Morally Conscious

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

What Should Be Protected, What Should Be Expected? Jeffrey Katzenberg's Wavering Line Between Gay Men and Women


Hey Jeffrey,

Here's the bottom line.  You stated in your letter to Harvey Weinstein that you needed "to know" that allegations were false, indicating that you needed proof that what his victims said was true or that what he said was true and that there was "no way of knowing" and that kept you impartial for decades.

I came to this investigation as a police informant with many years of expertise in both the law and as a 39 year victim of Lori Jean LaFond's abhorrent behavior complete with a jury verdict.  I came to this investigation on behalf of the gay community which includes your son Benjamin and his best friend Martin, two more of the gay men that Lori and her friends brutally raped so that they could steal from you, and they did.  Did you need more proof beyond your son's own word?  Did you need to see the pictures she took, perhaps the video she shot?  Did you need to see your son in the hospital dying from his infection with HIV?  Did you need his doctor to tell you he'd been raped?  Did you even bother to genotype his HIV to see who infected him?  You seem to take the side of Harvey's rape victims, but you needed proof.  I see what you did here...did you think the public wouldn't notice?

Your letter to Harvey Weinstein wasn't about the victims of his crimes, it was all about you and your wife.  It was your public statement from a private email that YOU published so that America and the world wouldn't think that you and he were still friends and that you doubted his side of the story.  You wanted to look like someone that would come down against a man using his power and money to sexually assault women, many of whom you call friends.  You were trying to assuage your feelings of guilt after decades of female actresses coming to you and telling you what a monster Harvey Weinstein was?  He's now in jail, do you have the proof you need now?

Your son came to me because of OUR shared experiences with this rapist and this technology, which also, proves he was raped by Lori Jean LaFond.  She's the operator of this system and she alone can set up this tech for use.  If both Martin and Benjamin were implanted, infected, and robbed, then you have done something here that you lied about in that email.  You said you needed proof, your son wasn't enough?

As a police informant I turned away a lot of people without credibility knowing that they too had been raped and implanted, simply because they pose a danger to me as someone that Lori despises since 1982.  That was a full 39 years ago and you know that she is the person behind this crime.  I have a long and storied history with her stalking me and my friends.  You sat and watched her compose a false crime lab report, a false restraining order, stalk me to Arizona with your wife and son bringing her friends David and Missy  who helped Lori manufacture GHB.  You obstructed my friends from helping me stop her when we got back by advising my friends not to talk to me or anyone about what happened in Sedona.  It seems to me that when the proof doesn't match your desires, you change your mind, then you go around changing the minds of the victims and parents of this crime.  You wouldn't even let your wife tell the truth.

When the other informant in this case, Christopher Monti, posed a threat to your new version of this story, you watched as Lori Jean LaFond lied to the police and had him arrested.  You watched her composed false obituaries for both Jonathan Mendenhall and his father Ed.  Instead of reporting this to the authorities, you told Jonathan to "lay low" and not to talk to anyone.  Instead of coming to Christopher's aid after he went to jail for a year and a half, you contracted Missy Erickson to lie to his mother, then you did it for yourself.

You bought a house for Missy Erickson to set up as a rape home for my sister.  Then you routed that home ownership to a group so it looked different than it really was.  You then did something else.  You hired the rapists to work for you.  You put them in your own son's home and forced him to work with them from the investigation center where I was working for the clearly were not.  Bessie Smith's value?  "I know Kevin's family and I'm his sister's best friend," Bessie said, but I know her to be much different than a friend would act.  She never talked about my brother in law's death because she ignored the conspiracy that she was directly involved with.  She was my brother in law's best friend too, he's dead.  She ignore 30 years of Lori stalking me and my family but based her value on knowing my family.  Then she abused my elderly mother, defrauded my sister, and you helped her steal over $30,000 of the money I saved to hire a lawyer to fight against a police department that you financially support, even made a movie with some of them.

What you are is a hypocrite, and so is your wife.  You stand in this photo with Marilyn after years of knowing that Harvey Weinstein's reputation and position were all based on power because he is rich, he's a rapist too.  Once again, when it is convenient, you put on an act, then when it isn't, you act like you are concerned in Variety or the Hollywood reported by publishing a letter that casts doubt on both the actresses he raped and his reputation...not the L.A. Times, not on the news, but a trade paper so that your peers would think better of you.  Make no mistake about it, that's you in that picture, and you are friends with a rapist.  Just like all those Christmas pictures you took with Missy Erickson and her criminal drug dealing friends.  You did this from a home where my investigation was spearheaded, as if you were showing off.

If it is proof you require, I have a ton of it, but don't take my word for it, look at the evidence instead of ignoring it.  We can't make you understand the pain and suffering you've promulgated, but we can show what you did to hurt me, my sister, my father, and the gay community with your support of Missy Erickson, Bessie Smith, and your neighbor with whom I understand has had other sexual assault interactions with your son, something that affects him to this very day.  You made him live with him, but even worse, you took David's side over your own son.  Shameful.  Abusive.  Wrong.

Your own mother expressed to you her dissatisfaction with YOUR PLAN.  She even gave your son money to help him before she died.  Like me, you stole that too.  You took everything in my life and ruined it, then you ruined my sister's, mother's, and father's opinion of me.  You had no right to do this to someone that was raped by the same woman that you bought a home for and you think that I don't understand what you are doing?

There are far too many instances of you obstructing justice in the lives of my friends and their families to ignore and write off.  They can't be written off.  I am reminded by every single pill I take to try to cleanse my body of the woman that froze her blood and shoved it into my lifeless body.  The same woman that accused my innocent father when I was a child.  The same woman that had her brother shoot at me in San Diego.  The same woman that caused the death of my nieces' father.  The same woman that stole their life insurance money from the father that loved them so much, he tried to stop Lori's uncle from taking them from least that was what he thought.  His state of mind might not have been correct, but his heart was.  You took my commitment to him to find Lori and have her charged and you shit all over it, simply because you could.

Your continued support of the women that rape men in Palm Springs, California makes me think of your daughter and grand-daughter and what they will think about their father and grandfather in the future when a man rapes one of or their kids.  I can't go to Grandpa Jeffrey, he supports rapists, and just like one of those hideous wives that believes her husband didn't molest their child even though science proved he did, nobody will go to Marilyn either.

Similarly, you both support AIDS research, but why?  You aren't interested in proof, you just want to look good to Hollywood.  You want to stand at Elton John's  Vanity Fair party with some of the same women that Harvey raped and act like you aren't the same, but you are.  You support rapists, you don't really need proof.  Time has shown that over and over again, when you could have stopped Lori Jean LaFond, you did exactly what she wanted you to do.  That makes you an accomplice, but more important, it makes you an asshole.

I want the Weinstein victims to know something.  I believe you.  I know it must be terrible to have a career where a sexual predator leads the field in the kind of work that earns you money and makes you successful, with a price.  I know, because I'm dealing with Harvey's "friend", Jeffrey, who yields power just the same.  Just like Harvey erased the careers of promising actresses, Jeffrey has erased mine.  I won't stand for your brand of Hollywood, or Marilyn's.  I won't stand for it in the workplace, or at home, and especially at the police department that you support.  Bryan Anderson slept with Lori LaFond, according to her, he was in charge of my rape case...and you told him not to bother too.

You think that taking my money will stop me from helping the LGBTQ+ community stop this urban legend, but I have news for you, money doesn't have a thing to do with integrity, truth, or justice, only when you got involved.  I hope your wife understands what she's done and who she did it to, because all I did was stand up for the kid that your husband forgot.  He's not the successful director son, no he's the one that did everything else for his lousy father and mother and they did nothing for him.

If you continue to hold my sister hostage and blame her for what your three employees did, then you will be responsible for more than you ever bargained for.  I'll make sure of it...with proof!!!

Kevin Bond

P.S. Exploiting the victims of rape only supports the rapist.  Using their families supports you.  What's the difference?  You don't need proof, you just bury that any way.  If proof doesn't support your need to befriend the rapists and this domestic terrorist cell, you threaten it, burn it, hide it, or say it doesn't exist, but it does Jeff, it sat in a great big pile on your wife's new carpet.  You're doing the exact same thing she did, only this time it's in my father's house on his carpet.

Editor's note:
In the struggle for equality for women, blacks, gays and other minorities, there is a social norm that promotes inequality.  If a woman is raped, she is supposed to be protected by the law and society, all too often that doesn't happen, but it happens more often than it does when a man is raped.  It is my opinion that Jeffrey suffers from homophobia and thinks that when a gay man is raped, it is to be expected, but when a woman is, she should be protected.  Why?  In my case, both times that Lori raped me, I went to a friend's home, no drugs, no sex, just slept over.  There was no "rough sex", in fact, there was no gay stereotype at all.  I went to a friend's home and slept.  I was knocked unconscious and was raped.  I know because I was a virgin and didn't use drugs...I got HIV.  Is that what is to be expected by any gay man that visits or lives in Palm Springs?  According to Jeffrey it is.  How do we know this?

It's simple, he hired Bessie, Missy, and David, the friends of the rapist that infected me and took their side because Lori once assaulted them, but the difference is that I didn't join up with Lori to rape more people, steal their money, rape their friends, buy copious amounts of drugs, or any of that.   I was raped, period.  Missy, Bessie, and David joined this criminal terrorist cell, worked with Lori for decades.  I'll remind you that your friend, Patty Hearst, did the same thing Jeffrey, but she went to prison for it.  Why shouldn't Missy Erickson?  Bessie Smith?  David? It's because you hate gay men...99% of the victims are gay men and you chose the people that stalked us.  Now you are stalking us.

What is protected and what is expected...?  Jeffrey will decide that for all of us if we let him even with proof.  He's a certified thief, admittedly.  Monsters come in all shapes and sizes...sometimes they even pretend to be your friend.

Kill me if you must Jeffrey, but your legacy isn't film, it's rape and abuse.  What else can you expect from a "self made mom and dad", who were actually bailed out by Jeffrey's own mother and father more times than he is willing to admit.  He's forgotten what it's like to be poor, but he loves to make people that way.  It serves his purpose.  There is no excuse for playing God with people's lives just because you can.  

All I ever asked of him was to support his son.  All he ever said was, "No! Never! Missy is more important than you Benjamin."  Why bother having a genius son when you have an idiot father?

If gay men continued to work for Harvey Weinstein if he'd been acquitted, the actresses that he raped or assaulted wouldn't have any respect for us.  Why then aren't we able to say the same for the actors and actresses that still work for Jeffrey and Marilyn when they are protecting another rapist?  Not the first time.

Jeffrey is teaching a lesson that I don't want anyone to learn.  If you are raped, stay silent, that's his message to all of you gay men.  If you don't, I will have you robbed, stalked, financially ruined, and killed.  Shawn Parrish is my example.  If Jeffrey had stopped Lori and Missy in Sedona, Arizona, my friend would still be alive.  He didn't, now Shawn is dead.  So is Lori's father.

You can't rob your way into being a victim.  If anyone is jealous of my life, a true victim of this crime, you need not be.  My life is an example of what happens when someone like Jeffrey comes along and decides that you aren't worth it.  Someone with money.  Someone with power.  So powerful that even his own son can't tell the truth without having his father scold and punish him.  Abuse him.  It's been over 14 years now, Jeffrey is still supporting the rapists and he's killing me.