Morally Conscious

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Monday, July 19, 2021

Oh She's So Tough and Scary...Yeah, I'm Not Buying It Either!


You know something?  I am so tired of Lori Jean LaFond acting like she's the leader of some kind of huge drug organization that takes people out when they piss her off.  Man, this girl is nothing like she acts like she is.  I will remind all of you that I am a police informant for one thing...remote neural monitoring; what Lori brought into this is her problem.  I would no sooner be an informant against a drug dealer than I would be like Lori.  I have no interest in playing cops and robbers because as all of you know, the cops always win.

I became an informant when I found out that the cops were using one drug dealer, Lori LaFond, to turn in all of my friends that SHE infected with HIV and implanted with a microchip.  You would do the same if you knew that the cops were cheating and if you got raped too.  Remember everyone, she has a video of herself inside of my friend's former home, acting like she is in "her family's drug dealer's home" which I know Steven would not agree with.  The title of her video was "The Drug Dealer's Boyfriend" which could just as easily be someone's wife, kid, or sister, if they were selling her drugs.  In that video, she acts like she's some kind of tough girl that handles the problems by beating the shit out of someone she's drugged.

It's not tough to drug someone and beat the shit out of them when they can't even remember what happened.  That's a fantasy.  What Lori is trying to pretend is that she is some kind of thug drug dealer.  Her victims are little boys, old women, and gay men.  She isn't above selling you drugs and calling the police to arrest you either.  If there was ever a snitch that deserves to be put in jail, it's Lori and her friends.  Don't fall for that "you're my family" bullshit.  Her real family won't even talk to her any longer.

She thinks she is intimidating me but the truth is that I know tougher people than she does and I'm telling them that I want a peaceful and non-violent solution to this crime.  If you have a way to catch her and do this legally, that's the best thing we can do.   Let her stand trial for the way she talks to people and hurts their kids and families.  Some people are much smarter than she knows.  I've known drug addicts that are absolute geniuses with a problem.  I love everyone but when it comes to Lori, I can't stand the ways she goes after your weaknesses and exploits them when she is the person that is breaking every single law known to California.

Let's all stop Lori so we can get back to our own private lives.


If there is anyone that is working on this case from the lawyer's point of view, this kind of harassment at my work can be verified through a video sent from my old job from Lori LaFond to Jonathan Mendenhall.  In it, some of Lori's neighbors are seen beating up a man in the lobby right after my shift ended.  Lori tells Jonathan, "See what I can still have done?" Lori has that video under other suspicious circumstances too.  She's a threat to everyone in this area.  Please take her drugs away!!!