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Friday, December 4, 2020

Can The United States Attorney's Office Contact General William R. Etnyre And See If Lori Jean LaFond Has Had Access To Brain Linking Since the 1980's?


This, everyone, is the United States Attorney, Robert S. Brewer, for the Southern District of California, San Diego, where I was once employed by the U.S. Justice Department.  While I was working there, I was stalked and eventually shot at, by a domestic terrorist group led by one Lori Jean LaFond who is using stolen military computers to stalk employees of the Justice Department and the Southern District of California bench.  We know who is behind it, and we were just wondering if this fine attorney would like to find out more about Lori Jean LaFond from the military officer that dealt with her problems on more than one occasion.  His name is General William R. Etnyre, and his son is another one of Lori's victims...

I've explained to everyone for a long time that Lori Jean LaFond, daughter of Sgt. Maj. Eugene LaFond (deceased) has had a long standing grudge against the United States Military.  She was thrown off of the Marine Corps. Base because of the problems that she cause there.  When she was moved into the town of 29 Palms her problems grew because of the tech that she had stolen that was to be returned to the military in San Diego.  Likely this brain linking system was to go back to Camp Pendleton but it just as well could have gone to Miramar where U.S. Navy pilots once used this tech for their pilots.  At any rate, before the transfer happened, Lori and Brian LaFond stole this equipment and began their own domestic terrorism cell.  Gang stalking and mind reading their way into the history books because of Lori's absolute hatred for the military.  Now this tech has spread all over the world and someone knows that Lori was always a suspect in this crime.  I would suggest that General Etnyre, who was once the base commander, knows a whole lot more about Lori than we can find out through our own means.  She's already been thrown off all military installations, but once they find out what she did in Palm Springs, they are going to want her in custody for espionage, treason, and terrorism.   Lori thinks otherwise.

Now if I was the U.S. Attorney, I would be in contact with my attorney, Lisa Damiani, to find out if I was shot in San Diego during my employment with the U.S. District Court, then I would find Jonathan Edwin William Mendenhall and his father to find out what they know about the shooting when I was a clerk of court.  They have evidence that Lori LaFond was in contact with people to have me and others stalked and eventually shot at.    Lori made phone calls and had photographs taken of Asst. U.S. Attorneys, Judges, Magistrates, Clerk's office employees...and in some cases, she even had them followed too.  This is what makes this case his business.  Stalking federal employees and shooting at one makes this Mr. Brewer's business.  Fortunately for the U.S. Attorney, the Mendenhall's are close in Del Mar and can easily be found.  Talk to Simon LeBon, he'll show you where Jonathan is.

Furthermore Jonathan can lead investigators to the website that Lori has used for forty years to stalk the people in Palm Springs that she raped and gave HIV to.  This kind of information is accessible because my boyfriend Christopher Monti and I are informants for Bryan Anderson who is also implanted and a police officer for the PSPD.  The story of my brother in law's killing is based on his implantation and mine.   Lori had a military contracted employee from 29 Palms killed, my brother in law, then she stole the insurance money he'd left for his daughters...I want this girl stopped and questioned.  ASAP!!!

I think that there could be a huge resolution to the San Diego area problem of gang stalking and the theft of military equipment if the U.S. Attorney does one General Etnyre and find out if Lori had opportunity, means, and motive....I think she's the dumbest criminal in America, but are we the dumbest citizens for not doing more to stop her?  Possibly, but you can't blame me for that, it's you.

I've dubbed all the kids that went to high school during our period as "The Elm Street Kids" for two reasons.  One, Lori has been stalking people that went to high school with her using this tech for over forty years...some military, some not.  There is no rhyme or reason to it.  She stole my father's lifetime of yearbooks from the high school he taught at and used them to target anyone that went to school there.  Second, the parents in charge of the military system that was stolen did not do enough to stop her.  So the revenge of "Freddy Krueger" aka Lori LaFond is all about the parents that kicked her off the military base and caused her problems.  Lori strongly believes in punishing the children of the parents that did her wrong.  Someone needs to stop this monster before she infects and rapes again.  This problem, like all others, has a solution, an ending.  It ends with the arrest and prosecution of Lori Jean LaFond and her psychotic drug addicted friends.

Nobody should be put through what I've been through.

Here's how ridiculous Lori is.  When you go through yearbooks and you look at senior superlatives...the "Best Looking" in the school, which includes me, Rob Etnyre, Bryan Anderson, Marc LeDrew...even Nonie Ariate and Kelly Brandon...all of which are major targets of Lori LaFond over the years.  This is how shallow Lori is.  She literally goes to yearbooks and seeks out people like this to stalk and harm.  This is her "go to" stalking pages.  I want everyone to take notice at how shallow Lori is...and how little importance any of us put on that kind of thing.  It's ridiculous what she thinks the world is like, but she's doing everything she can to hurt people that she thinks are "beautiful".  I know all these people and not one of them is like what Lori thinks...none.  Especially Rob Etnyre and myself.

Lori attends class reunions like she is stalking her prey.  She looks at yearbooks and then accosts everyone she can find.  She's gotten so notorious now that the police are contacted before groups of high schoolers from our town get together for reunions.  She's dangerous and she could get violent at them.  Then there are the teachers.  Every single person I know has had a run in with Lori over the years.  From the high school principal, asst. school super-intendant, vice principal, teachers and especially coaches.  My father may have been the first coach to have been falsely accused, but Steve Fabian, Palm Springs High School legendary coach was also defended and acquitted by my father's attorney who probably notes the same discrepancies in their cases. In both cases the student denied anything like what Lori falsely accused...there is a female that keeps contacting parents with lies.  That female is Lori LaFond.  There are three more cases like this involving Lori too.  The Duke Family, the Collins Family, and The Ortiz family that were all involved with Lori trying to convince kids to accuse parents of sexual misconduct.  All of which were lies but cost the families a fortune to defend.

This bitch is lethal...and I want her stopped.

If the U.S. Attorney would like some "ammunition" against Ms. LaFond, all he need do is take the application for restraining order that was illegally issued under a federal stay and see that Lori claims to know nothing about such technology even though we can prove otherwise.  You see, Lori is a liar, and just because she doesn't like people knowing that she is behind this doesn't mean that I've committed a criminal act by telling people it is her.  I am an informant, not her keeper.  I don't have any military secrets that I am bound to.  She implanted me at 19 and infected me with HIV the same day.  I don't have to keep her secrets...the military owes me a favor as far as I'm concerned.   I told you she's doing this and she lied to keep me quiet.  Do your job.  God, military, and family...there is no room for terrorism.

The last person on this planet that should be talking to me on this system is Lori Jean LaFond but she can't seem to stop herself.   I know it's her.  I can prove it.  I know that she's going to be very surprised at all the things she's done that the government considers terrorist threats too.  What I want all of you to understand is that I warned her not to do this, but she thinks she's GOD.  I know she isn't.

Just a little more perspective on Lori LaFond's violence and bravado:

This was the result of the rape and gay bashing in 2007.  The picture on the left appeared on a postcard in the mail in December of 2007....Lori was responsible for both.  Now she can tell people that she isn't violent, but my skull won't lie.

Missy Erickson's family, as I understand it, is also military.  So if I was the U.S. Attorney, I might be taking a look at them as well.  Their daughter is suspected of defrauding my family out of $35,000 and of helping Lori to coverup the attempted murder that you see above by stealing the MRI's you see above so that I couldn't get admitted to the hospital for treatment twice!!!  Then she followed me to Sedona, Arizona while I was working as an informant and as a victim of rape.  Missy knew these MRI's showed this kind of skull and brain damage...but she attacked again anyways.

I would also look into the deaths of Jonathan Mendenhall and his  The Peterson Funeral home has two obituaries for father and son which has caused an obstruction in my investigation.  The State of Michigan has laws against electronic harassment and this can be used in her prosecution.