Morally Conscious

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Friday, February 26, 2021

9000th Post: Yes Folks, I've Written 9000 Of These Posts Hoping The Next One Will Be The Last I Need To Write!!!


Just in case you were unaware, this marks the 9001st blog post on the EHPCPS blog!!! Definitely a milestone that nobody has ever reached before.  I, literally, in 11 years have written over 9000 blog posts trying to warn the federal government that Lori Jean LaFond has been accessing the U.S. Navy's electronic brain linking system since the 1980's.  Though some people think that whistleblowing is as easy as a phone call, I'm here to tell you that it just isn't that easy to get the kind of attention to stop domestic terrorism as you might think.

When you have a police department that refuses to put Lori Jean LaFond in jail and keep her there, you are left with all kinds of agencies that always refer you back to the problem....the Chief of Police.  What do you do when the Chief of Police is hiding a serial killer from the public?  A stalker that actually hires cars to follow people around that Lori doesn't like.  This police department has received hundreds of phone calls about people following ordinary citizens around.  They've discovered nothing about them...because they don't want to.

If there is any doubt about who wants this crime stopped the most, check out the guy that wrote millions of words in over 9000 posts about it.  You will see that nobody is more dedicated to telling the truth about this HOMOcaust than I am.  Especially since I feel so responsible about this girl being my high school bully when I was unable to say anything about it.  Now, I have an obligation for my community to spare them from this girl that ruined most of my life, my sister's life, my nieces' lives, and so many others.  Lori LaFond must be discovered by the federal government as the scheming gold digger psychopath that she is.

When will some agency of the federal government get involved to save our country from this kind of espionage?