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Monday, December 7, 2020

Holding Lori Responsible For Her Under Oath Lies: What That "Workplace Violence" Restraining Order Yields More For The Victims Of This Crime Than Lori's Life


Will the real Lori Jean LaFond please stand up?  Take a shower first though...

It has come to my attention that Lori Jean LaFond is now plotting against the kids from high school that were in the military and still have this implants in their heads.  My friend Barbara Baltazar may be one of these people.  Though I have not spoken to my friend in years and years, there is a good chance, sources tell me, that she is one of the "Elm Street Kids" that still has an implant and once, with the help of her military father, filed a complaint against Lori for using this system against her and her brother, as a minor!!!  Now, Lori is seeking revenge against all of my military friends that were implanted as a child and are now grandparents.  She doesn't want it to come out that Lori was once big time in trouble for using this computer system to terrorize military families and personnel.  I want this system taken down and want to have Lori thrown off and jailed to protect friends like Barbara Baltazar and Bryan Anderson...who knows how many more kids there are out there that Lori is going to try to steal from???

As many of you already know, Lori began implanting police officers under the guise that Bryan Anderson was one of them.  What she failed to mention to everyone was that the only reason she had access to his brain was because he was implanted by the military.  He did not do this for the police, it was already inside of him.  Lori's theft of this tech GAVE HER ACCESS, WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION.  She then proceeded to use Bryan as some kind of guinea pig for this technology used in conjunction with the police department.  As you can see from her restraining order, Lori claims that she and Bryan dated for "four years".  That is a lie.  He never dated Lori LaFond and certainly did not have any kids with her.  I've even seen Lori tell Bryan's long time high school girlfriend that Lori was his lover for years while they were dating.  This woman was also the daughter of a Colonel in the USMC that Lori had many problems with growing up.  There are likely many complaints filed against Lori LaFond while she was still a military dependent before she was thrown off the base for good!

There is little doubt that any of the Elm Street kids are safe including the then Commanding General's son Rob Etnyre, a friend of mine, whom Lori already had a major incident with in high school.  Remember, he was the person driving the car that Lori pushed one of her friends under at a party that was set up by Lori herself.  I know there was a huge investigation about that crime and one of my friends left school because Lori was threatening to kill her.  20 years later, at a high school reunion, this same girl was allegedly accosted by Lori!!! I did not attend this reunion because I knew Lori was going nuts again!!!

This project is about protecting military and police dependents too.  Lots of the implanted police officers have kids that Lori is familiar with.  You all know she has a thing for hurting people especially military personnel, police personnel, and of course, gays.

Apparently when this brain linking was in it's infancy, Lori's father, Sgt. Major Eugene LaFond was entrusted with the computers to keep families safe.  Unfortunately, Lori was his daughter and she is a psychotic mess believing that her dad's permission was also her birth entitlement.  So Lori would spend time at home, spying on families that had given permission to have their family members monitored for safety.  Of course Lori misused this mind reading and then got in big trouble.  Many kids were implanted that Lori didn't like so she would sit at home and dream up ways to hurt them with what they were thinking.  Her father wasn't impressed, but when it came time to have these computers returned, Lori had her brother steal them and acted like she didn't know what happened to them.  In reality, it was pretty obvious that the girl that spied on military families was behind the theft.  Now, forty years later, Lori is still using these computers against civilians and military...and police officers that she doesn't like.

Lori is in real trouble now that her restraining order application denies that she knows anything about this technology as we are about to uncover all the complaints about her using this tech in the early 1980's.

Lori is the girl behind the voice and torture!

I want my friend Barbara to be safe and well as all my other friends that were part of the military family.  This is my gift to all of them too!!!

You see, Lori made a huge mistake when she denied the knowledge about this tech in her restraining order complaint and using her own name...we can impeach her under oath testimony by showing Lori's own chip numbers inside her body and the complaints that she had misused this technology in the past.  Lori is lying about everything and she is now in a position to have to tell the truth.  So much for "little Miss Perfect".

Please help the Elm Street Kids of 29 Palms!!!

The most important thing to realize is the security risk Lori Jean LaFond presents to our military here and abroad.  If "loose lips sink ships" then what does a mind connected to this system represent to a domestic terrorist that is ONLY interested in stealing money and spreading diseases?   This system in her hands is a major disruption of security for this country.  What's keeping her from selling it to a foreign enemy?  We all know that Lori has no scruples when it comes to stealing...and drugs pervade her thinking.  A quick buck is what she is looking to make and as recently as tonight she was looking to take these computers out of the country and into Mexico.  This is horrible!!!

Lori's father, Sgt. Maj. Eugene LaFond was as much a victim of this crime as he was involved with it back in the 1980's.  He realized his daughter was a psychopath escaped from a mental ward, and I am suggesting that somehow Lori may have been involved in his death.  I could not speak to him because of that restraining had a chilling effect on my efficacy where her family was concerned.  Now he is passed and there isn't anything that I can do to save him, but I can warn all of you that this is how far Lori has been willing to go to stop me and my boyfriend from getting her caught.  Her father would never have approved of Lori's misuse of this technology.  I still think Lori spies on her own family too.

We have to get the right people in place to take these computers from her before it is too late.

Sources tell me that Lori's father's military identification was stolen from him by his daughter in order for Lori to log into this system.  This means that he must have had to reapply for his own military id card more than once.  If you know the military, those are pretty much guarded with their lives.  If they are lost or stolen they must be reported.  I have information that says that Lori has been caught with one or more of his stolen id cards.  Taking her off this system is as easy as contacting the brain linking communications people for the military and having all permissions for Sgt. Maj. Eugene LaFond revoked.  Then we need to take a look at where those permissions were used and by whom.  Lori's father is passed, but his id is still giving Lori access to the U.S. Military's system of mind reading.  This has to be stopped.

Pres. Elect and Vice Pres Elect., Biden and Harris, I am bringing this solution to you through friends.  It's not always easy to get this information to the top people, but I know that I have many friends that can.  Look into Lori Jean LaFond as soon as need to have her stopped!!!

This system is too dangerous to be in the hands of Lori Jean LaFond...she's even said, "I can't stop myself from doing this!!!"  That alone is more than enough for me to blow the whistle, how about you?

Now usually when Lori and Missy have these kinds of problems, they plant drugs on people then call the police.  I want this to be known right here and now...if someone should find something like this at my home, in my car, at my family's home, that this girl is probably responsible.  I do not use drugs and I won't have drugs on or in me; just like all the previous arrests that came after I reported my rape in Palm Springs, California.  You see, this is how Lori deals with her "loose ends", she puts them in jail.  So if this should happen, I would like to have my attorney acknowledge that I reported it here first.  I would never sell drugs or use them again!  What I've done, was all to find out who shot at me in San Diego and the truth behind my brother in law's death.  That all led to Lori.

As proof of this, I submit that two of Lori's own cousins, Brian and Alicia Matz were both victims of drugs being planted on them since Lori LaFond was in this area.  As another point of proof I will point out that Steven Frey, after his release from prison also pointed out that someone had placed a bag of drugs in his vehicle and called the police to stop him too.  There is also the matter of the GHB left at his home that somehow was dismissed by police when it was discovered that these drugs were found outside of his home during his initial arrest.  This GHB was planted by Lori LaFond and her brother.  Where did that GHB go?

I wonder if that GHB got dismissed from the case when the case went before Commissioner Best or Cribbs or even earlier by the police officers that filed the first complaint?  It went somewhere...but Steven didn't get charged with it at sentencing.

I think that even Jeffrey Katzenberg is aware of some drugs stashed in his home or at least the threat of that being