Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Hey Everyone, Have You Met Our Friend Elliot? He's Super Cool and Really Good At Everything...So Proud!!!


A while back my friend Elliot pictured here, got me in touch with a girl that was working for VICE tv.  Her name was Ellen somebody...any way Elliot got me in touch with the VICE people and they eventually did a really great story on electronic harassment.  Lori intervened and I wasn't used on the show, but I did interview three or four times with them and they got some really great information.  They know that Lori LaFond is behind this crime in Palm Springs, California. 

I can hardly wait until Elliot and I get a chance to catch up.  I have a feeling he's going to be a busy guy the next few weeks.

Much love and all my respect to you El,
Kevin and Christopher