Morally Conscious

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Mrs. LaFond, Your Daughter Is Forwarding My Sister's Phone Number Again! Last Time, She Caused A Death In My Family, Going For Number Two?


The last time Lori Jean LaFond sat inside a home and played phone games with a family member of mine, he ended up dead.  Now she's embarked on another campaign of forwarding my sister's phone so that she can lie to her about the money that she and her friends stole with Jeffrey.  This was also another way the girls abused my mother.  When they stole this money, they pretended to be other people telling my mom not to say anything about the money being stolen.

Bessie Smith continues to spin her lies and deceit in an attempt to keep herself out of jail for her roles in my shooting, my rape, my brother in law's death, and lots of other crimes.  Jeffrey has her secreted away in his son's home, like some kind of relative of mine that he can use, or Lori can use, to create drama or death.  She just told me that Jeffrey would be a suspect in my death if she killed me.  What a wonderful job he and Marilyn are doing...threatening a victim of this crime that helped their son.

He's a real man alright.

What I am concerned about is Bessie Smith and her fuck buddy Missy Erickson.  Missy continues to live with several deadly and communicable diseases that, frankly, aren't being dealt with by her family, her friends, and especially her sister, whose name is all over this investigation on bank accounts, on warrants, in the minds of the victims, and lots of other places.  You see, Lori has used this technique before when she had my brother in law killed and used my sister's id to steal the insurance money left to his orphaned kids.

What has Jeffrey done to find out who left GHB in his home? Shit on his carpet.  Poisoned their food and wrote, "I was here" inside their home?  It wasn't me that did that, but he sure acts like it was.  It also wasn't my sister.  Whom he also treats like some kind of "stupid woman".  It's the same kind of respect he shows his wife.  Lying and drug dealing with his childlike friends that used my vacation to Sedona, Arizona as a time to make more drugs that would end up stored in Jeffrey's home, according to Lori LaFond.  From what I understand his crack head security chief is behind the destruction of those drugs and the coverup of Missy Erickson and David in Arizona.  He couldn't do everything though....there are pictures of them there.  Oh, Jeffrey knew they were heading to Arizona with drug precursors because he watched them load them into vehicles that drove Lori and or Brian LaFond to Arizona.  Someone also suggested that it was Marilyn Katzenberg's car that was used in the transport across state lines.  He could have had them stopped at the Arizona border, but he let them go there anyway without any report to Bryan Anderson or any DEA agent.  In fact, he watched while his two employees sat around doing drugs and manufacturing them with Lori LaFond and her brother Brian.  Missy even said that this is what Jeffrey wanted and don't even think of helping Kevin.  That's what she told my friends...that is a clear violation of Lori's restraining order as was her exposed vagina when she forced Anthony to that home to threaten him.

From the beginning, Jeffrey was against me.  His contact of my sister and subsequent robbery also proves it.  His words and deeds are notoriously proven to be lies, but his actions are legendary in the world of criminal obstruction.  A powerful man with a powerful bank account, bankrupt of morals and sympathy.  His own son had to watch while his employees tried to hatch a plot to have those drugs placed in my car so that Lori could call the cops in Arizona.  Nice job Jeffrey, you couldn't be a worse parent if you tried, not to mention an American shame.

Lori, on the other hand, acted like she was Jeffrey's employee with wild stories of filming adult films in Arizona with Marilyn and Jeffrey...the films depict young boys being raped after she tells their parent, "I'm gonna hurt your kids!!!"  The father paralyzed and not able to move but completely able to hear her and do nothing.  If this isn't horrible enough, she bound and raped the young men with "Uncle Phil's dildo" a sexual aid that she uses to "break in virgins"...11 year olds?  This is sick. It's not just sick it's gut wrenching to me.  Jeffrey did nothing for these boys that he allowed to be raped and possibly infected just like his own son that he did nothing for.  Are we seeing a pattern here?  I think so.  I think I've seen it so many times that I don't have a decent opinion of Jeffrey or his wife.  Jonathan refers to this situation as "bound and gagged Billy" a veiled message to me written in his monthly "Ass-trology Report" for Odyssey Magazine.  He also referred to "Junior's jockstrap" too...want to see it?  Ask Jonathan for pictures of Lori wearing that filthy garment covered in the DNA of her past rape victims.

Lori has what she calls, "Her biggest success," when she had my brother in law murdered.  He was a loving father that was on crystal meth supplied by Lori Jean LaFond.  Lori used those feelings and the information gleaned from Bryan Anderson's conversations with both Lori's uncle, who shot my brother in law, and my brother in law himself.   She also used me in San Diego to find out that my sister was there to get the girls out of the area and that her uncle chaperoned them so that nothing would happen.  He didn't stay in the same room.  The girls were too little to leave in the room alone at the time, but Lori told my brother in law some sawed off sex story about my sister and her uncle being there with his kids, so yeah, he was furious.  The flame was lit and Lori stoked the fire.  I can't blame her uncle for protecting himself, but I also don't blame my brother in law for protecting his kids and wife.  Lori caused this and Bessie Smith watched the whole thing unfold, much like my own shooting in San Diego....she did nothing then and never said a word to my sister except, "I want your brother's money."  Missy Erickson, Jeffrey's best friend in the world, told Bessie not to get involved, thousands of times.  This all changed though when I had money that Missy, David, Bessie, and Jeffrey wanted to steal.  "Don't get involved, turned into, we have to do everything we can to steal his money from his mother and him by using his sister."

There isn't anything new about killing for insurance money, something Missy and Bessie knew about when my brother in law was killed.  Lori even broke into her home and robbed it for the bank information and other a diamond bracelet that she tried to have me blamed for stealing.  She even left her calling card...blood red fingernail polish sprayed all over our faces in a photograph left on the wall...a warning that nobody heeded.  A warning that Jeffrey refuses to tell anyone about, why would he, he's on Lori's side.  In fact Jeffrey refuses to tell a lot of things about the three people that he sent to steal my money, you know, the ones he feels so sorry for.  Oh yeah, after they visited, they broke the window out of my nieces' car to show everyone that Lori was mad that she didn't get that money, Jeffrey did.

My niece also had her car stolen right outside her home, the same home where my brother in law was killed.  That car ended up seconds from the home that Lori and Brian live in right now.

The threats just keep on coming and Jeffrey is behind all of them.  You see failure to report a crime that leads to other crimes being committed can get you convicted of negligence, like negligent homicide if someone gets killed.  You all might want to ask Marilyn why she hasn't prosecuted Lori for the shit on her carpet or the poison in her cereal.  It's because Jeffrey knows it will get Missy Erickson convicted, and he just can't have that.