Anthony that has a sworn affidavit from before Sedona, telling about child porn movies that he saw in the LaPalme Complex in Palm Springs, long before he had these pictures on his camera.  Obviously there is more going on with Anthony and kiddie porn than we knew.

He may very well be the person that was taking those photographs as they were on his camera and he was looking at them as I drove his ass back to California with $300 that he stole from me.  If you were in the car, you would have known he was up to something sinister.  He acted like a complete asshole the entire time.  He knew Lori and Brian LaFond were there.  He knew there was a restraining order that Lori had filed against me.  He knew she stalked me on my vacation with him....and yet, as usual, he said nothing to the police or to me.  That's as involved as a human being could be.

For eleven years this guy completely disappeared, but at the beginning I was getting all kinds of hate mail from him while he pretended to be living in Los Angeles, California.  It was Anthony that told me that Jonathan was dying in Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles before his faked death in Michigan on Christmas Day of 2011.  Anthony then proceeded to tell me that he'd been to Jonathan's grave and that his family did not want to talk to me because they were in such grief.  

All lies and bullshit.  The entire time, Jonathan was living with a woman named Barbara who was in close contact with Jeffrey Katzenberg.  That's the story that I got.  This is the same woman that steals away every single friend I had in Palm Springs so that they could keep her, and only her, safe from Lori.  Her mantra was simple, find Kevin's friends, tell them about this crime, tell them not to be Kevin's friend any longer, and you too can live without Lori bothering you.  There was no regard for my life ever.  She did the exact same thing with Christopher.   Why would these former friends do something this stupid and heartless, who the fuck knows.

Some have suggested that Jeffrey Katzenberg was pulling all the strings after he posted the bail monies for Lori LaFond in Arizona while she posed at his daughter Laura Katzenberg with his permission.  You see the woman that posted bail for Lori was his employee Missy Erickson, who knew that Laura wasn't really Laura, it was Lori.  As the story continues, Jeffrey needed Missy to set up a fake bank account for the purpose of creating the appearance of wealth.  When you do a bail review all sureties on the bond have to prove that they have money....this bank account is either something that Jeffrey already had or something that Missy set up while Lori was in jail.  I know this is confusing because Jeffrey's son, was supposed to be working on this crime against Lori, but, as you know, Benjamin doesn't do his job.  Instead, his father let his own son's rapist go free.  At the same time, he also let the girl that ordered me dead in San Diego, my brother in law's killer, my father's accuser, and my sister's nemesis go free.  This man, whoever he is, has committed bail fraud for a charged child molester from Palm Springs, so that she could return to California and cause more problems.  Eventually, Missy Erickson, David, Bessie Smith, Lori LaFond, and Jeffrey Katzenberg would conspire to commit another fraud and elderly abuse of my own mother.  This all came after Sedona, Arizona.

Lori is also suspected of entrapping her own two cousins, possibly infecting and implanting one, killing Shawn Parrish, and could be linked to the diseases that killed her own father, Sgt. Maj. Eugene LaFond.  All of these came after Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife, posted bail for Lori in Arizona pretending to be their daughter.

Doesn't anyone know how to follow through any longer?  You don't let Lori go into a courtroom and testify that she's someone else...for God's sake, this girl has a long history of hiding by using fake id's.  How in the fuck did Marilyn Katzenberg not know that her husband's employee was posting bail for a woman that Marilyn was there to keep an eye on???  What the fuck was she there for???

Jeffrey has this devious plan to have my sister raped and to frame her for stealing the money she took from my bank account.  They got that money because the plan was to tell my sister that Lori was after Kevin's money.  If she took the money out of the account and gave it to Benjamin's father, (my sister knows that Benjamin was once my best friend), that the money would be secure.  It was a case of paid for protection.  My sister has never been involved with someone like Bessie Smith or Missy Erickson, so she saw Jeffrey, allegedly, and her readily took the money so that I would have no access to it to hire an attorney to solve the Sedona situation.  Makes sense right?  Jeffrey paid Lori's bail and he didn't want her to go to jail.   The plan had something to do with the Mendenhall's and living in San Diego which obviously was untrue because Alice's policy of "don't tell Kevin the truth" was already being used.  

Both Anthony and Christopher were already living there or planning to be.  So Missy and Bessie lied to my sister who thought she was helping me out, when what she was really doing was feeding me to the lions.  She took money from an account with ONLY my name on it with my mom.  Bessie learned that was the truth from conversations with my mother and me.  She spied on me.  I certainly never told anyone on here that I did that with my mom.  The reason?  Simply I didn't want my sister or father to have access to it without asking me first.

Clearly Jonathan, Anthony, and Christopher had no intention of telling anyone the truth about their rapes or this system.  Jonathan and Anthony just wanted out of Palm Springs, and I was the most convenient person that they could scrape Jeffrey and Lori off on, no matter how dangerous Lori was.  Christopher wanted to move his family to California and Jonathan jumped at the chance to take away the other informant so that I would be left alone.  That was eleven years ago.  Lori has made multiple attempts to hurt me since...and I'm not interested in helping these three who care nothing about raped children or gay men at the needle of Lori LaFond.  Anthony is simply a coward.  Christopher is a gold digging liar.  Jonathan is a fugitive with a family that is hiding all three.

There are far more victims of Lori's crimes.  Jeffrey is trying to hurt all of them.  He won't let his son or any of my former team tell the truth because of his sob story about not knowing what Missy Erickson was like.  A total bullshit lie.  He was warned that she was a scam artist rapist and she is on video during my rape and others.  She is not someone that is innocent or a victim of circumstance, she is the person that enforced this system's secrecy in favor of her drug addiction.  In short, she'll kill for drugs, but she won't fuck for money.  She's a lesbian after all...that's what Bessie Smith's ass is for; straight men.

Missy Erickson embarked on her own campaign of lies with the parents of these three criminals...and their parent's, despite my warning them, bought her bullshit, hook, line and sinker.  These parents should have been warned about Missy by Barbara, but that didn't seem to work either.  In fact, Missy Erickson, the same girl that bailed out Lori in Arizona, then went to my sister to steal my money.  That's the facts.  How could Jeffrey let this happen?  Simple, he's part of this criminal organization.  Ask him what he's done to stop Lori with law enforcement? Ask him.  If he tells you anything, he's lying through his unusually large fake teeth.

His wife isn't any better.

He wants me dead.  Lori wants me dead.  Christopher wants me dead.  Jonathan wants me dead.  Anthony wants me dead. Alice wants me dead.  Marie Monti wants me dead.  All of them.  It's obvious because they left me here with Jeffrey and Lori and her friends for eleven years!  If that isn't a death sentence go ask Lori's father what is?  Oh, you can't, he's dead now too.

It seems that everywhere Lori goes, someone dies. Either by her biological weapon inside her body or by shooting or by some other method.  She's already said that in order for her to kill me or my sister she would have to hire someone, with drugs.   She's already used her brother to shoot at me in San Diego, from the back of Barbara's truck cab which was supposed to be some kind of birthday present.  Lori's already used her uncle and sister to plan the death of my brother in law without them knowing.  She's already accused me of a crime in high school when I wasn't even there.  She's already told the police that I fucked her ugly assed brother and gave him AIDS.  Lori is a one woman cyclone...and Jeffrey set her free.

In my estimation both Jonathan and Anthony conspired with Barbara and Lori to commit a crime against me in Sedona, Arizona.  Barbara knew Lori would be there.  She knew that Lori had just gotten away with that faked crime lab report even though she had a copy of my MRI's from both emergency room visits that confirmed the rape.  She knew that Lori faked a job in the City of La Quinta to obtain a bogus restraining order.  She still sent me to Arizona completely unprotected and knowing that Lori had made multiple attempts on my life in San Diego and Palm Springs.  Why would someone do this?  The only reason I can think of is to save herself from prosecution for this crime of domestic terrorism.  After all, she'd spent many years telling people not to be my friend any longer.

I'll also add that at this time, Jonathan and Barbara already had a copy of the crime lab report from the Riverside Crime lab.  So they both had the picture of my face on the postcard that Lori made, the crime lab report, the MRI's, and more evidence that Lori had been stalking me.  Barbara had also told Bessie Smith about Lori's intrusion into my sister's life and the crime that she'd committed against my brother in law.  This means that Barbara had tons of prior knowledge about what was going on and she MADE THE DECISION TO PUT MY LIFE IN DANGER.  SHE NOW LIVES WITH ALICE MENDENHALL...GO FIGURE.  ANOTHER WITNESS SILENCED.

The final straw with Barbara came with Christopher Monti as she tried to fake like she gave a fuck about his mother and family when she told him about this crime.  What it really was, was splitting police informants and keeping one of them hidden from view.  Barbara had already seen what Missy and Lori did with Steven Frey for many years in Palm Springs and continued to hurt me when I felt things for Christopher.  I don't any longer.

No more life preservers, no more life jackets, no more rescue ships, no more ropes, I'm done trying to help the rich.  They aren't any better than the poor people are, they just join in the crime and expect everyone to listen to them because they have money.  I think that's the worst thing I've ever learned.  Rich people suck dick.

11 years of torture, day and night, after decades of being stalked and shot at.  Jonathan's attempt to paint himself like some kind of friend is a lie.  His entire motivation was to put my family back in danger so that he could skim off my friends and get away from Lori.  He set this neural network up in this area knowing that Lori's father never wanted her here again but realizing that if he helped to put it here, he would have my family to use as bait.  He then proceeded to befriend Christopher and act like he cared about our relationship, but that was also a lie.  Instead of being a friend, he turned out to be the biggest problem all of us have after Lori Jean LaFond.

I just wonder that if the shoe was on the other foot and I took Jared away from his life for 11 years and told him not to talk to Jonathan ever again, how Jonathan would feel about me?  He knows more than he's telling his parents.  He's been involved in far more than he's telling an attorney.  I've known him longer than Christopher and Anthony combined...and his little saying about, "Never give up on a friend," is complete and utter bullshit from the mouth of a total liar.  I didn't give up on him, he served my family to the monster and expected her to kill me.  That's what he did.

11 years later, I'm giving up on that friend, and two more.  The lies, the torture, night after night, the parents the fight to no result, the attorneys that fail the legal system and this country.  This is a domestic terrorism case and I'm tired of everyone blaming me for saying so.  I never wanted to be in this position but every single time I gave these people the chance to join in and tell the truth, someone, usually Jeffrey or his wife, insisted that they not.  That's a homophobic hateful attitude that has cost the life of my friend Shawn.  I loved him even if Anthony and Jonathan just pretended to.  I'm not them.

I started this project to save Christopher's life and he threw mine under the bus.  I did this for his mother, and now mine has been reduced to a simple non functioning elderly person.  I remember the day that broke her...Jeffrey made her bawl her eyes out and swear to God that she didn't steal the money we'd saved.  To me, that is two breaches of trust with the Monti's that I can't get over.  If I had ever treated someone in Christopher's family that way, he would have been furious with me.  He never tried.  He never wanted to.  What he did was shove my life in front of a burning inferno that I've walked through fifty times.  He knew what that relationship was like with Steven Frey, because I told him.  For a home, he destroyed my life.  I have no loyalty to him or his family any longer.  They got what they wanted and destroyed me in return.  Do you know his mother never even said thank you for caring about my kid.  That's the weakest mother of all.  Nope, she saw an opportunity and instead of being honest with me, she took the opportunity and shut her mouth.

This whole silence for property thing is a bribe.  It is all just another obstruction on top of another obstruction.  One parent versus another parent all dreamed up by Jeffrey Katzenberg and Missy Erickson.  In the end, he'll regret ever bringing her into his family's life.  The Mother's Day brunch, the lies in Sedona, the disrespect to his wife, the homophobia around his son, the hateful hate that drove his lies about my mother's bank account with was all the two of them with Lori's influence.

Just because a man is successful in business does not mean he is intelligent.  Jeffrey still hides behind this technology like some girl playing hide and seek.  I've decided not to seek.

In the end he will have ruined his own family for the love of a stripper that he just couldn't get out of his mind.

In the end I found friends for Marie's son when he had none.  Now he has everything he wanted and then some.  What a fucking cocksucker Christopher turned out to be.  His whole family should be disappointed in his efforts to stop a terrorist.  I hope I can put his ass in jail for what he did to my sister and me.