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Saturday, February 27, 2021

11 Behaviors That Psychopath's Exhibit: Lori Jean LaFond Is The Poster Child For Sexual Psychopath (She's Been Like This Since 1980; I Can Prove It!)


While researching the topic of sexual psychopathy, I came across an article that talked about 11 behaviors of psychopaths and how people like Lori Jean often show these traits from the age of 12 on...Lori may have begun a few years earlier than that, and it may be a sign of even further damage that she has to her mental faculties.  At any rate I've known Lori since Junior High school and she was already at least two years into hurting my family by then.  This would make Lori about 10 or 11 years old when she began to attempt to control adult sexuality among her contacts...she would then have my father accused of having sex with a student (he was acquitted).  She would repeat this behavior with another high school teacher from our school that moved to Palm Springs High School, Steve Fabian.

I read this 11 Behaviors Psychopaths Exhibit article and honestly, Lori exhibits all but one of the traits.  There is one trait that says that these types of people can fool you by becoming "Frighteningly Charming".  Lori does not possess the maturity level of someone that can exhibit charm.   She's socially inept at most things...showing up to places where she doesn't belong and acting inappropriately.  For those situations she has Missy Erickson...who does have the ability to lie to your face with a giggle and a smile.  Just ask Jeffrey.   EVERY SINGLE OTHER TRAIT LORI HAS EXHIBITED SINCE SHE WAS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL...EVERY ONE OF THEM!!!

I just wanted to shed some light on the girl at the center of all of the problems.  It's definitely my high school bully.  This is who she is and I have friends from high school with much similar stories of anger, violence, abusive talk, emotional abuse, and some cases of actual physical abuse....I guess that's what you would call pushing someone in front of a moving vehicle in her senior year.  She was still mad when the guy that got hit wouldn't get up and chase down the car with a broken hip and femur!!!  Lori has issues...lots of them.