Morally Conscious

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Friday, March 5, 2021

Ain't It The Truth? Dead Father and Son? Boyfriend That Does Nothing? Bessie Smith Abuses My Mother and Gets Away With It? I'm Not Feeling It...And I Want Revenge!


Let me help the next guy that trusts Christopher Monti, DON'T!!!

Have you ever met someone that uses you for everything but does absolutely nothing but helps himself?  That's Christopher for ya.  His whole family moved to California because I was his all the money in the world has gone to his lazy assed, no job having, bullshit liar head.

Today is my birthday which means that Jeffrey is extra hateful towards me for his girlfriend Missy Erickson.  By the way, remember when Missy came along and told Jeffrey, "Never help Kevin or his family."  Jeffrey is still living that whole promise to her.  Oh, he isn't talking to her or anything, he's just going along with her plan still!!! This is obvious because she's still here and he hasn't done anything but rob my mother of my bank account taking advantage of her advanced stage of Alzheimer's disease.  It's the equivalent of beating her over the head....and this man still hasn't done a single thing to stop this crime.

What I am prepared to do is file a civil suit against Pastor Mendenhall and his wife, Alice Mendenhall for obstruction and intentional infliction of emotional distress.  You see, Pastor Mendenhall and his son Jonathan are playing dead.  They both know they are dead online and they refuse to report Lori LaFond for the crime instead opting for Jonathan's set up of this neural network in 29 Palms so that Lori and her friends can have me killed.  Jonathan's choice.  In the meantime the system that HE SET UP here is ruining my family and our lives.  Yes, Jonathan Edwin William Mendenhall set up Lori's terrorist system right here so that he could be safe without her in Palm Springs knowing full well what it would mean if she were here.  She would attack members of my family and steal whatever money she could take and Jonathan knew it.

My intention, so that everyone knows, is to file a civil complaint against the Mendenhall Family for obstruction, intentional infliction of emotional distress, witness tampering, and putting my life in constant danger for over ten years while Jonathan fraudulently played dead with evidence of a crime of sexual violence.  This is the kind of person Jonathan is.  He used every single person in Palm Springs to get what he wanted and now he lives with Anthony and Christopher hidden from view.   The toll on my mom and me has been tremendous.  Not one bit of consideration was ever given to my safety or the safety of my family members, instead Jonathan went and played "rich boy" with Christopher and Christopher's whole family bit into that pie.   Not one of them has the integrity needed to be a real hero in this situation.  Not one of Christopher's brothers, his mother, his sister, Jonathan's mother, step mother, sister, brother in law, father...nobody.  In fact they would rather watch me suffer than do anything about this.

Basically the story was that Christopher went back to NYC in 2018 to finish his degree and he should have stayed there.  Instead, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.  His whole family could live on property owned by Jonathan for one price, "Don't help Kevin ever."  This was acceptable for the entire Monti Family.  That's called a bribe.  So every single member of his family accepted a bribe from the Mendenhall Family for silence and my own torture.  This would make the Monti's defendants.

I went out of my way to make sure that Christopher had friends here in California, I never once dreamed he would turn on me the way he has.  He's a little punk that doesn't deserve any consideration.  He let Lori rape him in Jonathan's Family's home, a home owned by John Taylor of Duran Duran.  Raped and forgiven.  Whenever Christopher gets tired of Lori's constant bitching he uses my sister as an excuse to stop Lori from bitching.  "If you don't stop bothering me, I'll tell Kevin's sister..." what a fucking joke.  He uses my sister like some kind of shield?  Who the fuck does that?  I can do better than him.

As soon as the grass was greener, he jumped the fence and locked me out on the other side for Jeffrey and his plan to take my family's money and to have me killed.

For those of you that think I'll be living in San Diego ever, think again.  I have no desire to be forced into a situation where I am not welcome.  Mrs. Mendenhall put a great big, "Kevin is NOT Welcome" sign up in her front yard and that's pretty much subtle enough for me.  She was nice enough to have Christopher put it up for her.  Afterall, Christopher is "too busy doing other things" to be bothered with Lori trying to kill him and members of his family.  Jonathan knows Lori tried to kill me on more than one occasion, but he decided to keep that a secret from everyone.  I know a lot of people that don't like Jonathan any longer.  I'm on their side now.  I don't have any future with Christopher or anyone in San Diego, so Jeffrey got away with destroying my friendships only because my friends are so weak that they can't stand on their own two feet without the Mendenhall's doing everything for them.  So I'm putting up my own sign...

I'm not going to help the Mendenhall's, Monti's, Katzenberg's or anyone in this crime that obstructed justice for a rape that almost cost me my life.  For Jonathan to act like I was somehow invited to live where they are is a fucking joke.  That offer never came.  It was only offered to my boyfriend who Jonathan can't seem to get off his mind.  In fact, the pair have been lying to me since they first met.

So yeah, I'm done with thinking about San Diego for good.  I do have a plan to talk to the FBI about Jonathan.  His continued support of my misery is a travesty of friendship.  He's done absolutely nothing to help the situation that he helped to cause.  He's stolen from me for the absolute last time.  He can keep Christopher and his fucking family forever as far as I'm concerned or for as long as they can keep themselves out of prison. I wouldn't trust any of them.  Not Anthony, not Jonathan, not Christopher, Not one single Mendenhall, Monti, Katzenberg or Barbara can be trusted.  If I was talking to my prosecutor friends, I would tell them that Jonathan and his "family" can not be trusted at all.

If there is any attorney out there representing Jonathan or any of the above mentioned people, you should be aware that I don't consider them my friends any longer.  They've ruined my life with their constant carrot teasing of my freedom for so long that it's a game to them.  Pastor Mendenhall should lose his job for this.

Jeffrey and his wife are guilty of not reporting a crime and obstruction of justice that involved the elderly abuse of my mother.  What kind of mother, like Marilyn supports her husbands need to steal from my mother.  The money he took and hid away was extortion for my sister who was told this was to "protect my money".  That's extortion.  No questions about it.  All of these parents are involved in the conspiracy to commit murder and covering up the murder of my in law.  Every single one of them.

Forget that Jeffrey helped to cause the division between the truth and the lie within my own family, he's decided that he wants to kill me here in the desert with all my friends watching.  He's done zero to help this crime find an ending.  Instead, he gave a home to the girl that literally beat my mom into submission mentally.  Bessie Smith deserves the death penalty...more than almost anyone I've ever heard of.  She literally ignored my brother in law's death and my own shooting and only showed up when she thought that she could steal more money from me.  I haven't even spoken to this person in 35 years...and she had  the nerve to steal my life savings for absolutely no other reason than to bootstrap me to Lori's plan to kill me.  A plan that Bessie has seen over and over again.  That's the kind of friend she is.

He stole my money for an attorney to keep Lori from killing me.  Plain and simple.  Instead he opted for the girls that have already tried to kill me on more than one occasion.  Those aren't the actions of an innocent man.

As far as I'm concerned Bryan Anderson, Bessie Smith, Lori LaFond, Brian LaFond, Missy Ericson, the Mendenhall's, the Monti's, the Katzenberg's and all the people that have helped them...are covering up a murder which makes them all accessories after the fact.  Bryan Anderson lead the charge...he put Jeffrey out here to hurt me as badly as he could.  

Today is my birthday, I wish I was dead.  Thanks Christopher, your constant torture of my life wasn't worth all!!!  What this person has put me through was not worth it at all.  He took a leisurely life of bribery and left Lori here to kill me.  By the way, his mother did exactly the same thing.  She knew what Lori was like...and she took a bribe to keep it secret.  a bribe for her whole family to live here.  That's not funny Mrs. Monti.

The dream that this could all work out for the good guys, has been tainted and lost.  You can all thank Jonathan Mendenhall for his lack of interest and lazy American stereotype for the problems that you will all experience.  He never intended for me to live with my friends...he wants me dead.  Him and his mother.  Him and his father.  I tried to reason with him but he has some kind of hatred for me and my family.  Instead of telling the truth about my rape and the shooting in San Diego, he decided to give Missy and Lori another shot at killing me.  He's waited ten long years for that to happen.

So officially tonight, I am giving up any hope of ever living in San Diego ever again.  I don't want to.  I don't need these people that have made my life a living Hell.  I have no desire to live with or near anyone that wanted me dead.  I could never trust Jonathan or Anthony or Christopher ever again.  Not one of them gave a shit about my life even after I paid for an apartment for Christopher and Anthony when Jonathan bailed on both of them.  Of course, as soon as my back was turned, Jonathan showed up at that apartment, robbed me, and destroyed everything inside.  Apparently, that wasn't good enough for Anthony or Christopher.  Even Mrs. Monti knew I paid for this apartment for Christopher, do you think she ever said thank you for that?  Hells no.  I was treated like a leper.  An outcast while no good thieves like Bessie Smith were given a golden key to happiness.

I want this to be very clear to her...I want you to die of a lethal injection for my brother in laws death, Bessie Smith.  Tell that to my sister why don't you?  Everything you think I'm about, you are about to find out I'm not.   I'm not the least bit indebted to Bessie Smith or Bryan Anderhole.  The two of you with your high school buddy Lori are all a bunch of killers.

Bribery is a serious crime...when it involves a cover up of a murder, it's going to be a very difficult thing for Jonathan and his family to get out of.  They made the condition that Christopher could not help me in any way...and they are responsible for the mental cruelty that they have put on me.  I am not a well person.  I feel like every single friend I ever had is worthless to me.   These fucking three don't deserve any of the work that I did for them...all they did was trash my name around like I was some kind of problem when in fact they are the ones that set up the attempted murder in Sedona, Arizona.

It was Anthony, Barbara, and Jonathan that helped to set up the murder attempt in Sedona, Arizona.  When that didn't happen the way they all planned it, Anthony simply disappeared, then reappeared with his "dead" friend Jonathan and my ex-boyfriend Christopher.  Now all three are living together after Jonathan and Anthony tried to have me killed in Arizona.  The nerve they showed while I tried to take them on a restful vacation that was anything but.  The two of them made multiple trips to visit Jeffrey's employees in Lori's home that she rented for drug manufacturing.  Neither of them told the truth.  They never do.  In fact, you can almost always count on Anthony, Jonathan, and Christopher to lie.

I've written 9000 posts.  9000 fucking thousand posts and do you think that Alice Mendenhall reached out to me?  Nope.  9000 posts and do you think Marie Monti had the decency to do for me what I did for her?  Nope, she couldn't care less about me or my sister or anyone but herself.

I have letters from both the Mendenhall Family and the Monti Family that show the obstructions of justice.   Both hateful letters to me about their sons and what they are like.  Neither family has ever denied the contents of those letters that would have proven that Lori LaFond was in violation of her restraining order and ended this crime.  Instead the two families entered into a bribe together.  Christopher's brother, sister, mother, nephews, and others all participated in a bribe that served as an obstruction of justice to my own rape and the death of my brother in law at Lori's uncle's hand.  Shot him dead he did!

So yeah, I'm never going to be friends with these three again.  This case should and would have been over if not for Anthony and Jonathan lying about Lori's presence in Sedona, Arizona.  Something the two of them actually blamed me for.  Yes, I took them on a vacation and they brought along my rapist...didn't tell me and made my life a living breathing Hell ever since.  Ask them.  They'll tell you it's true too.  They sacrificed my entire family for their own welfare no matter what it cost me.

Those unanswered letters that said that Jonathan was "dead" and that Christopher's sister hated me were left without any explanation.  That is an obstruction of justice that has put my life in danger and if they were answered would have kept Jeffrey from abusing my elderly mother and defrauding my sister into lying to me about stealing my money.  Jeffrey has this thing about making people poor.  I hope he enjoys life without his wife and his money in the future.  This man is a danger to society because of his need to help local drug dealers hide their supplies in his home.