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I can see the hate in your eyes! |
Look directly into the eyes of evil himself. This is the face of the man who let Lori LaFond out of jail. This is the man who sent his son and wife to stalk me in Sedona, Arizona. This is the man whose lies and deceit are behind the funding of Lori LaFond's terrorist network. The alleged crimes that he has committed against the gay community are long and full of homophobia. Here's where we stand as of the story his mistress Melissa Erickson has told:
Allegedly, Jeffrey and his kids, are closely tied to electronic harassment in our area. A source has claimed that his son, David Katzenberg, once linked to Nicky Hilton, was once involved in the forced implantation of Nicky's brother Baron Hilton. Jeffrey, who has been aware of the crime of electronic harassment is now tied to one of the most notorious criminals involved in this crime, Melissa Erickson. Melissa has been seen in the presence of both David and Laura Katzenberg. Jeffrey's link to Missy Erickson involved destroying my investigative team and stealing my savings account through Bessie Smith. It is alleged that both Bessie Smith and Melissa Erickson were intimately involved in the elderly abuse scheme that targeted my mother.
The plot to steal this money from me is a direct violation of police informant work. Jeffrey targeted my sister to steal this money using my sister's best friend from high school, Bessie Smith. Smith is a military brat from Okinawa, Japan whose family has direct ties to brain link surveillance through the military. Smith has used this system for the last 40 years to target and hurt members of my own family. Erickson used Smith to gain access to my team, then seduced Jeffrey Katzenberg into dismantling my investigation by threatening Jonathan Mendenhall, Christopher Monti, and Anthony Dabiere. Jonathan and Anthony were aware of Lori LaFond's presence in Sedona, Arizona and Jeffrey told them not to say anything about it. That has turned out to be an obstruction of justice that has caused a multitude of illegal events.
Jeffrey continued to obstruct our investigation by supplying funds to secure the release of both Lori LaFond and Brian LaFond who were illegally stalking a police informant out of state when they were arrested on a variety of salacious charges. Lori told witnesses she was going to Sedona, Arizona to work for Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife Marilyn. Lori, of course, was going there to "take care of some unfinished business." It is alleged that both Marilyn and her son, Benjamin, provided Lori with two supporting actors in this terrorist plot. They are alleged to have supplied both David (Marilyn's next door neighbor) and Missy Erickson who then illegally served as bail sureties for Brian and Lori LaFond who were arrested in Arizona driving Marilyn Katzenberg's stolen 300zx which was reported stolen from Marilyn's home in Palm Springs, CA.
Marilyn Katzenberg was fully aware that Lori Jean LaFond had illegally filed a "workplace violence" restraining order against me while she was a fugitive from justice. Lori was "pretending" to be employed by the City of LaQuinta. Supplying her with extra criminal actors in Arizona would be a direct violation of that order and a criminal act of stalking.
Allegedly, Jeffrey was well aware that Lori Jean LaFond conspired to commit an act of violence against me, a police informant, in the State of Arizona when she learned that I'd planned a vacation at the Sedona Summit in March of 2010. Others alleged to have known about this plan were Anthony Dabiere, Jonathan Mendenhall, and security provided to Marilyn Katzenberg by her own personal security advisor. This individual allowed Melissa Erickson and David to pose as bail sureties for both LaFonds to secure their release from Arizona jails using false names and monies provided by Jeffrey Katzenberg and his father, Walter.
Other criminal actors in this plot included Leah Fauntleroy, Christian Johnson, David, Melissa Erickson, Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg, Benjamin Katzenberg, security for Marilyn, and others. It is alleged in the arrests that drugs, stolen vehicles, electronic devices used in implantations, and other information were found and hidden by Jeffrey Katzenberg. Of course, there were allegedly two male children victims and a father who were raped, beaten, filmed, and molested. Anthony Dabiere and Jonathan Mendenhall allegedly saw the boys and their father at the home that Melissa Erickson and David were living in during the child endangerment part of this crime. The location of that crime is in Sedona, Arizona, and is known to several of my friends who were used to traffic drugs and other items from California.
These boys were trafficked from California to Arizona for the purpose of sexual assault. That is a federal crime. The boys were allegedly drugged, beaten, bound, and filmed for the purpose of distribution of child pornography. The boys allegedly have a past in Palm Springs, CA where Lori is alleged to have implanted and infected them with the AIDS virus. Not only did Marilyn supply the co-conspirators to this crime, but she also failed to protect these minors from harm; neither did Benjamin Katzenberg. The entire plot was orchestrated by Lori LaFond, Melissa Erickson, Jeffrey, and Marilyn Katzenberg...who threatened my friends by having Melissa tell Jonathan Mendenhall that it was Jeffrey who supplied the money for Lori and Brian's release using false names and identifications. It was apparently clear that he was working with the terrorists. This is a clear violation of police informant policy and federal law.
It is still unclear whose names were used by Lori and Brian LaFond with false identification but it is clear that Jeffrey knew that they were used. It is also clear that monies used to secure their release were in violation of federal and state laws. It is alleged that some monies came from Jeffrey Katzenberg and some were from Walter Katzenberg who knowingly and intelligently intended to defraud the bail system. Melissa is a convicted felon so she also must have used a false ID along with David the Katzenberg neighbor.
Let me explain. A bail surety is supposed to be the owner of the security which means it is illegal for the surety to have a wealthy person, like Jeffrey or Walter, transfer monies to them for the purpose of release. This means that bank account information must have been supplied to the court under false names and accounts. If Melissa and David were the sureties examined under oath, they must have lied about where the money came from and who they were. They also must have lied about who the defendants were and their relationship with them. It is alleged that Lori LaFond was arrested at least three times during that week in March of 2010. It is also alleged that Jeffrey and his wife knew this and hid this information from law enforcement.
The illegal release of these two defendants is extremely volatile. It is alleged that both Brian and Lori LaFond are fugitives and were at the time of this crime. It is further alleged that Lori LaFond acted in furtherance of an attempted murder of myself in San Diego, CA where I was the victim of a shooting involving herself and her brother Brian. It is further alleged that after that shooting Lori LaFond and her brother broke into a home in Palm Springs, and attempted another murder using frozen blood and smashing my skull. There is a crime lab report from the Riverside crime lab that was hidden from the public, but I saw it, which was discarded by Bryan Anderson, the alleged four-year boyfriend of Lori Jean LaFond.
In receipt of this crime lab report were the PSPD, Jonathan Mendenhall, and others. It is unclear if Jeffrey Katzenberg saw this report but it is clear that he knew of Lori's plan to create a new lab report from the same lab using the same lab number and report but redacted to remove all DNA evidence. Bryan Anderson is aware of this as well. The reason this is important is because it is evidence of the rape and attempted murder. Bryan Anderson, a self-described "friend" of Lori LaFond was, at the time, the Captain of the Crimes Against Persons unit of the PSPD. It is his responsibility to contact a district attorney to be provided to the victim; in this case, me. This is a clear dereliction of duty of a police officer and a direct result of his clandestine relationship with a terrorist fugitive.
These attempted murders were ignored by Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife in favor of a relationship with Melissa Erickson, a known fugitive. It is alleged that Jeffrey Katzenberg and his co-conspirator threatened witnesses to keep the San Diego Police from knowing about evidence of the shooting of a federal agent. This would include Jeffrey in the attempted murder plot after the fact. Threatening and intimidating witnesses used as employees for a police informant is a federal crime. It is further alleged that Jeffrey's co-conspirators contacted the federal court and intimated that they were "working for Jeffrey Katzenberg investigating me, the police informant and victim of this shooting." This is alleged to have been with the full knowledge of Katzenberg himself.
I can tell you that I never sought the help of the Katzenberg family. One person, Benjamin, sought me out. I allege this was simply a ruse to gain permission to stalk me and members of my family and to keep his father aware of my work. This is espionage and highly illegal. While Jeffrey hired individuals within the domestic terrorism organization, his son pretended to be working for the police. None of the credible information about the crime was reported to any law enforcement agency with truthfulness or with the intent of solving this crime. It was a ruse and a lie.
Instead of seeking any kind of support from either Katzenberg's parents, I saved my own money to hire an attorney to look into the crimes committed by Bryan Anderson, Lori LaFond, and the organization. It was, I allege, Katzenberg who came up with the plan to commit elderly abuse against my mother with whom I saved the money in an account known only to myself and my family. Katzenberg and his wife then plotted with Missy Erickson and Bessie Smith to defraud the police informant's sister into handing over this account under the guise of Alzheimer's onset. All of this was done behind my back and without permission. This is a clear case of elderly abuse dreamed up by Jeffrey Katzenberg, Bessie Smith, and Melissa Erickson. The trio, including my own sister, should be charged with this crime.
Katzenberg and Erickson's only way of knowing where this money was saved was through this brain computer interface system. There is no other way that they could have known where the money I worked so hard for was saved. This is stalking. Stealing this money prevented me from hiring my own attorney to protect myself and my family from LaFond and the Katzenbergs. Bessie Smith was the catalyst for this crime.
When I confronted my sister about this money she lied. She apparently was told to say, "There was no bank account, though she and her family had borrowed money from it in the past." This prevented me from having the bank investigate this theft and stalled my investigation. It is a crime to have stolen this money without my permission. Jeffrey convinced my sister that he was working on this crime vs. Lori LaFond without telling her that he'd bailed her out of an Arizona jail. He also failed to tell her the truth and convinced her not to tell me. This is a crime. A theft of police informant money is not new to the Palm Springs Police Department who was sued by the Nichols family for doing the same thing to them. I informed the Geragos Law Firm about the theft of the Nichols family money but Jeffrey told others not to contact them. Jeffrey also failed to inform the Geragos Law Firm about what he knew about the Nichols family theft. He supported the terrorists.
Any attempt by Katzenberg, his wife, or his son to claim otherwise is a complete fabrication of the truth. I never asked for or received any financial help from any of them. On the other hand, Melissa Erickson and Bessie Smith were given numerous "gifts" for their efforts against me. Cars, a home to live in for free, and protection from prosecution. Katzenberg and his wife have plotted against members of my family on numerous occasions in support of other crimes.
I alleged that Jeffrey, Marilyn, and Benjamin's association with the clear suspects of this domestic terrorism shows a clear intent to try to take my life and the lives of my family members. There have been no attempts to locate and incarcerate the LaFonds, Erickson, or any other members of this organization. These are the very people that tried to have me murdered and are suspected of setting up the murder for the insurance money of my brother-in-law. It is very clear that Erickson, Smith, and Anderso were very aware that Lori LaFond was the suspect in the theft of that insurance money when my brother-in-law was killed.
If there is any prosecutor or judge out there reading this, I am begging for your help. This man is trying to kill me and members of my family.
Lastly, Christopher Monti, was once the other informant in this case. How little or much he knows about this crime against me is unknown. His silence, I allege is due to a clandestine relationship with the Mendenhall Family who has obstructed justice now for over 15 years. I allege that he too should be charged in this crime. His involvement with Jonathan Mendenhall, if alive or dead, is an obstruction leading to the danger and fear my life is in right at this very minute. I allege that Katzenberg, his wife, and son threatened Christopher into silence and Mendenhall bribed his family to do the same. There is no relationship between myself and Christopher other than this informant work. His obvious desire to hide the crimes committed by Katzenberg and the Mendenhalls shows a clear disregard for my life and the lives of my family members.
Katzenberg, his wife, and kids should be ordered to stay away from minor children based on the bailing out of defendants that are accused of child endangerment and child pornography. They have demonstrated a lack of concern for the victims of this crime over and over again.