Morally Conscious

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Friday, February 26, 2021

Lori Jean LaFond is STILL Looking For Another Family To Eat Alive!!! Very Concerned!!!


For the people that have actually seen Lori Jean LaFond, have you ever noticed how she continues to look like an uglier version of Wednesday Addams?  There is always a scowl on Lori's face and she is never in a good mood.  In fact, the only person I've ever seen Lori hang on to as a friend was one single girl that she knew back in high school, Julie.  (Lori tells people that they were secret "friends" but Julie is a  nice girl and not a lesbian.)  I only say this because Lori has this plan about me saying that "everyone is gay".  Um, Lori, dear, that's what YOU DO!!!  That's what you did to me all my life.  Who the fuck do you think you are telling everyone my life story (most of it untrue) and then denying that YOU ARE THE CLOSETED HOMOSEXUAL THAT INFECTS PEOPLE INTENTIONALLY AND SAYS SHE ISN'T HIV POSITIVE.  You aren't fooling me Lori.  I'm sure Julie already knows that YOU are obsessed with me and my family...because you made up an ugly lie about my father.

The rest of the girls and boys at school knew better than to befriend Lori because she had a tendency to throw people under the seriously, she literally pushed a kid under a moving vehicle then skipped town to avoid her sentence.  Rather than start a new life somewhere else, Lori went to Palm Springs to chase after the girl that was in that same car that ran over the boy Lori pushed underneath.  Yes, Lori doesn't really know what kinds of problems she has waiting for her, but I know that I'm going to get her charged with every single one.

If you have to listen to Lori Jean, you will hear her say things that will offend you.  One of the most offensive things she has to say is that "Jeffrey is like a father to her." There is nothing, and I repeat this, NOTHING further from the truth.  This little girl targeted Jeffrey's gay son for decades until she finally got her grubby stinky fingers on him.  She gave him HIV and other diseases.  Lori thinks that every parent hates their gay kid even though she knows they don't.  Somehow Lori also believes that Jeffrey likes her more than her "Honey Pot" plant, Missy Erickson.  The truth is that Missy was a huge mistake for this investigation.  As was David the Chickenhawk.  Missy, Bessie, and David were simply inserted to try to steal from the Katzenbergs.

To be honest, when I started this project and brought Benjamin on, I had no idea who his parents were and it didn't matter.  He was the person I hired to work with me, not his parents.  Benjamin has all of the qualifications that I was looking for in an investigator with his two friends (mine too).  That Jeffrey was someone that Lori had her eye on as a financier for her terror organization is not surprising.  Lori has targeted Hollywood types before.  Suzanne Sommers, Lilly Tomlin/Jane Wagner, and Earl Greenberg are just some of the celebrities that Lori has targeted in the past.

Lori has been trying to distance herself from the very people that she threatened into spying on Jeffrey.  It was Lori that wanted Missy Erickson and her two friends here.  Now Lori is living off of her family.  Freeloading actually.  If it wasn't for them, she would be out on the street.  Lori has FIVE people living with her.  There is no other story.  This group of six people sought to terrorize Benjamin Katzenberg and my an investigation that could easily have been over ten or so years ago.  Instead, Missy Erickson continues to spearhead and effort to keep my team from finishing this project.  Although she hates Lori, Missy still loves herself more than her own family; who I am sure are being lied to.  Missy should grow up and stop acting like an irresponsible child/adult.  Her health should be a number one priority, for without it, Missy won't have a reason to keep Lori's system around.  More people are affected by Missy's drug addiction than Missy understands.  Nobody should have been waiting for ten years for these girls to be arrested.  They have lots of crimes together.

One thing is for sure, Lori Jean LaFond has never and will never work for Jeffrey or Marilyn Katzenberg.  I should know, their son is my best friend.  Lori doesn't even know these people, just what she's gleaned from listening in to police or spying on Benjamin.  In fact, the drugs that Lori still lives on were purchased with monies stolen from Benjamin's business.  Lori was going to blame Benjamin for the loss, but he's too honest to let that happen.

I want everyone to understand that I know how tired of Lori you have all become but SHE ISN'T ABOUT TO STOP!!! It's time for the military to take back the technology that Lori stole and put her in jail where she belongs.  Lori is a monster and her last three days show just how out of touch she is.  She thinks that Jeffrey wants to adopt her...I told you she's sick!!!

It is interesting to note that Lori's search for a "new family" to call "her own" isn't about a lost little puppy finding shelter, no this is quite different.  What Lori is looking for is another "mark" family.  Some unsuspecting family that Lori can "eat alive" with her lying and friends.  Since her own family is now implicated in that bogus restraining order, using them isn't the smartest move.  Lori wants to show off...she wants to show operators on this system that she is still the "head bitch in charge" but the old gray mare ain't what she used to be...she's lost a step or two with her raging drug addiction and lack of police support in our area.

In the meantime Lori's talking about the police and how she is going to blame them for everything that she's gotten away with over the years.  She tells everyone how "stupid they are" and how much she "thinks the Chief of Police is an idiot that she can order around anytime she feels like it."  It's kind of obvious to all of us that the police have put themselves in a bad situation here because they failed to do what they should have to have her arrested in my rape case.  That case is now 14 years old and nobody has stepped in to stop this crime.  Why is it that I can't find a single cop that's interested in doing the job correctly?

All this investigation needs is for someone to contact the RIverside Crime Lab to get a copy of both reports that Chief Reyes said existed.  One report I saw in person with all the confidence the police chief could muster and the other I didn't see years later that recanted everything the first report showed me.  This is a fake report.  There is no crime lab in the universe that would contradict itself in this manner, it's bad policing.  A lab that gets things this wrong can have thousands of cases reviewed and retested and all because a police chief lacked the judgment to put this murderous monster in jail.  It's his mistake...he should have to pay the price for it.