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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Scam Alert: The Most Popular Lesbian Mafia Scam is Huge Heifer and the "Bunny Pot"


Anyone up for some cheesecake?

Lori is.

This is for all the potential victims of Lori Jean LaFond's lesbian mafia...or as I call them, the "Muffia".

Most of you know that I devised a plan as a confidential informant to stop this crime about 11 years ago.  The plan was perfect and was going along as designed until Lori and her friends decided to pull a fast one.  Lori, as she has always done employed the work of her top operative.   A very former Playboy model and dancer with partial clothing, to infiltrate my team and cheesecake up to one of the influential parents of the coalition representing the victims.  It wasn't a brilliant plan for Lori to use and, much to our chagrin, it stalled our progress.  After all, you can eat too much cheesecake, can't you?  I know we all had enough.

The plan is a simple "honey pot" with a twist of girl on girl action.  In other words, Lori would use a friend of my family to introduce Missy Erickson (aka Missy Erectshun) to one of her biggest marks of all time.  As Lori describes Jeffrey Katzenberg, a long time stalking victim, "Jeffrey is my perfect father."  Most of you that listen to Lori know that she has had serious "daddy issues" and she has, since a child, been on the lookout for a "new family".  This is very common with the narcissist crowd that has a paraphillic obsession with "making a new family out of an existing one."  Other scams have included Lori as a long lost child that was put up for adoptions that found her true family "after all these years".  Definitely a scam that doesn't really work, but with Missy Erickson, there was no need for all that adoption stuff, because "Missy has so many problems."

Jeffrey likes to liken himself to that kind of father that helps out a damsel in distress that has a daughter/father issue.  As a surrogate father, Missy had Jeffrey in a quandary for nearly a decade while she preened and partied her way into my bank account.  All of this was for Lori to steal from my mom, sister and me.

So what we are telling you is to be aware of blondes with a problem coming to your doorstep or over your cell phone.  These girls love to pretend to be "nice girls" but in the end I was raped, my skull was smashed, I was rendered paralyzed with some kind of phenobarbital concoction, so I had to watch while my high school bully, raped me and put her frozen blood inside my body.  There can be few things that a less horrifying than some girl that I already don't like, paralyzing me while smashing my head in with a Coke bottle and infusing me with her HIV tainted blood.  Of course, when you are paralyzed, you can still use your brain so I hear and mentally scream at her for doing this...which Lori reads later when she goes back to her evil villain lair.

Just remember, as I have said before, I do not exploit the victims or their families by using them in a way to create another scam.  In other words, I never ask for money from any of the victims or their families.  What I write here is informational for the victims to use to explain to their families what happened to them in Palm Springs.  Lori often tries to befriend the moms, dads, and especially the sisters of the victims. She acts like she works for the police or Jeffrey Katzenberg so that she can weasel money from the people who she raped or their parents.  It's not something I would ever do.  I strictly write this so that more people, including children, don't get raped, infected, or filmed while she plays out her odd serial killer fantasies.

We all need to use our brains like Missy Erickson uses her our advantage.  My team is comprised of victims and their families.  If anyone is trying to blackmail, extort, or tell you how to act, it isn't related to what I am doing for the People of the State of California and the LGBTQ+ community.

If you have a question, contact a team member of mine and they can tell you if Kevin is involved or not.  It's pretty simple though, I don't hurt people, Lori and Missy do.