Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Can You Spot The Lori LaFond Type In This Picture? I'm Thinking You Can!


So if you are confused, obviously Lori isn't the girl that's pretty, or the other one.  She's the one that is acting all bent out of shape on the left thinking that this man has now usurped the two girls in the bar that are hanging out with the guy.  Immediately, if this was Lori, that man would be in trouble.  She would call him a "faggot", she would try to chest bump him, and eventually Lori would be thrown out of the bar for her odd behavior, but it wouldn't stop there.

Obviously the man in the picture had nothing to do with Lori being thrown out of the establishment, but in Lori's mind, he's the bad guy.  A man!  Of all things.  So Lori would then make up a story to tell her brother, Brian, who Lori calls "Junior" and she would put him on a list that she keeps right next to her needle full of meth and testosterone.  This man would likely become the next man that would get raped and implanted.  He would also get HIV without any explanation.  He would also get other STD's and though he was practicing safe sex, he could not understand how this could happen.   If you multiply this times about 900 more men, you have Lori LaFond.  The girl that thinks everyone does everything to hurt her.  The most likely conclusion is that none of the three people on the right know Lori, but she thinks if the girls met her first, they would become her best girlfriends ever...with sex too.

The truth of all of this crime is that Lori has made up 90% of all of it in her head.  Her fantasies are a mixture of mental illness and crystal meth.  Of course if she has crystal meth for sale people like Missy, Leah, Brian, David or Christian, or all five, would perpetuate her fantasy and go along with Lori.  This means that she has five major enablers that continue to help her to hurt other people.  Nobody believes Lori and her friends because they all lie to everyone for Lori.

Unfortunately for Lori, her own family members, her blood family, all know that Lori stole this technology from the military base when her father worked with it in the 1980's.  That she hasn't been caught can be attributed to the Palm Springs Police Department, fake id's,  enablers like her present roommates, and crystal meth.

Someone needs to pull this girl into an interview room and have a serious talk.  Not one of those, "I work for the police" talks, but what do you do for a living talks...and where did you get this technology from now that we know your father wasn't a scientist or a techie?  Where did it come from and why do you have it?