Morally Conscious

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Monday, March 8, 2021

Back To Abnormal Normal: Just Another Thing That The Victims of This Crime Deal With Because of Lori's Disease


For those of you that are concerned about my well being, thank you so very much!

As you know, or just in case you didn't, Lori Jean LaFond has been going through a massive break down of her mental health.  She thought that she worked for the City of La Quinta, the Palm Springs Police, Britney Spears, and Jeffrey Katzenberg.  She tells her family and others all of these stories and the truth is that she's never worked a day in her life.  These are all fantasy jobs that she creates in her mind and tries to make look real on the internet, in the courtroom, and with complete strangers.  After all, it's easier to lie to a stranger than a relative or associate.

Over the past few months, Lori crystal meth use has increased considerably and with a seemingly endless supply of needles and crystal meth, she's turned into "that girl" again!!!  The victims of this crime all know who she is...the drug crazed psychopath that screams and yells at all hours of the day and night.  All too often the pain and suffering were caused by Lori's own selfish need to control people with lies, hurtful rumors, and secrets not meant for her to tell.  Her own family knows what this has cost them over the years and I refuse to let her do that any longer to them, my family, my friends and their families.

I will admit that this investigation has taken a very long time.  Often I feel like it has taken too long and cost way too much.  When I realized my part in this crime, I decided to break my silence with the intention of helping other people to understand what is going on and how I think we can stop it.  Certainly, leaving it alone was going to cost more lives of innocent people that I love and care about.  There are moments when that drive and determination stall with me...and I feel like letting it all go.  That's why I get mad at Christopher and my friends for doing, what appears to be, the same thing.  They want to forget about Lori and the problems that she causes, and since I am her focal point, that means me, sometimes.  How can I blame them?  It's not fair of me.

At the same time I also realize something else.  If I don't keep working to stop Lori LaFond, we will all still continue to suffer until her body breaks down and her mouth ceases to work.   That could be a very long time...and the cost still too high.  My friends are the targets of Lori's hate.  She even said the other morning, "I hate all of their families!"  To me, that is a wake up call to anyone that knows mentally ill people with a history of violence.  They don't get better without intervention.  In order for my friends to move on from Lori, I have to keep fighting to have her arrested and charged.  Lori is the person that gave us no choice as, "Shut up and take it," is her motto.

So I try really hard not to let it show that it gets to me, but sometimes I'm not perfect.  Actually, I'm not perfect lots of times, but I never said I was.  It was Lori that called all of us by names like, "Mr. Perfect," "Mr. Wonderful", "The Hardest Working Man in Show Business", and "Mr. Smarty Pants" all meant sarcastically to evoke some kind of suggestion that we act that way, when the reality is that my friends aren't perfect, but they ARE PERFECT TO STOP HER!

I apologize to God and Christopher for being angry with him.  God put us together to love one another and love our families and friends.  This is of the utmost importance to me.  I chose to act out of love.  Lori didn't.  She can't, she doesn't know what love is.  As she says, "I'm living for this," when she hurts someone or steals their life savings.  She's actually not completely wrong, she is living off of us.  It's the only way she can pay for her life, but it's her life and we aren't working for her.

I will say that when I get mad, I lash out like many people do.  I've gotten better at suppressing that, but after time, it does boil over, but Lori can thank herself for that.  When she steals from me and tries to make it somehow her business to do so, she leaves a feeling of helplessness that I have to overcome with anger to get me excited about this project again.  The more she takes the harder I fight.  It's hard to get everyone to match their enthusiasm for this project all at once.  People have their own experiences with Lori and when she isn't focusing on you, you tend to move into that area that feel safer.  Unfortunately if we don't stop her, she'll get back to you eventually then we wish we'd done more.  I don't want to feel that way.  I want to know I gave everything to stop her for all of excuses.  It's the only way we can survive and there are lots more of us than one single woman.

I guess what I am trying to tell my friends and their families is that you don't want her to do to you what she's tried to do to us.  It cost us a dear family member who was a father, a son, a cousin, and most of all a husband to my sister whom I love more every single day.  Sometimes I get angry and forget that, but then I realize that she is just as much a victim of Lori's insane fantasies as anyone I've spoken to.  Once again, one girl's lies affecting so many people I love.  I think Jonathan, Anthony, and Christopher can all agree that this is what Lori has done to them too.  I say, let them tell you the truth, without me interfering.  Their story, their way.  I am so positive that I am right about Lori that I'm willing to let that happen whenever or wherever law enforcement wants.  Even Lori's own family members deserve this chance to explain this situation with the facts, not Lori's word for it.  You can't take Lori's word for anything.  It's worthless.

You can read more truth from a supermarket tabloid than you could ever get from Lori's mouth (if that's possible). At least they have pictures.  Lori thinks she is someone else every single minute of her life.  The truth is that she is the same person no matter what lie she is creating in her mind and sticking out there on the internet.  If she's not "Jessica" then show her pictures to the victims that reported her and let them tell you she's the will be Lori Jean LaFond.  Oh, the victims have reported "Jessica" because they know her, but they didn't know her real name so Lori slips into anonymity because of a fake id, not because of the truth.  I've known her for a much longer time and I am obligated as an informant to tell you her REAL NAME, her REAL STORY from my experiences viewed by other people too.  They were there when she couldn't change who she was and she got in trouble for it.

I guess I just needed to let people know how hard this is on me.  Not that it isn't hard on them, but sometimes in this job you fight so hard for everyone else that you put yourself last.  Balance is the key.  I have to fight for them and myself, not necessarily in that order.  I ask for patience and understanding from all of the parents as I fight for our freedom.  When I am wrong, I ask for your forgiveness.  I do make mistakes.  I try hard to consider as many outcomes as possible with the least amount of stress to all, but I miss the mark sometimes.

Lastly, to Lori, I want you to remember why you got away with all this stuff that you've done.  Remember that you lied about who you are, what you do, how you do it, where it came from, your own family's role with it...all of this was propagated by your own mental illness.  You felt like you were having fun...we felt like we were going to die.  When you kept it up you acted like we were telling on you because you couldn't take the criticism from the very people that YOU TOLD about how this espionage was done.  You were at every turn of the decisions that you made and now you've walked into the trap we set up to catch you.  You don't like that, well then you should have stopped following us. 

Naturally when a person follows someone else around that person is at the mercy of what is waiting for her at the end.  Don't expect me to feel sorry for you because you followed me into a trap.  I don't.  You wanted to be involved in every aspect of my life, like a mouse eating poisoned cheese to his death.  Is it my fault that you ate it up?  No.  It is your fault for planning to eat it and blinding yourself to the possibility of it being dangerous for you.  I took what you used and turned it into your demise.  If you can't wrap your head around your role in it because it makes you look stupid, then in some way you've learned that it is possible to stop you.  You just can't handle it.

After all, Lori, it was YOU that contacted the Palm Springs Police about me, even my own police contact.  I'm his informant so your lies look pretty huge now.  Oh yeah, you even lied about him being your boyfriend too.  How can you ever expect him to believe you are telling the truth?  I'm sure his wife doesn't.  It does speak well for me though.  I said you were a liar that pretends to be other people and you are.

Lori, get help for your diseases and mental illness from a doctor, the only person that can save you now.  Of course that would mean that you aren't perfect like you think you are...that must really hurt.  Too bad.