Morally Conscious

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

50 and 60 Year Olds Still Lying To Their Parents? What's With Missy, Lori, Leah and David???


It's the equivalent of a "Nanny nanny boo boo, stick your head in doo doo" or a "tap tap no erasies" when it comes to the lies that Missy Erickson, David the Chickenhawk, Leah Fauntleroy and Lori Jean LaFond are telling their parents.  For years now we've all suffered because on man thought that these four had to tell their parents the truth while running a drug dealing and domestic terrorism cell.  That's not just ridiculous, it's dangerous and illegal.

We can not afford to keep granting more and more time for criminals to tell on themselves.  That's not the way this gets done.  I am very concerned that someone is still granting favors to the people that refer to him as "the mark".  It's time for Jeffrey to do something that doesn't hurt the victims and puts my family's life in danger...he needs to have Missy and friends arrested where they squat and do drugs.

Enough is enough, Benjamin and Marilyn, I've been more than patient and now I deserve the same consideration you gave to people that intended and put my life in danger.  It's time to stop the criminals and not the victims.  Stop helping these six get away with the crimes they've committed against everyone that would have sought justice.

Seriously, Jeffrey this isn't how anyone would have done this and it isn't legal!!!

IF the parents of these four idiots are as stupid as their children, and believe the lies that these girls and boys are telling them then perhaps they don't deserve to know the truth.  I suspect that they know their kids far better than Jeffrey and Marilyn.  I'll give them credit for knowing that their piece of shit children aren't capable of telling the truth unless the law gets involved.

Oh, by the way, there is NOBODY NAMED ELIZABETH LIVING WITH MISSY OR LEAH!!! That's just Lori LaFond playing games with all of you parents and using her computers to switch phone numbers to her phones.  Don't fall for all the bullshit parents, we have the right people and we know what they've done...

Jessica Christine EK (Erickson), you need to understand the kind of danger that your sister is putting my family in...and, of course, herself.  Tuberculosis in the age of COVID-19 isn't anything to play with.  I, obviously, don't like that she lies to you but she has also lied to my own sister, who, like you, doesn't like her sibling on drugs.  I've made the changes in my life to keep her in my life, but your sister seems to want to cause more problems again.  My family has already lost a family member because of Lori LaFond.  She also almost killed me too.  Could you please get her into a hospital with Leah and get them out of here!  It isn't helping to have your sister making up more lies for Lori and pretending that this scam has anything to do with the Katzenberg's working with Missy any longer.  They don't!  They won't!  She's stolen enough from my best friend Benjamin and me...somewhere around $385,000, for drugs.  Someone has to stop her.