Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Police Kids and Military Brats: The Elm Street Kids Aren't Limited To 29 Palms


Daniel Chackray, Stephanie Campbell, Chris Steffy (San Diego), and at least one other police officer's kid (the co-defendant in Anthony Dabiere's criminal case), James Connelly,  was implanted by Lori LaFond who seems to have a plan for all of them.  I wouldn't be too happy if I was the child of a cop that agreed to use Lori's system...they tend to get themselves into trouble and they have daddy to thank for it, most of the time. 

She tends to use these kids to set up arrests...illegal arrests of innocent men.  The funny thing is that the cop kids either get eliminated out of the criminal cases where they are lead defendants or they get labeled a snitch in the drug community (highly dangerous), or they simply are used by Lori and driven crazy.  You see the police are under some odd impression that their families could never be infiltrated by someone like Lori LaFond, but it has happened on more than once occasion.  I don't know for certain but even Deputy Fiebig has been rumored to be one of these implanted cop kids.  He's the guy that helped Lori file a workplace violence restraining order for the City of LaQuinta when Lori didn't even work there...suspicious?  Probably since he's who Lori went to when the PSPD wouldn't do it for her.  Now Lori wants to pay them all back too.   I haven't seen the book of police officers, but I'm a police informant, I know which cops do what they do for Lori, I've seen enough of them.

So I guess my point is that nobody should really let their guard down.  Lori's implanted 90 year old women and young kids.  There is nothing off limits to her.  She figures how can she get in trouble if they already helped her?  So fucking stupid.  The federal government wants Lori badly, and with me and my friends, we are going to deliver her.  Her friends too.  She wouldn't back off, like Freddy Krueger, so now we have a job to do for this country.

Remember too, the military kids are already implanted so Lori loves to pay visits to high school reunions to kick up some dirt so she can run home and see what everyone thinks about her.  If she doesn't like what they thought, they go on the list of people to hurt.

This nightmare has to end because what Lori loves to deliver is poverty, job loss, deadly diseases and/or a gay bashing that the hospital misses and the police won't investigate.  Lori has had a lifelong dream of having an entire city implanted that she could control.  This is the malignant narcissist that we know to be Lori Jean LaFond.  She's always telling people, "Why won't they do what I tell them to do?"  "Why won't they say what I tell them to say?"  This is how sick she has become.  She honestly believes that everyone should do and say exactly what she wants them to, simply because she loves to cause pain and hurt.  Once again, my opinion is, "Wouldn't it be easier for everyone, not to mention safer, just to get rid of Lori using the court system?"  Certainly it would cost everyone less and nobody is going to complain about not hearing her voice ever again!!!

What I expect to see from this post, knowing that Lori is watching, is a complete and thorough search of any and everyone that Lori has lied to about this tech.  She'll pretend to be a "friend of Lori's" (as if Lori has and will start talking all kinds of shit.  What Lori forgets is that we have a completed database that is up to date with all the victims' serial numbers and many have a listing of the dates that Lori raped them to install the chips.  Others have been implanted by the military, but Lori's father used to be in charge of this system before Lori stole it.  She'll try to act like he could pass this tech on from military to her, a drug dealer, who is now being investigated by the federal government.  Lori is, in short, doing exactly what she did in high school and Palm Springs, threatening people with death if they don't keep their mouths shut!!!

Lori isn't what we call the brightest bulb in the lamp.  She's a box of hair inside a serial killer's apartment...creepy and weird.  Most adults, by now, and even then, do not accept any kind of conversation with Lori and usually tell her to stop contacting them.  If I find out that Lori has been talking to anyone, I'm going to press charges.  She knows, for a fact, that I'm a police informant and contacting witnesses is illegal.  If she threatens any of them, she can expect that her system will be taken from her immediately.

Your move Lori...I already know what you are up to.  Tell Missy that the Cheescake Factory is closed....