Passive aggressive domestic terrorist, Lori Jean LaFond, is still trying to verbally abuse me to get Jeffrey Katzenberg's attention. It's really bad that this girl thinks she can threaten me to get to someone I don't even know. I have never met him and Lori has this thing about thinking that if she hurts me or my sister, Jeffrey will come to her assistance.
I hope that someone recognizes that I get mad at Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg when Lori goes all crystal meth and steroid crazy after days and days without any sleep that goes to REM. No deep sleep makes me tired. Now that I recognize that, I can take care of it. Hey, Sis, I'm only human. Let's see how long you could go with your high school bully screeching at you day and night without a break. I'm on year 18...and you?