Okay everyone, who has a friend in the D.E.A., besides me? As you can imagine after three days of Lori using endless needles (15-17 needles a day!?!?!?!) and screaming at me, Lori is back thinking that her drug supply is somehow safe from all law enforcement. Um, Honey, drugs are still illegal and you have the most! Of course, for those of you that think I am somehow advertising that Lori has a huge meth mountain for sale, think again. The drugs have been in a home couped up with six drug dealers that have tuberculosis and many other airborne diseases. If you buy something from Lori, you could be infecting yourself with a disease that she already has...that's just not worth it!!!
When oh when is someone going to focus on the fact that crystal meth is at the heart of Lori Jean LaFond's problems? It always has been a huge problem for her. Her entire life is built around drugs and sex...and her version of sex is a violent rape...both illegal.
Now let's get to the real problem facing Lori. She can't really go to the hospital for help for several reasons. First, she doesn't have a valid CDL. The problem is that when she was a 17-almost 18 year old, she got involved in a big crime....after years and years of committing smaller crimes (breaking into the high school and decimating the teacher's lounge/stealing computers)...she then decided to throw herself a party at someone else's home and proceeded to get so fucked up that she actually pushed a friend of hers in front of a moving vehicle. This got Lori into a ton of trouble just before turning 18. Of course, Lori's response was to run away and hide, then to change her name. She didn't change it legally, she just became other people so there is a warrant somewhere out there for the little brat that once pushed her friend under a car then tried to tell everyone that I WAS THE DRIVER!!!1 Nothing could be further from the truth. The car was driven by the son of the Commanding General of the 29 Palms MGACC, not me. It got her in trouble, but she never served her sentence. Being Lori Jean LaFond is a problem for her, identity wise.
Also, Lori has a scorching case of HIV. She's been positive since at least 1987, when she infected me after luring me to a friend's home for the rape and infection. She has never and will never willingly take HIV meds. Oh she knows about the HIV meds from all the men she implanted and infected then took care of themselves. The same way she knows about A/A and other problems that she causes, then we find the solutions. Lori without treatment has a very very very high viral load that she knows is super deadly in high amounts, thus the second time she raped me she put an inordinate amount of her frozen blood in my body; for immediate death. I was already taking the HIV meds that kept me from getting sicker again.
Since she isn't treated for HIV, she is also a really bad candidate for Covid-19 treatment which aims at protein production and immune responses from a person to make them immune. Here's the problem. If you have HIV and you are undetectable, it's a safe bet that the vaccine will work like it does for other people, but if you aren't taking them, then you have a compromised immune system that is producing more white blood cells for the HIV virus to use for replication. An immune response from a person not on meds could lead to AIDS! So Lori has a long way to go before she can take get immunized for Covid. She also has tuberculosis that she doesn't get treated for so she is really easy to infect and hard to cure or maintain. Lori is really mad about this because her friends Missy and Leah CAN take the Covid-19 vaccine because they have kept up with their HIV problems. Lori's anger is a false imprisonment of the people that live with and basically do everything for her but scream and yell!
If there was ever a time for a 5150 hold for evaluation, now is the time.
First of all we all know that the only way Lori is getting syringes right now is illegally using someone else's insurance. At a clip of 17 needles a day, plus whatever her friends are using, Lori is using needles at a clip of 476/mo. x's $3.50 per needle that comes to $1666/mo. just to maintain Lori's unusually high crystal meth binge. This has been going on for years and years too. How is it that nobody has entered that home and busted them? Lori's binge use of drugs is my biggest drug problem, always has been, you see she tends to turn my life into hers and hers into mine, so she makes up this druggie life of mine including all of her bad habits then tells her mother about it. I've been sober now for almost 14 years and I don't need someone like her badgering me every second of the day because I won't find her people to sell to. I'm not a part of that crowd. She is.
It's time her sister and mother get serious about Lori's problems. It's time someone realizes the long and arduous road ahead to bring Lori to justice, which means keeping her alive.
Peace and non violence everyone...we'd love you to be alive for the miracle.