Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Today's Blog Header: Cuckoo Is Dying, Won't Someone Get Her Some Help?


Once again, I am at a point where Lori LaFond has been torturing me night and day for so long that I can't really be funny about things.  I know people understand that I've tried to bring humor to a humorless situation.  Lori has severe chronic illnesses, I'm not trying to embarrass her, I'm trying to explain that her mental illnesses are only matched by her physical problems.  I know that it may sound like I'm trying to make her look bad, but the fact is that she uses this illness to make other people sick.  It's not a good situation out here in the desert.

Today, I was hoping that Lori would at least try to get some sleep.  She didn't and spent most of the day trying to get Jeffrey Katzenberg's attention by screaming at me with her friend Christian, who she tells my friends, doesn't exist.  Is there anyway we can verify that he, Missy, Leah, David and Brian are living with her so that we can put that rumor to bed, once and for all?

Lori needs a team of her so called "friends" to keep her heart beating and food shoved down her gullet.  She couldn't live without all of them doing what they do for her.  This is no life for them and she doesn't seem to care.

I have to work overnights all the time so that I can keep myself together after what Chief Bryan Reyes left me with.  He didn't do anything to stop this crime, he actually helped to perpetuate it in an attempt to keep his department from being discovered as a gestapo police force that outsourced information gathering from a local drug dealer with stolen military equipment.  This all requires crime to commit.  It may have started when he was a young cop, but ultimately it was his choice to throw away my rape case that followed a shooting in San Diego where I was a U.S. Justice Department agent.  He had no right to do that to me or anyone else.

This crime has reached it's pinnacle, and it is probably time for a new chief that understands that his department is riddled with employees that broke the law without even knowing he did.  I wanted this crime solved and that is all.  That the criminal was my high school bully, is of no surprise to me.   This has gone on way too long.  The people that assist Lori in living are tired and they don't need new people to come in and take over.  Lori won't live long if she doesn't get help at a hospital and a mental institution.

If you can't see my side, please see hers from a real perspective.  She is a sick woman that needs help that she can't seem to get for herself.  She's saving a system to survive but won't because of her health.

Someone can help both of us at the same time by simply helping her get into a hospital for care and treatment.