Morally Conscious

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

If I Paid For My Life's Bingo Card, Then Why Is Lori LaFond ALWAYS Filling Up The "Free Space" Box In The Middle Of Everything! It's Not Who I Want There!


Have you ever noticed that Lori LaFond has an opinion about everything in YOUR life?  You know I'd never even considered her a part of my life until she had her brother take a shot at me in San Diego, California.  Who knew that my biggest drug problem wouldn't be my own, it would be Lori LaFond's?  I've already been sober now for 12 or 13 years, and still, the biggest drug problem that I have is how many needles Lori is shoving into her arm every single day.  It's like she's overtaken the "free space" on my life's BINGO card.  She didn't pay for the card, she isn't playing the bingo session of my life, but if anything I win comes off of that card, she feels like she has a part in it.  I don't think I like that.  I should choose who has the right to fill my free space.

Lori loves to tell everyone that she doesn't have to work for a living.  All she has to do is used these stolen military computers to steal from people who do.  That isn't working for anyone that I know and I would never have consented to letting her do that to me.

If police officers think that their kids are safe, they need only look at the case of Chris Steffy whose father is a cop but who was implanted by Lori in this area.  She's not doing anything but using him to illegally spy on drug dealers to supply her or in the alternative, to turn into the police to cur favor with them.  The fact that Chris has a police officer father did nothing to stop her.  I mean, doesn't Chief Reyes have kids?  I know Bryan Anderson does.  What makes these people think they can stop her when all of us haven't been able to?

I suggest that Lori's "free of charge" lifestyle must be brought to an end.  That means an end to Missy Erickson's free of charge lifestyle and all the tweakers that live with them.  They can't continue to live off of their victims and their families without a heavy price to pay.  We've allowed this situation to exist for far too long.  Lori is a sadist that just loves to fuck with a victim's head.  She tells you she is going to rob you, then she does, then she tells you she did it.  Where is the justice in that?

I propose that all of us stop coddling Missy and Lori...they need to answer to their communicable diseases and to the crimes they have committed against the gay community and our families.  Jeffrey needs to be held accountable for his relationship with Missy Erickson and what it cost the investigators of this crime.  No more special privileges for girls that hate homosexual men.   It's discrimination but more important than that, it is a case of domestic terrorism for which Lori thinks she is "something special".  She isn't.  She can't even recite the alphabet without singing the song and even then she can't concentrate.  Ask her simple questions and she will give you some vague answer.  Ask her specific questions then fact check and you'll see the liar in her.  She can't do anything without five other people telling her how to do it...even then...she still finds the worst path to take and walks it.

Work harder Jeffrey, our lives depend on it.