Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Someone Has To Protect Lori's Real Family From Lori's Craziness

I just wanted to be certain that everyone understands the blog header today.  I harbor no ill will, at all, against Lori's real family.  In fact, I fear for their lives from their own family member, Lori.  Every single time Lori Lafond has found herself in deeper trouble, she tends to go after someone in my family or hers.  I am sure that by now, Lori's mother has noticed.  I know I have.

The picture on the top of the blog is not any kind of depiction of my feelings towards the Lafond Family.  I totally don't know them, have made no effort to find them, and I know that Lori has told them lots of lies about me and my family over the years.  I'm just concerned that now that these lies have been exposed, that Lori will see them as "a problem" for her.  She tends to kill her problems with disease or with jail time.

I just want peace and tranquility for everyone that Lori has hurt in her lifetime.  No violence could ever make that happen.  So when you see the blog header, understand that it is my rendition of what Lori says to me.  I'm hoping that it will strike a chord with their family that knows she is a psycho bitch from Hell.

I wish everyone the very best...let's all stay away from Lori and not believe a word she says.  Her friends are notorious liars too.

I want a peaceful and non-violent solution to this crime.