Morally Conscious

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Saturday, March 6, 2021

I'm Committed To Revenge On All Those That Wronged Me Over The Past Twelve Years!!! Starting With Bessie Cocksucking Smith


Well Christopher, you got exactly what you wanted.  A home in California for your mother and you.  Throw in your brothers and sister and you took me for one Hell of a ride.  I've never met someone as selfish and hurtful as you.  I should never have trusted you, your mother, your family and especially your friendship.  You've been stabbing me in the back the entire time...and you used my sister to do it.

Now I'm all about the revenge.  There is nothing in this world I despise more than friends that turn on you.  This trio, led by the infamous Barbara, did everything they could to get me killed.  Not once did this woman help me, but she helped herself to my friends many many times.  Now she has the cushy life and sucks up to Christopher's family like she's the one that saved his life.  That's fucking bullshit.

I hate to admit it, but I'm done.  I've seen and heard the bullshit for one year too long.  There is nothing that I desire more than complete revenge on Anthony, Christopher, and especially Jonathan and his family.  What a bunch of complete elitest snobs.  You save their lives, they throw yours in the trash.  There isn't anything I hate more than people like Christopher.  People that promise to do a job then turn out to be a flake.

So yeah, I want revenge on the Monti Family from New York that took everything they could from me and used it to make my life a miserable fucking existence.  Marie Monti should never be trusted.  This woman is a real piece of work.  "Do everything for my son, so I can fuck you over the second I get a chance," is Marie's motto.

I did everything I could for your asshole son.  You and he took advantage of me in a way that no other parent ever has.  I don't know what passes for mother in NYC, but here, you don't go burning your bridges the way Christopher's mother has and get away with it.

I would never trust your son again.  There is nothing worse than a back stabbing bullshitter.  As for his sister, I have no respect for you either.  My sister has been put through Hell because of your brother...he didn't have enough respect to even tell the truth one single time.  Any man that takes a bribe like Christopher did, deserves to go to prison.  He definitely does not stand for the things I hold dearest in this world.  I deserve so much better than what he is.

So congratulations Jonathan, you just earned yourself a lifetime enemy.  Instead of your, "Never give up on a friend" bullshit line that you and Anthony fed me in Sedona, Arizona, I would like to respond.  Don't ever pretend your my friend and act like I have to help you ever again.

I want full legal revenge on the Monti's, Mendenhall's, LaFond's, Smith's, Anderson's,  Anthony Dabiere, and all the co conspirators that would rather Lori get away with murder than help people that have never been as awful as any of you are.  You sicken me.  People like you deserve to be punished for what you've done.  Handing my life over to a maniac like Jeffrey was the wrong thing to do.

It is my intention to continue to fight against the families that have hurt all of us because of their own selfish greed.

Mrs. LaFond, how much more are you going to hurt my mother and father that NEVER DID A THING TO HURT YOU?  For 45 years you and your daughter have made my life a living breathing hell.  Abuse isn't the word for it.  Your husband is just as guilty as you are for letting your freak daughter turn into a homicidal maniac.  I've said nothing but the nicest things about you, lady, and all you can do is let your daughter continue to steal from my family using YOU as an excuse.  This truly is a "family business" right down to all the cousins and the siblings of your fucked up excuse of a female daughter, Lori.   She's a cunt.  There's no other way to describe her.  You made every excuse for her to steal from will lose those houses that they live in, I assure you.

As for David's parents, I hold you completely responsible for the theft of my money and for the trouble that Steve Fabian found himself in.  Your son is a god damned chicken hawk that taunts little boys from your school into getting raped by Lori LaFond.  You should not be teachers, you should be prisoners for what you have failed to do as parents.  Protecting student and teachers is YOUR failed.  I will bring that to Steve's attention as soon as I can.  Bryan too.

When I get a chance, I'm taking it.  From now on these families can consider me an enemy.  There is no friendship any longer between your sons and myself.  I've had it with them for good.  Mrs. Mendenhall handed my life over to Jeffrey for him to dispose of.  That's all he's ever done since he got here.

In twelve years, I haven't had one single birthday where I felt loved.  Not one.  Not one Christmas.  Not one 4th of July.  Not one single day.  Christopher is lying if he tells you he loves me.  You can't love someone and put them last every single time you get a chance.  I've never been first for's ALWAYS Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan...every single solitary time it's Jonathan.  I fucking hate Jonathan for this.  I can't stand his parents.  Both liars.  Sending me a death notice for their son that they are both hiding...what kind of pastor does that?  Regardless of whether you sent that or not, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TRUTH.  What your family did to me was paint a big fat red target on my head so that Lori and her friends could kill me or my sister.

The only real friend these three had was me.  Now they don't have that either and they won't be getting my friendship back ever again.

When I see the damage caused by the three of these former friends, all I can think of is how they let everyone down.  Not just a little, a whole fucking lot.  If Anthony EVER COMES AT ME AGAIN LIKE I DID SOMETHING TO HIM HE WILL REGRET THAT DECISION FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.  How's your comfy little life now Anthony?  You deserve to live the last ten years that I just did, you ungrateful fuck.