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Friday, February 26, 2021

Mystery Mom Has Joined The Coalition: What She Has To Say Might Just Ruin Lori Jean LaFond's Career Forever!!!


You know there is something about this crime that continues to amaze me.   There are so many stories of people that have had horrible experiences with Lori Jean LaFond...the list just keeps on that sore on Lori's back.

This week we were able to add another mom to our coalition and this one is really pissed off at Lori Jean LaFond.  This mom has been in the Palm Springs area for many years and her son is now a famous entertainer.  Oh, we've had other famous people with ties to this crime, Bradley Cooper, Lilly Tomlin, Jane Wagner, Lindsey Wagner, Suzanne Sommers, and many others, but this particular mom has a son that is really prominent in the gay community and she has the stories to back up the claims.

I am not 100% privy to all of her stories but apparently she was the calm in the storm for many of her son's friends and she's heard all the horror stories.  Apparently, Lori has a history with this person and Lori has stolen lots of money from these people.  No surprise there.  What is refreshing is that once again, we've located one of the key people that has met Lori Jean LaFond and knows what she does to the gay men of our area.  This mom is also friendly with Marilyn Katzenberg.  They've known each other for quite some time and can commiserate about what their sons have been put through.  This star is the same age as Benjamin and Martin and the trio are friends.  Lori has been seeking a way to get to Benjamin for a long time...this may have been another attempt to get him implanted and infected.

In the meantime my friends are interviewing the victims of another era of Lori's life where she was picking on another group of friends much like she did with mine.  In this case, we have thirty more victims that are now interviewing with my team.  Lori's problems continue to grow by leaps and bounds...this time she's really gone too far.

I just wanted to welcome this mom to the club of people that ARE GOING TO STOP LORI JEAN LAFOND FOREVER!!!  I don't know what Lori did to your son and his friends (your friends too) but we are sick and tired of her getting away with her sloppy crimes and poor police work.  It's time we get tougher on Lori instead of giving her friends the free pass that the police did.  We want justice for all moms and dads who lost their sons or daughters to Lori LaFond's jealousy.

Send us more...we love the crowd of victims ready to slam Lori's lies into a jail cell for good!!!

If this new parent is an indication of what it is like for the parents of these victims, the PSPD is in for a whole lot of trouble.  Remember folks, I am very friendly with federal prosecutors that want a piece of this case something fierce.  I've tried to be patient with Lori but she seems to keep growing her crystal meth habit to the size of a monster...she's not going to go quietly until we show her that her time on this system is 100% over!

She's lost control over the military's system that she stole.  Now it's time for Homeland Security and the U.S. Military to take her apart.  Lori's in for a lot longer and more difficult finale to her life than she thought.  Remember, I promote peaceful and non-violent methods of legal recourse.  With the Chief of Police denying me access to a district attorney after my injuries from that rape, he's going to have problems that will make national news.  There is no way to get Lori to stop without him taking the fall too.