From the time that Jeffrey Katzenberg insisted on sending Lori LaFond help when we went to Sedona, Arizona, he's shown an utter disdain and misrepresentation of a restraining order. Not only did he cover up the fact that his wife and son brought Missy and David, two of Lori's drug addicted serial killers at his insistence, he was completely ignoring the fact that there was a restraining order in place that made it both illegal for Lori to follow me and illegal to provide her assistance in doing so. Now he wants it both ways. He has his own restraining order against Lori but he feels like he can't get involved in stopping her because it would be a violation. This gives him the opportunity to continue to extort and torture my family.
I want everyone to call Jeffrey today and ask him, "Why did you just spend three full days listening to Lori torture Kevin?" How in the fuck is this guy using my agreement with his son to protect the criminals? His son does not have permission to help the criminals through me. Still Jeffrey seems to be using this wire to communicate with Missy Erickson and using it to extort my family.
Seems to me that Jeffrey is pulling a Lori. He wants restraining order to mean hurting me so that he doesn't have to do anything to stop Lori. Unfortunately if he uses this wire, he's breaking the law. He won't allow anyone to talk to Lori because he's acting like he's working with me, but the fact is that he's already shown a total disdain for restraining orders when he had his own employees threated my friends and their families when M. Katherine Jensen, Esq's. restraining order was in place in Arizona. So who's side is he on? I can tell you he isn't on mine. How could he be?
All along Jeffrey's been playing father to his son, but the truth is that he's more on the side of the people that robbed me than he is on the side of the law. There isn't one single person that doesn't think he's playing fast and loose with the law. An end run around his own family.
Jeffrey seems to think he can have his cake and eat it too by warning families not to say anything to Lori because of HIS restraining order. Jeffrey does not work for me, he works for his son who works for me and the State of California. He's using his own family to perpetuate this crime.
The person that extorted my family is Bessie Smith, military dependent. She lives and works with Jeffrey Katzenberg. She said, "You have to give me Kevin's money (only Kevin's mind you, not hers, not his mom's or dad's, just Kevin's) so that Lori won't steal it. Now Jeffrey wants to keep my friends from saying anything, as does Jonathan, so that I continue to be harassed and tortured because all of them are afraid to use this system as evidence. A bunch of fucking cowards. What they are afraid of is being convicted for using an illegal system that has stolen from hundreds of families in our area. "Don't say anything to Lori while she is torturing Kevin, but if she tortures my son, then it's different..." that's what he is saying. He is literally forcing Lori to focus on me and my family after extorting money from my sister for my protection. Isn't that true Bessie?
What Marie LaFond has done is given a home to terrorism in our area. Her daughter and son in law are in big fucking trouble for lying on a restraining order application and for giving a home for terrorists. Not to mention that home is a drug den for six people that like to infect people with diseases. Now Jacquie Palmer has a huge dilema …how does she give her a place to live and come down on the side of the innocent children that Lori raped on film? Jacquie and Lori's problems with one another have cost MY FAMILY a son in law, a fortune in legal costs, and a whole lot of insurance money. Jacquie isn't that smart and her husband isn't either. I wanted them both to know that IF YOU DO own this complex,, you can be charged with drug dealing in our area. I think it is despicable. Haven't the LaFond's ruined enough children's lives in our area, Mrs. LaFond? Child and parent after child and parent used to come to the LaFond's and tell them to leave their kids alone. Want a list Marie? I know what you did. I have friends that have told me you and your husband tried to cover up Lori's use of this system by making agreements outside of the military. That's illegal. She should have been arrested for using this system to bully kids from the time that fucking system entered your home.
Jeffrey knows but I'm saying it here for posterity. Lori spent three days screaming at me so that Jeffrey would hear her. Everything from "Help me Jeffrey, help me" to "Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Jeffrey!" was used these last three days and Lori even admitted that she was trying to "Piss Jeffrey off!" This is what I like to call a clusterfuck of mistakes. I didn't get one bit of protection from Lori today or the last three days while she had sex fantasies about my best friend who definitely isn't gay. All I heard about was Kevin Cole and how Lori has fantasies about him being gay. I can tell you this. He is NOT GAY. He is MY BEST FRIEND. He never was gay and I resent the fact that Lori has contacted him before with this kind of story about these kinds of things. I know Lori hates his wife and this is the kind of thing she does to create controversy. I am going on record telling all of you that HE IS NOT A HOMOSEXUAL. I am. It is what she desires not me. I would never do this to him and I certainly would never talk to Lori that way. It would be like me saying that Lori's friend in Sedona, Arizona, Julie is a lesbian when I know she isn't.
It physically makes me sick to hear her talk about my best friend this way. Lori is now trying to have her filthy mouthpiece Missy Erickson try to back her up. She is the most insensitive lesbo that has ever lived. She is the person that always tries to smooth things over for Lori with people that I am friends with. She's done it for decades. If Kevin Cole wants to know the truth he can ask my own sister if Missy and Bessie ever visited her asking for my money.
Jeffrey is, once again, trying to control everyone. He's done it to Anthony, Jonathan, and especially Christopher. This man is walking the fence all the way to prison.
I am through with him and through with this whole game of using the legal system for Jeffrey to continue to commit crimes against me under the guise of stopping Lori. It's all for looks. There isn't any teeth in his restraining order when this crime is committed on this system. Of course he doesn't want MY TEAM to talk to Lori and he claims to work for me...he doesn't. To this day he still has all of my money. He's still lying to my sister. He still won't do the job of reporting her burglary of his own home. However now he wants Lori restrained when he could put her in jail on his own. What's wrong Jeff? Still playing patty cake with the girlfriend? You see Jeffrey who complains about spending so much money on this investigation is lying. The money he spent was on Missy Erickson and Bessie Smith. He hasn't dropped a single dime on my end of this investigation.
Think about it. If he has the evidence of Lori breaking into his home and shitting on his floor why not prosecute her? Why get a sub standard restraining order? This is all a ploy to allow Lori to continue to harass my family in favor of putting her in jail. It's what the law calls insufficient! It is an insufficient effort to put Lori into jail and threaten me.