Here I am sitting in my apartment and wondering just what it is that Lori LaFond hopes to gain by pretending to be Jeffrey Katzenberg security. She's gone to great expense to pretend that this isn't what it looks like, but there is way too much sexual sadism and humiliation involved. It started off with a choice between Christopher Monti and Nyle DiMarco...which is ridiculous.
Honestly I just was hoping that I'd get a chance to see Christopher Monti again, but now I hear Lori through the vent. Nowhere in the universe is this true. It's all bullshit. This one took a very long time to develop and in the end I will end up alone. The ultimate Lori LaFond diss. However the joke is on her, I have learned that life is hard and loving someone harder.
I loved Christopher enough to care about getting this information out to the public and that was helpful. In the time since Jonathan gave me that note that said in a year I would have my was almost thirteen years ago. I don't know what happened to Jonathan, Anthony, or Christopher, but I'm pretty sure they aren't here. That was so long ago. I wish that I'd heard from Jonathan in the meantime. Now I'm in the middle of some Lori LaFond self promotion and I know I won't see Christopher ever again. I really loved him back in the day but times change and so have his feelings probably.
Thirteen long and wasted years in 29 Palms...I wasted some good years missing someone that wasn't here. I guess it was wishful thinking that he would still be interested. Right now I'm going to bed.
I hope Christopher is happy wherever he is.
I know I'm not.
I guess I was hoping to finally get to talk to Marie Monti and let her know that I'd fulfilled the promise when I first talked to her. It was something that I looked forward to for drove this project and gave me focus. I always loved thinking about his blue green eyes. Dairy Queen date. He was awesome and I really needed awesome!