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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Ed Buck Goes On Trial Today, Edna Buck (nickname for Lori LaFond) Still Running A Drug Den


Ed Buck, West Hollywood's reputed Dr. Kevorkian, goes on trial today in federal court for running a drug den and injecting black escorts with crystal meth until they died.  Altogether there are nine counts, but what is really interesting about this horrible case is that Mr. Buck was getting away with this because he wasn't black and was a major donor to the Democratic party.  All in all he was a crystal meth addict with a fetish for killing gay black men.

We all know Lori LaFond has an affinity for dirty needles given to gay men to use for the first time.  She used to tell her drug customers that if they wanted to buy drugs from her they had to use needles.  They also had to have one that Lori prepared for "trust".  Um, I don't know about you but I wouldn't let anyone put something like that inside my body that I didn't know...or anyone for that matter.

I think it is pretty obvious from her previous residence that Lori is a drug dealer, user, and preparer of needles...names written on cans of syringes show that not only did she use them herself, but she also prepared them for other people.  Even Christopher offered me a needle prepared by Lori for me to use.  I didn't use it because I don't use needles...but the point remains, with her hatred of gay men and her history of HIV infections, what the hell is the PSPD going to do about our own Edna Buck?

Sorry Lori but this is part of your sickness...

To the families that were torn apart by drug addiction and Ed Buck, my heart absolutely bleeds for you.  Mr. Buck, I know what you were up are a really bad man.