Morally Conscious

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Saturday, March 6, 2021

Jeffrey Katzenberg Stole My Boyfriend...I Thought He Was Married? You Know All The Rumors Though...


I've never heard of a husband and wife that are so involved in other people's relationships.  Word to the wise, Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg stole my boyfriend and handed him to Alice Mendenhall.

This isn't over by a long shot.  Now that they have all betrayed me, I'm going to get revenge...legally and final.

Nobody treats me the way Jeffrey and Marilyn have and gets away with it...there will be no violence and no laws broken, I'm just going to tell on them with every single person I meet.  I hope Marilyn is happy now that her husband's side bitch has ruined as much as her old saggy Playboy ass can.  I think that Missy's parents and sister obstructed justice.  Just like Lori's mother.  Jonathan's mother.  Christopher's mother and family.  None of you are good people.  Every single time one of you wants to hurt someone you picked me.  Not a word of thanks from any of you.

Ungrateful fucking parents.

These are the injuries that Jonathan knew all about and failed to report to the police along with Lori's presence in Sedona, Arizona:

These are the injuries that mean absolutely nothing to Jeffrey Katzenberg, Christopher Monti, Bryan Anderson, Marilyn Katzenberg, Jonathan Mendenhall, Anthony see it was all good as long as I could help them but as soon as Alice Mendenhall got involved with Jeffrey Katzenberg, these potentially life ending injuries meant nothing.  They meant absolutely nothing to anyone.  Bessie Smith knew about these injuries and still robbed me.

These wealthy families don't know who they are fucking with.  I'm not ever going to forgive them for what they did to my life.  Not a single word of thanks, just "do everything for me so I can fuck you over."  Nobody gets away with that with me and still calls me a friend.

Mrs. Monti, until you apologize to my entire family for what your son did, I will never have one good thing to say about you ever again.