Morally Conscious

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Monday, November 16, 2020

I Don't Believe The Hype: Lori LaFond Is Still Claiming That She And Jeffrey Katzenberg Are Friends...Do You Believe That? I Don't.


Whomever it is that Lori is trying to convince that she and Jeffrey Katzenberg are somehow "friends" or "friendly" with one another, you need to understand that Lori is lying.  Lori is just trying to cut and paste a friendship together with bits and pieces of fragmented photos that she stole from the Katzenberg family.  You know at one point her "housemates" made a play for sympathy and were allowed to be around Jeffrey but when we saw Lori's jealousy and her friends' true intentions, that all fell apart.  Lori is never allowed to be friends with Jeffrey or any of his family members.

It's against all the things that Jeffrey is like.  He's the worst germ-a-phobe in history and Lori is more infectious than any human being in the area.  There isn't any reason to put any more time or energy into the belief that Jeffrey isn't "on to" Lori and her "sisterhoods".  It's just another lie that Lori is living in her head.

This one is for Jeffrey.