Morally Conscious

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Girl Who Thought She Was Queen: Lori LaFond's Sense of Entitlement Is All In Her Head, Not On It

One rule of thumb that I have learned throughout this investigation is that you should never believe anything that Lori LaFond tells you.  She is a pathological liar and so are her friends.  They literally lie about everything, even when they don't have to.  I doubt anyone knows Lori's real story like I do simply because I've known her for so long and have been impacted by her lies since I was about 10 years old.  This girl doesn't fib, she blatantly LIES about just about everything.  There is usually some kind of sexual sub context to her lying too.  She is always trying to manipulate someone into feeling sorry for her or to hurt someone else.  There is no off switch to her mouth, as most of us know.

"Something special" is how she describes herself, but there really isn't anything unique about a spoiled brat that thinks only of herself. 

The biggest lie of all is that this tech is somehow, "her family's business".  That's a complete and total lie.  This technology of brain computer interfacing is strictly military where Lori is concerned and it is so controversial that Lori is involved with it because she was once excommunicated from any military ties for stealing it from her father's unit on the Marine Corps base in 29 Palms.  She is definitely tied to its use on unwilling military families while I was growing up.  There is a laundry list of people that she hurt back when I was in high school, most of which have a story or two about Lori using this tech to destroy a person's relationship with their family.

Lori's theft of this technology was so suspicious that they took away all of Lori's military dependence and kicked her off all military installations for the rest of her life.  The military was so sure that Lori and her brother, Brian, were involved in the theft, that the ended their relationship with the two of them permanently.  

There are many instances of Lori using this technology against military families while we were still in high school.  Lori would sell drugs to people in military families that were implanted then spy on them.  She would then call the families and tattle on the kids that she sold drugs to.  There are a lot of kid from back then that Lori manipulated and their families allegedly met with Lori's mom and dad.  They couldn't find the computers because they were likely in Palm Springs with her brother Brian who gave Lori information about these military kids under the threat of Lori turning him in if he didn't provide her with all the dirt she needed to make mud to throw at people.

This is not, as Lori tells people, her father's invention.  She has no proprietary license for the tech as it was all purchased by the USMC back in the 1980's.  Lori likes to pretend that she is somehow entitled to use it because she is some kind of scientist whose father developed it.  In fact, her father was just as much a victim of this crime as I am.  She used it to spy on her own family members who allegedly don't trust or like her any longer.  This is the kind of person that Lori is.  She isn't entitled, she's a thief.  She's a spoiled rotten brat that can't even function without a whole support team to babysit her.  They coddle her every need.  Lori would not and could not survive without them.  Seriously, she doesn't even bathe regularly.  She doesn't clean.  She doesn't walk very well.  Basically, she is a zombie in a broken body with a mouth that never stops.

The crown that Lori wears is only inside of her head, not on top of it.  It's time people realize that Lori isn't who she pretends to be.  She's a domestic terrorist with a list of lies that will shock and surprise all the people she's talked to.  You can't trust a single word out of her mouth and if you decide to humor her, you will find out just how manipulative she is.

My best advice, tell her not to talk to you or your family.