Morally Conscious

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Friday, September 6, 2024

"Outcry" Was A Game Changer For Greg Kelley and For Me As Well


Blindsided.  I think that was the feeling I remember the most about the false accusations about my father.  They all came back to light when I was fortunate enough to watch the Showtime miniseries called "Outcry".  I can't remember too much on here without Lori LaFond going crazy on the microphone screaming and yelling at me, but I can say that it is a life-changing experience in my case.

One day everything was perfect, the next it was the opposite.  I was in the sixth grade when Lori LaFond decided that she was going to use her remote neural monitoring to try to frame my father for sexually abusing one of his students.  It came from as far left field as it could have.  I watched Greg Kelley's story about his future and knew that he went through the same thing.  Although my father was completely exonerated, it was nothing like the victory that it should have been for me.  That verdict would set into motion a series of events that would pit Lori LaFond in the role of revenge seeker for the next 41 years.

I felt for this guy in so many ways.  He had his entire future ahead of him, but his story is as cautionary as there could be.  I found him in the middle of a situation that nobody innocent should be in.  I knew that feeling with my father's case.  It wasn't until the verdict was rendered and my first day of high school started that I learned that Lori LaFond was going to harass and stalk me for the next 41 years.  She would even use my own family to levy accusations against me, but in the end, I caught her.  I knew I was going to be a successful person again.  Then Jeffrey Katzenberg got involved and the whole thing started all over again.

Whether or not you know the truth, I do.

In my father's case there really wasn't a victim at all.  At least not a victim that my father created.  No, instead, the boy in my father's case was 17 and he never ever said that my father laid a hand on him.  In fact, he denied it and told my sister that it was Lori Jean LaFond behind the whole thing.  Lori manufactured evidence.  She made up a pack of lies.  She was certain that "this time" she would get someone in trouble.  She'd tried several times on the Marine Corps base to do the same thing but it never worked out.  Her first attempt in public, after being thrown out of military dependency, was my father's case.  She had already thrown another of my friend's fathers in jail for drug dealing and now she wanted to try the kind of lie that would involve sex with a minor.  Lori was using remote neural monitoring with her brother Brian LaFond.

As I've said in the header above, I knew my father was innocent because I was there when two false allegations were supposed to have happened. I was the key witness because I was sitting, in my room, with the "accuser" the entire time that Lori made up a sexual encounter between my father and this person.  It didn't happen and I knew it.  My memory is still crystal clear about those incidents and I've even received threatening emails from Lori LaFond since then trying to gaslight my testimony into her fantasy.  What she has to say is completely fabricated.  It's also very clear that Lori wasn't there and could never have known anything like what she claimed happened, could have.  It simply was a lie.  A terrible lie that Lori had made before about military personnel on the base.  This time she got away with it for a while.

Lori would then go on to accuse three more men of molesting boys and a girl.  One of the accused was a coach with my father before moving to Palm Springs where he coached and taught all three of Jeffrey Katzenberg's kids.  This time, Lori used an underaged female that also denied the allegations that Lori made up.  It's unclear at this time if Lori used the same manufactured evidence to secure his arrest.  Steve Fabian, was that coach.  He was around for my father's case then he found himself in the same false accusations case as my dad.  It smelled like Lori LaFond to me, and now I know it was her again.  Lori even tried to frame my father again several years after the first allegations but this time she fucked up.  She went to my father's best friends and they told us it was her.

I'm recalling that almost all of these falsely accused men used the same attorney to secure a not-guilty verdict.  Now I'm wondering why nobody seems to want to tell him what we now know? Lori seems to have a weird thing about her pedophilia.  It tends to fantasize children who accuse adults of sexual contact.  The second case that I was aware of two boys allegedly were used to accuse each other's fathers.  It was so outrageous and I never believed it, but they went through Hell too.  Their sisters were friends of mine and I felt so awful for them.  I knew what this was like with their names splashed all over the newspapers.  The press is so unkind in these situations...there is no way either boy accused the other's father.  It was Lori making it all up.

Lori makes false accusations against people.  She is as guilty of the crime of pedophilia as these men weren't guilty.  Lori has a long history of dreaming up sexual acts between adults and children.  The reason is simple, she is a pedophile who loves to hurt kids and adults.  When my testimony and others led to my father's acquittal, Lori targeted me for her hate.  It began right after the verdict on the very first day of high school before my first class even started.  I knew then and there that this girl wanted to kill me.  Her attack was so vicious and pointed that I knew something was wrong with her.  I can say this.  I didn't know who she was and I couldn't have cared less after Attack #1.  There would be two or three more that she planned and carried out.  Then she started using a stolen drug supply to get others to threaten me.  It was a huge problem for Lori that my father was correctly acquitted.  That was clear.

She began with her homophobic rants that were so hurtful and loud that everyone at school heard her.  They were clearly planned and directed at me because she hates gay people.  She is also gay.  I know that she had a few run-ins with one of my best girlfriends who knew she was a lesbian and said so.  Nowadays she's 50/50 about her sexuality which I could care less about.  It wouldn't matter to me who she preferred, because I could never like a person that was so hateful and violent.  Her violent streak continued throughout high school with shootings.  I know of three right off the bat.  Two of my best girlfriends were shot through windows of their homes.  At one point a house full of girls at a slumber party were the victims of her rage.  Two or three days later, Lori went back to the same home and tried it again!!!  This time one of her drug customers was run over by a car and Lori tried to blame me for being the driver.  I was NOT AT THAT HOME, but Lori insisted that I was.  It is my belief that Lori went to that home twice looking for me.  With a gun.  With her druggie friends.  To cause me great bodily harm.  This was all because she wanted her story about my father to be the story she made up.  

I can prove that Lori is like this through the emails she sent as Laurie Johnson.  In those emails, Lori accuses me of lying on the witness stand as a 12-year-old.  How in the fuck could she know anything???  The "accuser" never went to court and never testified as far as I know and I was a minor so my testimony is sealed.  I didn't lie, but Lori wanted to make it look like I did.  Lori would later enlist the help of another witness in my father's case, Bessie Smith, to come to 29 Palms to infiltrate my investigation and steal money from my mother.

The emails from Lori LaFond as Laurie Johnson were very clear that she was using this technology because someone hired her to do this to me.  Is that person Jeffrey Katzenberg?  It seems like she wants it to be him.  I doubt that he would have any interest in helping Lori LaFond but then there are the 14-plus years since Sedona, Arizona when Lori followed me out of state to "finish the job" she started in high school.  Jeffrey didn't do anything to help.  In fact, his motto was "Don't ever help Kevin, ever."  So even though Lori filed a bogus restraining order with her hanging judge, then followed me and my friends on vacation to Arizona, not a word flowed from Jeffrey's mouth.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada.

It's been a long terrible life.  Multiple attempts on my life were met with police cover-ups, hospital errors, malicious prosecution, and jail.  So many false allegations and arrests were made in Palm Springs without any convictions.  Lori LaFond was living her dream.  She was doing everything she wanted to anyone she wanted and infecting them all with her HIV.  There is no excuse for such a shoddy and homophobic investigation.  You can't ever convince me that I was the first person that Lori did this to in the Palm Springs area, just her favorite.  She could try to kill me any time she felt like it and nobody at the PSPD would do anything about it.  She even circulated pictures of my rape on a postcard and other places and the police ignored every single piece of evidence including a crime lab report, my own lab reports, my MRIs from the hospital, and the trip to Sedona, Arizona.  I've also heard that she used Jonathan Mendenhall's family to get out of the arrest that she was guilty of in the Phoenix area.  We know she used Jeffrey's father-in-law too, but we never hear a word from him or any of them.

There is so much speculation about what really happened in Arizona, but one thing is not up for grabs.  Lori LaFond stalked me, a police informant, across state lines to do me great bodily harm.  You see, with this technology, she could have stayed in her home and screamed at me and my friends from a distance, but she actually had to go there.  This is an aggressive act violating her own restraining order.  She even told people she was going there to take care of some, "unfinished business".  This is a crime.  Period.  Following a police informant across state lines has a tremendous sentence to it.  Nobody bothered to say a thing.  This would have resulted in Lori's arrest.  That restraining order was issued during a federal stay because of Lori's relationship with the hanging commissioner.

Then he had the nerve to issue a bench warrant from that illegal restraining order stemming from more lies from Lori LaFond.  This is pretty brave for a psychopath who has been a fugitive from the law since 1985.  This is the kind of brazen behavior of someone who thinks she has the system licked with her fake IDs and her police contacts.  It's 100% bullshit in Palm Springs.  When Jeffrey's family could have helped, he just sat silent and did nothing.  Actually, he went even further to help steal my bank account from a local was going to pay for an attorney to fight Lori's bogus and illegal restraining order, but that wasn't going to happen on Jeffrey's watch.  It is such a criminal obstruction that I can't imagine being less helpful.  It is so hurtful to me to think that someone I don't even know would take such an active role in my torture.  It's intentional. It is punitive.  It's completely without any merit.  He just hates gays, apparently.

I've been through so much that it hurts to think about it any longer.  There were so many instances of Lori's involvement in my life that I can't even count them all.  What I can tell you is that it isn't what she did that hurts any longer, it's the amount of people that didn't tell me that she was doing this that bothers me now.  Why wouldn't a friend tell me about this freak that can't seem to leave me alone?  I can't imagine doing that to a friend, boyfriend, fraternity brother, or girlfriend. I wouldn't.  They did. 

In the case of Greg Kelley, the community and his friends rallied around him because they knew what kind of person he was.  My experience was the exact opposite.  The worse Lori got, the more of them fled.  There has been a feeling of complete annihilation concerning my time here in the desert.  It's like someone is trying to completely erase me.  Allowing this monster named Lori LaFond to continue to attack me with absolutely no guardrails has been a theme.

This case has intentionally been kept from the U.S. Department of Justice.  There was a singular purpose in Jeffrey helping Missy Erickson.  I found out who shot at me in San Diego while working as a federal agent and I've been told that Jeffrey wanted any news of that stopped.  He didn't want anyone there to know that my shooting was related to this crime.  A complete whitewashing of the truth has been a theme.  The fact is that Lori ordered her brother to try to kill me after years of stalking me at the federal court.  I couldn't take a chance that my judge would be injured or targeted.  I had to resign.  It was the only thing proper that I could do without an explanation as to who was behind this crime.  Now that I know, it has been a huge effort by all parties to keep it from a U.S. Attorney.  I'm completely in disbelief.  Why anyone would continue to allow her to harass and stalk me goes way beyond the scope of friendship.  There is very little loyalty to the friends that I supported.

I was happy to see this work out for Greg.  Only I know what this whole thing feels like when it comes to being stalked by someone I have absolutely nothing in common with.  She likes to say that because I write this blog I am somehow magically "obsessed" with her.  Nothing in this universe could be further from the truth.  I never think about her.  It's her friend Christian who brings her name up constantly.  I've learned to simply blank her out of my mind.  It isn't hard.  I don't like anything about her.  I've heard her running around telling people that we were "once friends".  That is as big a lie as there could ever be.  We were the opposite of friends.  She's a predator, I'm her prey.

I hope that I will someday have the peace that Greg has found, but with the current situation, there is only doubt that Jeffrey and Missy will continue to promote Lori trying to kill me or a family member of mine.  What else can I think?  I've never done anything but try to stop this crime.  Somehow, stopping me became more important to Jeffrey than the crime itself.  You actually have to try to do something as insensitive as he's done.  There is no way he isn't trying to hurt my family.

It is very clear to me that the message is that Jeffrey will hurt my sister if I don't do as he wants.  I have no idea what he wants.  I do know that it isn't for me to succeed.  He wants me to fail like he did in Arizona.  When we got back, he began targeting my sister when I absolutely told him not to.   I told him to stay away from my family but his minions did everything they could to get inside of her home and my family's.  I get the message, Jeff...I think it's the worst thing I've gone through yet.

Help, please.  My sister is everything to me.  I feel like Jeffrey and Missy are threatening her safety.  There has been no let-up in 15 years...and the tactics have been unscrupulous.  You're a real saint Jeff. (That is sarcasm)

Moving forward, please no more emails about Jeffrey or his wife, please.  I know their reputation.  I don't need to hear any more about how wonderful she is and what an asshole he is.  She doesn't get through and he only hears Missy Erickson's voice.  Must be awful to have to watch this infidelity in person.  It would make me sick.