Morally Conscious

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Monday, March 1, 2021

WOW!!! Did Lori LaFond Try To Get Revenge For Marilyn And/Or Jeffrey Katzenberg Complaining About Her Years Ago? Sounds Like It! "I Was Here"...Is Lori's Tagline!!!


An Oppositional Defiant Disorder is often times limited to children, who, for the most part, grow out of their need to oppose adult authority figures, but what if that child grows into an adult and never has any consequences for her violent and defiant behavior.  If every single time, Lori Jean LaFond, had gotten in REAL TROUBLE for using this mind reading system on the military base, she would likely have been in a much different position now, as an adult.

If you hear Lori, you know she is far less mature than an 18 year old adult child.  Honestly, I've seen her throw fits for basically no reason at all.  She is stuck in this fantasy world where she is still getting revenge for things she MADE UP in high school.  The problem with that is that most of the people that she went to school with are fully grown adults.  Most of them don't have the kind of life experience with Lori that I do.  I know her to be a homicidal maniac that dreams into reality situations that don't occur.

Take, for instance, my last arrest.  When Lori dreamed up another way to humiliate me, she had police in the holding area, practice putting on a spit hood over my head.  Yes, folks, after two or three days in custody, they took me down a hallway and in front of all the officers present, they practiced putting on a spit hood over my face.  HIV discrimination?  Probably.  I'd never spit on anyone in my whole life and I also take HIV meds that render me unable to transmit HIV.  I've been on them for a very long time, even then.  What Lori didn't realize or count on was that my team was recording her and myself the entire time.  The story she told the police while they were humiliating me is straight out of her high school masturbation fantasies.  Lori has lots of these...she even films them...with her brother...wearing my old high school basketball uniform (Bryan Anderson's uniform too) or some cheerleader outfit she stole back in high school from Yvette, a friend of mine.

She plays dress our old high school uniforms...and has sex! I've heard about this for a long time. It's pretty disgusting/disturbing to me and I'm sure the others that have witnessed this are pretty much the same.  It's disturbing to think that someone like Lori has had these fantasies inside her for 35 years and that she plays them out on film all these years later.  She needs help!  When someone else comes into our lives, she goes absolutely berserk.  As if her "role play" fantasies are somehow real.  For me, it is not a compliment.  For others, they can have their own opinion, but I would like to hear from Kelly, Mark, Bryan, and others that she has tried to control.  These people have a good idea about how Lori's fantasies turn into reality when she is harassing them.  I don't even know this girl.

It's not just the fantasies either, it's what she does when she feels like she has been somehow slighted when one of us has a relationship.  Literally, she goes blind with anger.  My sister and brother in law are a good example of what she does to control a situation.  Lori likes to think of herself as someone that controls outcomes.  This has to be smashed.  Absolutely smashed.  Lori is no more a part of my life than someone I didn't know in high school picking me out of a yearbook and deciding that she is going to use me as an example to the others.

Apparently there are others that she has done this to as well.  Sons of movie stars whose parents complained to the Palm Springs Police.  One of those people may have been Jeffrey or Marilyn Katzenberg or both.  Lori seems to have a long standing hatred of Marilyn Katzenberg who she pretends is "her mom".  That's what Lori has called her.  Lori's psychotic impressions of a woman that she has never met are that she is some kind of "a problem" for Lori which is why Lori broke into her home and shit on her floor.  She wrote on walls or cabinets and even sprayed ant spray in breakfast cereal.  The intent was to pay Marilyn back for talking about her to the police.  We're all supposed to be afraid of Lori...are you?  I'm not.

I want everyone to understand that Lori is living a fantasy of killing people.  Why does this surprise police?  They have the evidence they need to arrest her.  They simply don't do enough to protect the people that pay their salaries.  If this continues, the police could have several murder cases on their hands where they are names as a defendant.

Imagine if one of the Katzenbergs has already gone to the police about Lori Jean LaFond, they ignored them, then Lori went after their son and infected him with HIV, then threw him in jail in an entrapment situation.   That's called retaliation and it isn't legal.  All this happened before Lori raped Benjamin?  Man are they going to be in trouble.