Morally Conscious

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Sunday, February 28, 2021

FFTI: A Film By Targeted Individuals For Targeted Individuals...The Story Is Different All Over The World But The Question Is The Same, "Who Is Behind This Crime?" Lori Jean LaFond in Palm Springs, California


As I have said before, the victims of this crime that includes rape, every single time, are different.  Who know why some people target other people?  My main belief is that someone has money and someone wants it.  The other reasons vary from, someone is obsessed with someone else (like Lori LaFond), someone is angry with someone else, or someone wants to hurt someone...all of which are accomplished by implanting a target with a chip and zeroing in on their thinking and patterns.

I shy away from the "bigger picture" problem solving for one very important reason...we have more than enough victims in our area to suffice an investigation into this crime without the variables that you get in other places.  In our situation, the victims are primarily gay men.  For me to focus on the national or international problem goes beyond my area of expertise...what I do know is what has happened here in our area and because the criminal knows me, she is very afraid of being caught with her knickers down.

I put this film on in support of the victims all over the world.  This idea caught on back when Harry and William were talked about using these devices way back when Princess Diana had a say about it.  The princes' parents said "No way" to this incredible invasion of privacy but the world found out it was possible.  Lori uses Princes William and Harry as examples of people that "her father worked with" installing these chips in human beings.  That is the WORLD'S BIGGEST LIE!!!  Lori didn't have a father that worked with royalty, he worked with lifeguards at pools.  Lori's father also was a victim of this crime.  Victimized by his own daughter and son who kept an eye on him so that he didn't tell on them for stealing this tech and using it against him and gay men.  Her mom and sister are also likely victims of this crime.  So is another girl that lives across the street from her mom and is a good friend of mine.  You see, wherever Lori goes she rapes, then she stalks and harasses.  The police should know that by now.

So why did I stick with the local crime?  Simple.  I know my serial killer.  I've known her practically all of my life.  I forgot about her when I left for college but then she infected me with HIV and implanted a chip in me.  She could no longer rely on finding me at the high now she needed to follow me with the tech.  Your serial killer is different than mine, if you are implanted somewhere else in the world.  I stuck with mine so that we could look at her patterns, her signatures, her victims, and get an idea of how she operates.  We found her!  It's like finding a real life Bigfoot!  Lori is the person that stole this tech from the military...she belongs in the spotlight.   She craves attention, then I think she should have it.  The victims should decide Lori's fate but with peace and non-violence even though we got neither of the above.

Focusing on the ties between Lori Jean LaFond and the Palm Springs Police Department is an important aspect.  We can already connect Bryan Anderson to this crime through his military upbringing.  We know that Lori had a massive problem with Bryan before high school.  Lori has a tendency to make, continue, and hold a grudge, like no other person I've ever heard of.  If she doesn't want to like you, she'll make up a reason and hate you twice as much.   She thinks most people hate homosexuals, so if she clings to that, she'll get support.  Thanks to all police officers that still hold on to that antiquated personality type...that "macho men hate fags" mentality.  I think I have a different ideal.  Macho men that I know, don't have those feelings...they actually have gay friends and know that we aren't any kind of threat.  In Palm Springs, that's different...especially where Lori's victims are concerned!!!

The next step that I'd like to see are billboards that support the sane and harassed gay men in our community that have suffered for decades as Lori's slaves.  Their families have heard from Lori on many occasions.  Their families have seen them kill themselves, get HIV, die, and live their last moments at the same hospital that refused to admit me when my skull was smashed in.  All of this is in part to a system that doesn't know what Lori does and hasn't stopped her diseases from spreading like wildfire.  Lori is a predator...a killer....and a pussy.  She doesn't deserve the kind of consideration the police gave her.  I do. I worked legally to stop a hardened lifelong criminal that also happened to bully me starting in grade school.  Lori's the person...the chief of police knows it, and I'm the one that the police charged to get this investigation to stop her.  So what's the problem???

It would seem that in the decades and multiple police chiefs that have been in power in Palm Springs past, none of them knew how to contain and capture the "girl that robbed gay men".  Obviously, Lori was calling herself "Jessica"; a name that should, by now, be very familiar with police officers that have heard gay men complaining about her for years.  Just how many female drug dealers do the police think the gay male community have?  I can tell you that there was ONE...only ONE....her name, just like in high school, is Lori Jean LaFond, who came to Palm Springs to escape punishment for a crime she committed in her senior year.  She was supposed to serve a sentence, but she didn't.  She, like she always does, ran away.

Here is what Lori Jean LaFond did.  The night she pushed her friend behind a moving vehicle and almost killed him, she was at my friend Becky's house.  She then threatened her life and Becky left town.   Lori got caught for the attempted murder...but rather than stick around for the punishment, Lori left.  Pretended to be someone else, then stalked all the kids from our area that went to college at College of the Desert, including Bryan Anderson.  Our twentieth high school reunion saw the return of my friend Becky.  Who do you think showed up?  Lori LaFond the same girl that terrorized her in high school.  You see, this was another way that Lori was going to get revenge for the problems she caused in the past.  I haven't even seen Becky since before the night of the accident.  Only when Lori knew she would be around did Lori go to the reunion, in Palm Springs, to cause another incident.  You see, Lori's list of "pay backs" is long and totally without merit.  Lori caused these problems and she is responsible.

The police have to understand this girl is a lifelong stalker.  She isn't interested in striking up old friendships.  She's after anyone that she made a story up about in the past that wouldn't live Lori's lies for her.  So now, Lori is hellbent on finding everyone she's ever hated and wants them dead.

Stop Lori, stop the crime locally.

As for the film above, I want everyone to know that I love and support any and all efforts that are peaceful and non-violent to stop this crime.  Obviously this crime, thanks to people like Lori LaFond, has spread all over the globe.  Just how many of these victims have their EEG's running through a U.S. Government sponsored database for EEG to Word deciphering?  Who knows?  We know that all of the Palm Springs victims are run through the database that we think we've located in San Jose, California, just south of San Francisco.  Most of us are not military and have never consented to be a part of that program.  We were chipped at a rape where we were given HIV like guinea pigs.  It isn't due to promiscuity or unsafe sex, it is due to a psychopath with a death wish for gay men.  Lori fits that bill since junior high school.