Morally Conscious

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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Surprise, I'm Still Blogging For Justice: I Can't Justify Not Helping People Because of Other People's Bad Decisions, It's Just Not Me!


My sister and I have been an excuse for so many people to use whenever Lori LaFond and Missy Erickson want to threaten people.  It's only because of Lori's lifelong dream to hurt members of my family.  Missy uses my family for a variety of reasons from getting Lori to concentrate on someone other than her, for drugs, for money, or whatever she needs to focus Lori's attention on.  It's a really sad relationship because I don't know this person but she has gotten to know my sister, briefly.  What my sister doesn't know is that Missy Erickson has been using her and her relationships for decades.  This isn't something that I like and my sister wouldn't either.  They really don't have a relationship since one side is using her for something that she wants...and I know about it so it isn't what my sister thinks it is.

Second, I would like to point out to anyone interested that Lori has used me as her scapegoat for many years.  For example.  When Lori had my father accused of molesting a male student, she went around to everyone telling them that she knew all about this filthy lie.  She just knew that my father would be convicted on the lies that she manufactured and gave to the police.  When he wasn't convicted because there was absolutely no proof of the allegations (the student didn't even want to appear), Lori blamed the whole thing on me...and even wrote it in an email where she accused me of lying under oath.  I have that email, my father's seen it, my sister's seen it, and now the attorney will see it.  This is Lori's big excuse for following me around.  She was trying to "convince" me to recant my 11 year old's testimony in the case.  I wouldn't because I DIDN'T LIE ABOUT A SINGLE THING.  

Anyone ever see Lori talking about Jeffrey to me trying to get me to say what she wants?  This is the same thing.  She thinks and I have seen people say what she wants them to say without them thinking of what that causes.  I've seen police officers do it, court Commissioners do it, and everyday people do that.  It's called gaslighting and it tends to make Lori look and feel more powerful than she really is.

From the beginning Lori has used things like yearbooks to find out who friends were from high school.   For example, in my senior years I was voted the "best looking" with my friend Nonie.  She is a lesbian and I am a gay man, but in Lori's eyes this is a different kind of picture.  To her it represents something much more useful than a simple picture like Nonie and I think of it.   The same with a picture of myself and a friend named Rebecca.  Lori saw this picture and immediately knew we were friends.  When Lori found herself attracted to her, Lori threw an impromptu party at Rebecca's home without her knowing.  When that party went to shit, Lori tried to blame me for what happened.  It was sort of a fishing expedition to see if I was really there and a need to blame someone for the problems that Lori caused.  I was NOT THERE!  In the end, Lori has used me for her excuses many times, but I have nothing to do with her life or her problems.  I've simply just tried to put this information out there so that you all can benefit from it.

It all seems to be some kind of effort to make Lori seem truthful where I am concerned, but she doesn't want anyone to tell that she is the person that made it an issue in the first place.  For example, Lori has apparently told people that her brother is gay and that he knows my friends in San Diego.  This is why Lori had information to share with my sister about my life there and all this alleged drug use.  Well, first of all that would also mean that Lori would have found out from her brother that my sister was once in San Diego with her girls prior to my brother in law's death with Lori's uncle Bobby.   He was there to keep them safe, stayed in another hotel room alone, and told me that he had to be armed to protect himself and my sister's family.  Lori was dealing drugs to my brother in law, at the time, and told him that the pair (my sister and her uncle) were there.  This turned into a nightmare for my sister that was simply there to take her girls to Sea World during a difficult period in their marriage.  There was nothing sinister about it.  Nothing.

Lori, of course, turned it into a full blown affair.  My brother in law went nuts, as I would expect he would.  It wasn't sexual or a relationship, it was simply my sister and her kids, away from her husband who was still using drugs from Lori, on a vacation for the girls' health.  What Lori did was use this information to cause a death.

Lori also used her brother as an excuse to tell my sister lies about my drug use.  She didn't mention all the people that Lori had following me down there.  Thousands of military people's families using this system to hurt innocent people....this is what Lori does.  She picks and chooses things to hurt people with.  Eventually Lori had her brother, who Lori admits was there, shoot at me.  Remember, Brian LaFond, your sister is a narcissist, your life means nothing to her.  Blaming you is her response to being the person that called up my sister and lied.  You and I both know that she is the person with the vendetta, not us.

I am confident in many things, but mostly in the decision to become an informant after a period of thinking about it.  I knew it would give legal standing in an investigation.  When you see the comments made by police on the news, you can understand my trepidation when it comes to them, however, I was shown a crime lab report and I know what the Chief of Police told me in front of Anthony.  I know I reported a rape and the police went on the news to say, "There is no rape investigation."  I wonder what the officer that took my rape report would say about this and the detective that was assigned.

I would also like to mention that Lori, if she is the rapist, would have other cases that caused her problems, like Tracy Johnson's.  Having Tracy admitted to the hospital for her attack caused Lori to understand that when a person is admitted to the hospital, there is an investigation that is automatic.  Skull injuries, HIV infections...all part of Tracy's case.

In my case, with two extremely obvious MRI's showing damage to my skull, I was not admitted and the police, though called from the emergency room, did not show up.  Why?  This is to keep suspicion down while Lori works on the police about my character.  Remember, however, Lori, on court documents, is very clear that she knows nothing about this technology and that she hasn't known anything about me since high school.  I contend that she knew nothing about me then either; just what she read in yearbooks and saw in the newspapers.  My friends are very clear about my relationship with's even in that restraining order.  Lori was my bully that screamed gay slurs at me.

I am posting this video for anyone that needs to "break up" with a narcissist.  I have no "relationship" with Lori LaFond or Missy Erickson, it's all in their heads.  My relationship has to do with someone else that I don't feel is a narcissist, but the girls have been using men this way for decades.  SO remember the narcissist relationship is all about them, not you.  You mean nothing more than an avenue to get what they want, close that for construction.

Finally, I want to apologize to the people that really believe in this project.  I spent time thinking about taking this blog is the source of a lot of frustration after all these years, but then I realized that it has saved lives since it began.  That's a feeling that I can't deny.  When I try my best to get over whatever dilemma I am befallen by this week, I realize that if one person's life is saved then this blog, and the other "HateLisa" blog, were well worth it.  That blog, by the way, is still available for evidence.  I don't publish it online any longer because I told Lori's attorney, M. Katherine Jensen, Esq., that I would take Lori's name off of it after giving it some thought.  It is still able to be viewed and when prosecutors see it again, they will see that the initial entries talk all about Lori's secret life of Commissioner abuse, lying about working for people she doesn't, and other tidbits.  In short, I predicted Lori's problems long before she caused them.  I just knew she was up to something...especially when the Chief wrote me and titled it, "Your disrespectful email to me."  That was about the length of time given to the DNA evidence and covering up my rape.  How disrespectful is that now?

It's important to note that although the MRI's that I had done immediately after the rape were never seen by me.  Instead, what was shown to me, with Steven Frey present, was an x-ray of a head that wasn't mine.  I can tell by the extensive dental work that I saw when I actually saw the MRI's for the first time years after the rape, when my father was in the hospital.  It is clear to me that the hospital was somehow contacted and the MRI's weren't seen by the attending physician.  There is no way that a trained professional that was told that I was suffering from excruciating pain in my head following an event that I can't recall...would have missed those MRI's.  They are dated and my name is on them, so police previous accounts to the Palm Springs City Council about their doubts of my rape are completely unfounded.  I reported the rape as soon as I was able to put all the pieces I could remember together.